
"The Voidance of Man" (2005)
1. Disconnection 2. Living amongst the Ruins of a Cursed Mind 3. Slaves to a False Deity (you too shall confute) 4. Death Through Inimical Natural Order & the Insignificance of Faith 5. Midnight Revelation 6. Disconsolated; the Ongoing Fight Against Lesser Human Shits 7. Dirge/Cleansed Earth 8. To Walk the Infernal Fields
1. Disconnection
To sever feeling, no clouding by emotion,
There is nothing here now
Weakness cast out
The only way in which I can live,
Fuck all you stand for and believe,
To vomit on your hope is my only wish
To crush you, low level form of life
To feel compassion for a world
That deserves none, will spell my suicide
2. Living amongst the Ruins of a Cursed Mind
It has taken years to reach this place
Compassion once held eaten away by reality
Replaced by bitter hate for a dispicable race
Through time the destination was reached,
Inside the mind,
What feels like a different world
Knowing I am unlike others
We are all weak, some are weaker than others
Those whose lives are shaped by false hopes
In disappointment you shall die.....
Compassionate Christ, lord of the weak cunts
In rejection, my lonely quest
The great curse of mine
Not quite at one with the ruins of my mind
Knowledge of nothingness
Oblivion the burden
For when I die there will be nothing,
Memory fades into the dust
Insignificance our destiny,
My strength lies in acceptance
A curse breeds hate...
A Militaristic Oath to myself
In a fucking war against man
3. Slaves to a False Deity (you too shall confute)
You are frozen in a lifetime and a moment
I see thee, an artefact of a meaningless fucking age
An age not passed, I desire that it be
A waste of energy which crawls across
The surface of a scorned earth
It too awaits our demise, rebirth to begin
When no man shall taint the land
Our gods died in the minds of those gone by,
Nothingness is our only saviour
For when we are dead it will matter not
Your beliefs and your cunting 'god'
Will die with your mind
I laugh at your death
Your fucking wasted breath
Hope you realise the waste in the moment
Of deterioration, fear, horror, stupidity
Terrorize as you die, fucking retarded
Slave of false deity
4. Death Through Inimical Natural Order & the Insignificance of Faith
5. Midnight Revelation
The cold, dead dark, all I know
Black embraced me and I willingly accepted
A mental, physical escape
It has given me clarity, to look at them with disgust
Not one part of your world do I wish to endure,
I am cleansed in the blackness, I am fucking pure
A conceptual mind fuck
Understanding for you will lead nowhere
You will fall back deeper into your life
There you shall suffer
Mankind deserves to suffer for he grasps at false hopes
The master of self deception
With this came endurance, building from that first moment
Reflect on that time....
My longest night, filled with the pain of faithlessness
Insight unto the unlight
Nothingness at the end of nothing
I am alone
Not like cunts of ominous weak 'god' worship
You would do well to realize the insignificance
Of our kind
Could never warrant a god to look over us
We are alone and dying slow
6. Disconsolated; the Ongoing Fight Against Lesser Human Shits
7. Dirge/Cleansed Earth
Man must die
A stain upon nature's lands
And nature cleanses... we are next
We need to die
Regenerate the earth without us
Fuck humanity, we are nothing
8. To Walk the Infernal Fields
From the abode of demons
A wing of the pentagram
Comes the juice that painted
My heart and my soul
Swept in black they are
Swept in black I am
From this soul come the eyes
that will look upon your ten
Beautiful heads with delight
My heart is the one
that will tend to your flames
and make them mine
We share this spirit
My heart is yours...
I am your disciple
and therefore my own
Your weapon I will be
with the demons that possess me
We'll ride the seven sins of death
that takes me to katharsis
The sign of your horns
is my dearest vision
They impale all holy and weak
You watch me face the mirror
and see desecration
With my art I am the fist
in the face of god