
"Mountainstorm" (1999 Demo)
1. Mountainstorm 2. Conquer of the mighty crown of darkness 3. Ondskapens ring 4. World beyond time
1. Mountainstorm
2. Conquer of the mighty crown of darkness
The Darkforces lay hidden
Beneath the Norwegian ground
And when the winter has layed
It`s cold Shroud across the lands
They awake and rise
To continue their quest on earth
To conquer the crown of darkness
And torture those of the light
In the sky they saw a sign
A christian spirit hovered around
Carrying the majestic crown of evil
The spirit fell and the dark one ownes the crown
Since the early dawn of time
When the christians came to ruin our land
Have they always wanted
To destroy the crown of darkness
Now they are forever haunted
Until they all fall on the ground
With their hands covered with blood
And their eyes crying for mercy
3. Ondskapens ring
Mørke skyer omfavner meg
Tåken driver forbi
I ravnsvart natt er jeg fortapt
Dømt til et evig liv i sorg
Himmelen er holdt i vinterens kalde grep
Alt liv skal svartne
Når helheims horde kommer
De kristne skal ikke herske
De onde makter skal regjere
For all tid
Fra mørkets sorte gap stiger herren opp
På sin høye trone skal han sitte
I endeløst mørke skal han råde
Over alle sorte sjeler
Engler fra himmelen faller
Ondskapens ring er sluttet
4. World beyond time
Blaze in the sky
Corpses ahead lie
Death all around
To reincarnate on holy ground
Time cease to exist
In lands covered by mist
Impurity of the flesh
And blood eternal fresh
A world beyond sanity
Free from holy vanity
Despair and fear prevails
As beeings shout their hails
Kingdom of nocturnal lust
Where holy power is only dust
Raging tyrants is at hand
Teares, forgotten in this land
Time cease to exist
In lands covered by mist
Impurity of the flesh
And blood eternal fresh