
"Outrageous Fourtunes" (1998 EP)
1. Land of the Rising Slum 2. Sins of Emission 3. Alone in Death's Shadow 4. Spinning Jenny
1. Land of the Rising Slum
Show me a politician who's a man we can trust
And if I ever meet him then I think I'll have him stuffed
Look out of the window - see not one happy face
The only splash of colour's the graffiti 'round the place.
It's hard to even crawl
With your back up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum.
The people who are dark fear the people who are fair
And hippies live in terror of the guys who have no hair
The saddest thing of all - what I really find grim
Is we haven't yet noticed what a mess we're all in.
It's hard to even crawl
Now your back's up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum.
The "whether man" says that the outlook's not great
A few outbreaks of murder with some isolated rape
I ask my doctor his advice, this is what he says,
"Get yourself some cancer boy, before you die of aids."
It's hard to even crawl
With your back up against the wall.
I find it hard to sleep at night
I feel that the worst is yet to come
Social helter-skelter
Ride the downward spiral has begun.
Are some people just born bad
Or is it how we all become?
Human termites driven mad
In the concrete mound of the rising slum.
2. Sins of Emission
There's a beast in the cellar There since this building was made. He's lurked in the shadows From when its' foundations were laid. From my "double-helix" he taunts me His primal voice roars It mocks my humanity Turning the key in locked doors. Sins of emission - an animal trapped in a civilised mind Sins of emission - my formal facade for the deaf, dumb and blind. Sins of emission - spilling my seed now the harvest is sown Sins of emission - come feast on a banquet of blood, flesh and bone. Though we try to deny This primordial drive in us all We will cease to exist When we no longer heed nature's call. I'm a puppet of lust and my instincts are pulling the strings No, love's not an angel - it's merely a monkey with wings. Sins of emission - enticing and thrilling Sins of emission - the flesh is so willing Sins of emission - down under my skin Sins of emission - we're all "in like Flynn." Temptation's the one thing we'll never resist It flirts like a maiden that yearns to be kissed Is throwing the cradle to hells raging fires More sinful than nursing unacted desires? Hold tightly the reins Of your bestial instinct to breed He's an unwelcome guest In the "house-trained" existence you lead How long can you muzzle this wild brute creation of yours? You can't quarantine the primeval with walls, bars and doors. Sins of emission - an animal trapped in a civilised mind Sins of emission - my formal facade for the deaf, dumb and blind. Sins of emission - spilling my seed now the harvest is sown Sins of emission - come feast on a banquet of blood, flesh and bone.
3. Alone in Death's Shadow
Carnal gladiators lie restless awaiting the dawn Slaves to their passion - so eager its will to perform They wrestle the "Double Backed Beast" face their foe hand to hand The arena was life but alone in deaths shadow they stand. You brand the social leper - then spare no second thought Too scared to give this kiss of life - "Come rise my son and walk." On these streets of damnation the destitute huddle once more Can we pass them by just like all who have been there before? Are you so cold and heartless you can feel no shame That we allow a human life to become a death in vein. A fear that's bred of ignorance perpetuates the lie Well there but for the mercy and the grace of God go I. Prisoners in a sterile vacuum - hearts that feel but dare not touch The freak show in this callous circus - on parade so all may look Those who gaze upon the outcasts to taste how bitter life can be Can't comprehend the pain you feel - their blinkered eyes will never see.
4. Spinning Jenny
She came down from the Western Hills when we were not prepared I turned deaf ears to words of warning now I'm running scared. Casting caution to the wind now that the cat's away I say my grace - fill my face (then for forgiveness pray). God knows I was an honest man - the same as any other Who loved his wife - worked all his life to keep his family Until the 'beast' that never sleeps beneath my silken covers Reared its head and bit its thumb at my morality. [Chorus:] Her passion for passion - it will devour Cruel are the thorns of this delicate flower Her lust for lust - it will consume A siren song summons all men to their doom. She whispered of her innocence - (a plea I must contest) While baptising helpless sinners with a missionary zest She will exorcise your demons - then exercise your thighs Await your 'second-coming' with a hunger in her eyes. Her sweetmeats are the souls of men - she'll gorge herself to bursting And for yours her heart is thirsting - as a spider craves a fly No mortal man could ever hope to suit her as a suitor She'll rewrite the Kama Sutra if you'd care to watch her try. [Repeat Chorus] I reach for heaven - desire drags me down When fools choose their king I'll be heir to that crown A strange kind of madness I cannot condone If you are without sin come cast the first stone.