
"Swords" (2005 EP)
1. Death to the False 2. The Time of the Sword Rulers 3. The Coming of Chaos 4. Heavy Metal Sacrifice 5. The Wrath of Odin's Sons
1. Death to the False
Death to the False
(Jason Conde-Houston, Robbie Houston)
War is Declared, Death to the False
When we Unite, our enemies Fall
We rise from the grave we raise our blades
We sing our songs of glory
Of when we had power, of when we were kings
We'll live throughout history
Fighting our foes with divine heavy metal
Hear our songs and die
A hero must come and lead us to glory
We are your army the champion of stel, Skelator
I came to proclaim against your reign
Your judgement day is nearing
With jeans and leather, broadswords and shields
We're what you've all been fearing
Fighting our foes with divine heavy metal
Hear our songs and die
You defy heavy metal, you defy the decree
We'll fight you till death and have our final victory
Kill, Kill, Kill the False
Kill for the Metal Gods
Kill, Kill, Kill the False
Kill for Skelator
Brothers and Sisters now raise your arms
We're riding into battle
They'll never destroy us for we'll never fail
The World is ours to conquer
2. The Time of the Sword Rulers
The Time of the Sword Rulers
(Jason Conde-Houston, Michael Moorecock)
For centuries there has been no war
The Nadragh and the Vadhagh,
All though they’ve despised each other
For millennnia, have been at peace
But what of the mabden people, Slaves of Fear
Superstitios primitives who lurk
In the mountains and
And Pray to the Dog and the Bear.
What does fate have in store for them?
The time for the elder races was ending soon
For now the balance was thwarted and
Chaos rules all 15 planes of the universe
The Knight the Queen and the Kings of Swords
Highest lords of Chaos now control our destinies
3. The Coming of Chaos
The Coming of Chaos
(Jason Conde-Houston)
Castle Erorn has been raised
The Vadhagh folk are dead
The Mabden gloat in victory
It’s a raping and killing spree
Corum the last of his people
Tortured and left for dead
Glandyth Krae I will have my vengeance
I will seal your doom
Beware the Tide of Fear
The Vadhagh sheds his tears
Corum raise your arms and fight
The Coming of Chaos
Granted by sorcery
Corum recieves his gifts
The hand of Kwyll the eye of Rhynn
Relics of the Dead gods
He summons the dead from the nether realm
He wields his sword of steel
Lords of Chaos beware
The Prince in the Scarlet robe
I saw my people
Raped, lynched and killed
Glandyth Krae
My vengeance will be fulfilled
Lords of Law
Let me be your messenger, let me be your blade
I will fight till death, or put the mabden in their graves
Lords of Chaos
Beware my power, beware my strength
The Knight, The Queen and the King of Swords
Swords, Swords, SWORDS!!!!
The Final battle here
The Chaos banner soars
Barbarians and demi-gods
Behold the Chaos horde
Eldren warriors in their skyships
Lay magic missles on the enemy
Lords of law we call upon thee
Screaming our war cry!!!
Beware the Tide of Fear
The Vadhagh sheds his tears
Corum raise your arms and fight
Ride to victory, Death to Entropy
Corum raise your arms and fight
The Coming of Chaos…
4. Heavy Metal Sacrifice
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
(Jason Conde-Houston, Robbie Houston)
Torched and blazed, final days
I have no time to live
Drank a lot, puked a lot
I’m waiting for my soul to give
Thrashed around, slammed to the ground
While the posers stand and sit
My throat’s a wrek, break my neck
I’m stuck in this fucking pit
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
It’s going on tonight
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
Heavy Metal Sacrifice
We’re putting up a fight
Raise your voice, make some noise
Scream loud and pump your fist
Ripped your shirt, now you’re hurt
So yell because we’re fucking pissed
Burst your ears, shed some tears
They’d better play on ten
Bang your head, until you’re dead
Let the insanity begin
Now at home the show goes on
We raise our flageons high
We drink tonight, we got the right
Heavy Metal will never die
I will never die
5. The Wrath of Odin's Sons
The Wrath of Odin’s Sons
(Jason Conde-Houston)
Odin, I call to the
Odin, King of Kings
My Sword is drawn I raise it high
We March at dawn we crash though the tide
We sail to Briton
We’ll kill the Christians
In the name of Odin
In the name of Odin
We are the Vikings we sail to lindesfarne
We are the Vikings we are your true sons
They took our land from the kingdom of the Norse
They will die by your hand, we will give no remorse
They corrupted our children, they killed the elders
We will pillage their temples, we will make them suffer
They will surely pay for the damage they have done
They will feel the Wrath of Odin’s Sons
“I see a ship, a ship from from the north. THE NORSEMEN ARE COMING!”
They come to us now with malice and rage
The Viking horde has us insight
Women and children run for your lives
We’ll stand here and die as we fight
Die to protect our land
Steel will meet Steel on the battle field
The fallen ones scream and they cry
Killing blood spilling the battle goes on
We raise our swords toward the sky
Now they will pay for their crimes
Surely they will pay with their LIVES!
In the name of Odin
In the name of Thor
We will kill
The Christian HORDE!
“Never before has such terror appeard in Briton
As we have now suffered from a pagan race
Nor was it thought that such inroad from the sea could be made
Behold, the church of St. Cuthbert
Spattered with the blood of priests of God
Despoiled of all it’s ornaments
I a place more venereable than all of Briton
Is given as prey, TO PAGAN PEOPLES!
Sons of Odin. Ride into the sea
Sons of Odin, In death you will be free
We are the Vikings we conquered Lindesfarne
We arre the Vikings we are your true sons
All Father Odin will be at your side
We’ll fight in his name until the day we die
We are, Warriors
We are, Conquerors
We are, Destroyers
We are, the Vikings
We are, the Viking