
"Mourning In The Night" (2004 Demo)
1. Mourning Of The Gray Stars For Your Blackest Moon (Mim Cover) 2. Lost Hope Of Moon For Shine 3. Engraving On The Black Stone 4. Darkening Forest Of Wisdoms 5. Sounds Of Marching Mournful Legion (Tribute To Summoning) 6. Daylight Without Sunshine 7. Black Mass Of The Dried Branches 8. We're Just A Moment In Dark Ages (Tribute To Anathema) 9. Burning To Dust Of All Black Trees 10. From Shadows To The King Of Lights 11. And The All Lights Will Be End 12. Dead Wish In The Darkness 13. Romanticization Of The Dying Brain 14. In The Depths Of This Night Heart 15. Dark Eternal Without Shining 16. In The Center Of The Darkness 17. We Are Darkness In The Abyss 18. Dark Funeral Without Any Tears 19. Silence And Sorrow With Endless Griefs 20. Nocturnal Griefs In The Heart Of Avinar 21. Funeral Of Moon In The Lands Of Forest 22. Goodbye moonlight of our Back Desires for shine (Avinar cover)
1. Mourning Of The Gray Stars For Your Blackest Moon (Mim Cover)
2. Lost Hope Of Moon For Shine
3. Engraving On The Black Stone
4. Darkening Forest Of Wisdoms
In the horizon's solitude
As you can see broken woods of ourselves
You remember our roots
Blackest roots of our growing
The silence comes to you, in time
And you're seeing thy sky
With a silent lightning
Silence and burning
Of our blackest forest
Burning of our primordial trees
And the burning of our horizon's woods
Do not tearing
Do not sad
Cause this is new wisdom of their horizon
Their forest trees are longer
And their shadows are white
They are growing everytime
And we are in the depths of our wisdoms graveyard
Your ancient better wisdom is in your grave
In this time
The burial of your horizon
Darkening of our burning forests
Blowing the winds of your screams
But they'll never hear, never feel
Never compassion for your rotting ages
Everywhere of this frozen graveyard
You can see the wisdoms like your wisdom
Dead horizons, better than another
You can see just, my closed eyes, in time
Cause I don't want to seeing this black ruining
And I'm standing beside your grave
Just a minute
And after this,
I come in my darken main road of my wisdom...
5. Sounds Of Marching Mournful Legion (Tribute To Summoning)
6. Daylight Without Sunshine
7. Black Mass Of The Dried Branches
In a coldest night, beyond the darkness
As cold winds are caressing our symbols
Our goddess is tearing in our forest of doom
Moonlight was dead many years ago
And the stars are marching to this mass
Here is darken place
This is knack of sunlight
The sun can't shine for this place
Fhis place was glade
Full of longer trees
Full of moonlight and sunlight
Full of laugh
Without any tear
But now here is curse
Here is darkness
Full of tears
Full of cries
And full of blackness hearts
This is obscurantism
This is true
Cause this is taken from ancient saids
I rise in this black mass
And I walk into the darkness forest
And I tearing
But my sound is feeble
Dried branches of our immortal black trees
And the voices of darkness are playing melodious black metal
For me
But they never hear
They never hear my cry
I die
They never feel
8. We're Just A Moment In Dark Ages (Tribute To Anathema)
9. Burning To Dust Of All Black Trees
10. From Shadows To The King Of Lights
We are rising from this magical night
We are rising from obscures griefs of this night
And I am blackshine of our moon's shine
Our gray moon
Our fading moon
Our darken moon
I am sadness of this funeral
Funeral of all stars
As we are marching on this black sky
We can't shine for your eyes
Cause our lights are in the abyss of night
Can you to analyze this ruining?
When the beauty and the goddess of our sorrow
Is in the black forest
And anyone can't to see our symbol (=goddess)
As the angels of the dark be tired from this darkness,
We are rotting in this doom
But I don't want to shine
Cause I'll feel the fear
Shadows are better than the all lights
Cause they know my words
I can't to take a feeble light
I can't, never...
11. And The All Lights Will Be End
If you see the sky carefully
From your blackroom windows
You can see darkness
Sun is black, moon is dark
And the stars are dead
And the candle is burning, beside your bed
But this will be end
So, seek for another candle
But you never find
Cause all candles are frozen.
From all lights in this world
You have cigar light
So smoke and injoy
But this will be end
And now go to bed
And sleep
In this time you see beauty dream
You see black sky with many shining stars
With radiant moon
This is just a dream
A beauty dream
But this will be end
12. Dead Wish In The Darkness
Del ze tAriki be joud e man shekAyat kard o goft:
Man nadidam joz siAhi rang e digar dar khodam
Joud e man az roy e nAchari javAb e ou dAd:
Del to mordi rang e morde tireh ast o bish nist
Del beh ArAmi neshast o naleie ham sar nadad
Chon keh dar batn e vojoud e khod degar Ahi nadAsht
Man dar in vAdi beh khod goftam ke del mord o beraft
MAndanat dar injA joz geryehA soudi nist
Dar varAye tiregihA marge khod rA didam
Dast bar dAmAn e ou hamcho yatim andAkhtam
Gerye o shivan, faghan o Ah kardam man bar ou
Bi khabar az inkeh marg e man dar Anja mordeh ast
13. Romanticization Of The Dying Brain
14. In The Depths Of This Night Heart
In the depths of this night heart
You can see dark notes of the salvation
In the black dreams of the blind man
You can play black notes in thy garden
As night griefs are rulling
Are rulling on night shades
Tears of the shades for their darkening
This is night heart
This is mirror of they hearts
Into the glades of my crimson night
Can you see any green color?
Can you see...?
So Say to they: shut up, now
Cause I haven't any color of this life
And I haven't green of my glades
Through night, realy darkness
In my heart of my night
Where is the moon?
Where is shining?
Heh, this is crimson desire.
This is black doom of my night heart
15. Dark Eternal Without Shining
16. In The Center Of The Darkness
17. We Are Darkness In The Abyss
We are the winds in our forest
You can hear just our sounds
But our sounds has woebegone
You can feel our cold figures
We are dust of our longer trees
Our longer trees before burning
Before as they feel the lands of this black forest full of thorns
We are the black mist of thy moon
We had to embracing moon's griefs, everytime
But if you see thy gray moon
You can feel our griefs
In the lands of darkness
Darkest lands of this darken moon...
We are wish
Dead wish of this light
But we are on the all lights...
Because, we are darkness...
18. Dark Funeral Without Any Tears
19. Silence And Sorrow With Endless Griefs
20. Nocturnal Griefs In The Heart Of Avinar
See Thy gray moon supreme ruler
Is dying in the sky
Tharsh it your faith under your feet
Let's go funeral
Summon the winds of our griefs
From the darkest forest
Tear it for dying ritual
Ritual of our moon
Hear it symphonies of darkness
Compassion for your rot
Deepest shadows of this darkness
Are darkening our souls
Painful griefs of this black rotting
Are punishmenting we
Longest path of this ritual
Full of nocturnal griefs
21. Funeral Of Moon In The Lands Of Forest
22. Goodbye moonlight of our Back Desires for shine (Avinar cover)