
"Odhin's Call" (2006 Demo)
1. Exiled 2. Valknutr 3. Mournful Cries of Gjallar Horn
1. Exiled
Riding through the forests of ancient trees, I see.
The cold air reaches my skin, I feel.
Ships have begun to set sail, I see.
My heart grows cold if I stay here, I feel.
Down through the woods, I ran.
The aroma of fires burning, in the air.
The sight of smoke rising, into the sky.
The feeling of christian blood, on my hands.
Soaring high across the sky, where the ravens fly.
From my belt I grasp
this knife from my side.
Piercing through this book
from which tells lies.
Dragon ships sail across the sea.
Hearing the cries of the warriors.
Hailing Odin for a safe voyage
across the black dying waters.
On the hill he wanders,
watching over his children.
Deprived of our homeland, we ponder
setting sail we must find new land.
The horns of the farewell are blown
To the ships I must go.
The winds are my sorrow.
Casting warriors to a world unknown.
Walking down the pathway towards the ships
with my sword in hand
and shield abroad.
Hail Odin, God of the Northmen!
2. Valknutr
Loyal to the father in the skies.
Odhinn, hear our cries!!
Your symbol is embedded into our chests.
We are your sons of humanity.
Guide us to fullfill our destinies
across the cold blackened seas!
Sons of the Valknutr gather in the mist.
Weilding axes and our swords!
Beating our enemies with iron fists
Lightning strikes amongst the clouds
preparing us for our time has come.
Thunder sounds our call to war
for we are the sons of Odhinn and Thor!
Clouds come together way up high
showing us the great one in the sky.
Warriors of times past.
Lead us to where we will last!
Wotan - God of war
Valknutr in the sky
where the ravens fly high.
Allfather - God of all that is alive
Your sign placed upon my eyes!
Allfather - God who makes us thrive
Greeting you when every warrior dies!
[Dedicated to the sons of Odhinn]
3. Mournful Cries of Gjallar Horn
Evil forces gather in the mist
Depressive sounds come from the forest
Mournful cries of the Gjaller Horn
Heimdall calls us to battle
Enemys begin to invade from Jotunheim
As we sharpen our swords
The dead shall rise
They shall join the mighty all-father
The battle for all the ages
A new world shall emerge
after the cataclysm
The gods of the old age...
Those born of noble blood
shall reign on this reborn age
Mournful cries of the Gjaller Horn
The end is near...
Death is one thing you cannot escape
When your time is up
There is no turning back
You shall fall to your doom!!