
"Seppuka" (2000)
1. pigintro 2. the game 3. break point 4. true lies 5. self lovers 6. don't blame me 7. tough reality 8. i'm loosing my mind 9. genocide 10. i'm the time 11. suicide
1. pigintro
2. the game
The game
Every morning is the same
and you still paying this game
there is no point make any plans
you have to survive another day
They say don´t worry it´s getting better
but you don´t belive them anymore
how much more can you take
you fell you need brake
Fat assholes sitting in leather chairs
don´t have problems with their bills
and saying words you don´t understand
you think you must make your stand
Every evening when you go to bed
you hope tomorrow is gonna be better
but morning is the same
and you still playing their game
3. break point
Break point
The sun is breaking through the mist
some people in the street are waking up
slowly lifting their weak body´s
abstention is waking their brains
The only moment that chnge their lives
is a thn needle with a white powder
everything is loosing it´s sens
now comes depression, sadness and fear
runninf your race against your will
the feelings are stronger than you
break point comes at once
your enemy narcotic is loughning at you
young but with an old face
you will be somewhere in remembrance
now is to late to be sorry
ykou will be a prisoner of your body
The sweet dreams became bitter
the world of hope is lost forever
you will never leave the train
the death ticket colector will cancel the ticket
4. true lies
True lies
I believe what im saying
I don´t believe your lies
you never told us truth
yea, you wasted our youth
Your never kept your promeses
and never told us truth
never ending Headache
weve got nothing to loose
Livin in the age of terror
livin in the age of pain
livin in the age of anger
History has repeated again !
5. self lovers
Self lovers (selfishness)
You got it. You got it
you fucken got it fuckers
you got it. you got it you fucken got it assholes
It´s all, your fault
your screwed and fucked-up polities
All that, you fuckers
For long, now we gotta eat it
That shit, those lies
Which eternally kills us
Corruption, tunnels
you´re nothing but our death
Human hope is drowning
in selfishness and lies
you´re sentencing our faith
you´re creating bullshit history
for which we shall be proud
6. don't blame me
Don´t blame me
Yeah, i´m proud of myself
and I always ger what i want
I don´t need advices from anyone
because I always get what i want
I aint got time to fulal my promises
I´ve got enough prolems on my own
you need a hend? How much do I get?
You aint got money? Well, I aint got the time!
Why do they care of my past
I fought for my place on the earth
And wasted my time when I lesten to your bullshit
Well, I don´t give fuck about this country
They say i fucked up everything
but I don´t do that, tof sure
and beleve me, there is no cure
for that shit around me, I think
7. tough reality
Though reality
All this fucken human, anvy and money
this is the real face of truth
fucken robbery´s and killing´s
this is the real gace of our times
Nobody never hear anything
nobody never see anything
people who don´t care
people who don´t wanna care
How much blood we have got to waste
How many killers are on the run
and how many innocent people have to be killed
when we finally understand
Our laws is made by idiots
and we can´t control it
every day we´re playing
some day things might chance
8. i'm loosing my mind
I´m loosing my mind
Once again I´m playing cards with devil
and probably i lost my mind
once again I´m playing cards with devil
and listen man, I guess I´m blind
Never before I felt such a pain
and I didn´t know where to go
yeah, I know is happening again
I´m playing cards with devil
I never knew what world I live in
and I never knew there is such evil
but maybe I have chance to get through
and once again I´m playing cards with a devil
I´ m loosing my mind!
9. genocide
Cold war between nations
haiitress powerfull against the weak
and failure of the brains
og all this powerfull fuckers
thoughs og this empty rains
now to rule the world
and they are still planning
how to kill the nations
Genocide – Killing the nations
Genocide – Is just the pain and death
who gave them right
who gave them right to kill
who gave them right
to kill woman and children
let´s do something
while we still can
let´s get rid of them
we still have got the time
10. i'm the time
I´m the time
You can´t see me
and you can´t feel me
I never make any promises
because I´m the time
Since world have appeared
I´m still with you
yea, second by second
everyone gettings older
As timem go by you getting older
there is no difference
between me and you
Now you know me
take my advice
life is not a paradise
and it is worth to be alive
11. suicide