
"Spread The Germs…Over the Human Worms" (2002)
1. Enclosed 2. Alienated 3. Pedagogy For The Oppressed 4. Ever Eluding Promise 5. I Conform 6. All In The Past 7. Cerebral Crawl 8. Counterworks 9. Mass Malaise 10. Two Feet Down With The World To Go 11. Animated Capitalism 12. Spread The Germs 13. Committed 14. Distorted Mind 15. Hyperbole 16. Reaping Time Has Come 17. Protagonist 18. Safe In Numbers 19. Select 20. Structure 21. Corrupt 22. Contrive 23. Seethe 24. Fugitive 25. No Name 26. Ensorcell 27. Helpless 28. Silent Moment 29. Disconnect 30. Adamantine Star
1. Enclosed
A permissive society
Willing to ignore the prejudice
To turn a blind eye to the prevailing icons
That capture a moment
A piece of the present
So consumed to look at history
Wherein resides the origin of all deceit
2. Alienated
Isolated from having anything more than an existence
Knowing who is to blame for the circumstance
Knowing who is responsible for your plight
In the work place or at home
The individual remains an isolated unit
With no-one to turn to for assistance
Relationships are made and broken on the back of a selfish need
To fulfil an otherwise lonely existence
This is the world we all live in
As we struggle for definition
For something that defines our person
And yet by doing so we become so self-absorbed
That we forget all those around us
Who would only be too willing to provide the hand of friendship
3. Pedagogy For The Oppressed
Solidarity for you and me
Solidarity: the call for participation
Denying the adoption of a liberal ethos
Certify you right to be part of a collective
To educate for better conditions
4. Ever Eluding Promise
Struggling for a sense of quality
Aiming for the unattainable
Trying to realise a dream
And yet the one constant is despair
5. I Conform
Shape the form, discard the guise
Become the self before your eyes
As we passively observe our destruction
We become distracted by the scene
A world of white men dictating our fate
Whatever choice we make
We will always conform
6. All In The Past
Old topics regarded as outmoded
A time of different values and focus
A time of critiquing the system and its adherents
The past always has a way of creeping up on you when you least expect it
7. Cerebral Crawl
Trying to sort yourself out
Dealing with what's in your head
Lacking the courage to step out and help others
8. Counterworks
A safe haven to abuse
An innocent people participate
Experimented upon
They unknowingly become
Test vessels for eugenic data
No-one hears their cry
There is no justification
None whatsoever
9. Mass Malaise
The cry echoes across the nations
Justice for all
But who decides what justice is?
Who cares to contemplate why we trust?
Who knows what we really think?
Left with the problem and no solution
We remain safe by relying on what we think we know
10. Two Feet Down With The World To Go
Consolidating business interests
The new age of profit begins
No more sensitivity to world economic equality
It may be the same tune but the volume is getting so much louder
Pharmaceuticals shore up their monopoly
Designated environmental areas become oil fields
Whilst the water contains higher levels of arsenic
America is killing itself
And Bush has his two feet down with the world to go
11. Animated Capitalism
The products of today bought and sold
On the back of what they offer: an improved life
New and improved friends
And all because we are so unhappy with our lives
We animate that which should not exist
12. Spread The Germs
The system of marginal rule
Dictatorial state of inbred parasites
This is our future
Denied an existence
13. Committed
Committed to the task
Committed to a political agenda
A dye cast in stone
A stereotype that enables all of us to be labelled
Packaged and bagged
14. Distorted Mind
Fleeing from something so much worse than we can imagine
Distorted mind
But society does not assign value to anything unless it can extract a profit
15. Hyperbole
Selling the ideology
Offering the hand of reconciliation
The sound bytes are convincing
And yet the objective is subjugation
Not equal integration
16. Reaping Time Has Come
So arrogant that it was impossible to accept the fate of a capitalist icon
Legitimate targets for destruction depends upon the perpetrator
What one calls collateral damage the other calls terrorism,
And so the world goes round in endless cycles of contradiction
A reaping we shall go
For the reaping time has come
17. Protagonist
Time to confront
Time to challenge
Protagonist: you preconceptions (assumptions, presuppositions)
Time for release
To express your frustration
This is no illusion
No idle fantasy
To have a world of no heroes
To have a world with no masters
18. Safe In Numbers
Collective identities
Collective representation
It's so late to be a member of a group
And yet so dangerous to forget who you are
To integrate singularity and dividual notions of self
Defies the convenience of reductionist values
19. Select
Select the truth, destroy the lie
The racist slur of white design
Dichotomy of black and white
Distinctions made without a fight
Ignorance breeds contempt
Contempt breeds a new dawn
20. Structure
Seemingly bound to the structure
Seemingly tied to the ethos of a corrupt society
We partake in the holy grail
The consumerism of new age
The age of increasing exploitation
The age of innocence where the blind lead the blind
But look further into alternative methods
The alternative schemata playing at a different pace
21. Corrupt
Break down the door
Take a weapon of simple design
You're corrupt
You're corrupted
Put the gun against their heads
Pull the trigger and they're dead
Good riddance
22. Contrive
It feels like a knife in my back
This nonchalant attitude towards everything
Where is the action?
Where is the sacrifice?
23. Seethe
Seethe with hate
A cathartic experience
One that allays pain while crystallising the focus
Of what you believe is wrong and right
Casting the black man as fundamentally backwards
Belonging to the other domain
We shall admonish
24. Fugitive
You have nothing to say
Just want to hide away
The ideology you've kept
Results in you being so out of step
Entertainment doesn't fool me
Politics is of import
Not just mindless fun
No sense of what's to come
Stand on your own two feet
25. No Name
It's about morality
Who is right and who is wrong
But morality comes with money
Morality comes with Christ
Disrespect for local custom
Disrespect for individuality
26. Ensorcell
The only way to comprehend methods of discernment
Is to integrate oneself
Change your outward appearance
Adopt the turncoat nature of the trickster
Successfully exact the full store of knowledge and destroy from within
27. Helpless
There is no hope
There is no future
No-one cares anymore
Day-tripper mentality prevails
You're as helpless as you want to be
28. Silent Moment
Thing and ponder upon our position
As much as we would like to be
Associated with radical sentiments
29. Disconnect
Disconnect oneself from the censorship of current affairs
Look for information about what is happening further afield
Understand that we must attempt to go and help
We must travel
We must learn not through selective communication
But through real life experience
30. Adamantine Star