
"Nonsense War" (1993 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Holy Demagogy 3. Nonsense War 4. Killer 5. Raped 6. Conscience 7. Evil Death 8. Wasteful Fate
1. Intro
2. Holy Demagogy
In a holy church there's a sacred cross,
many people kneel to it
in prayers - they're begging the god
to bring the salvation.
Bring graceful gifts to the churchmanship
to their greedy month.
The Decalogue is given to their believers
as a good pattern.
The holy demagogy goes on
as a monster with millions of talons
with you can' t withstand.
Why should I trust them,
it's nothing but a trick.
All the abstentions, repetance
and the celibacy is a pure cover - up,
" He, captivated by Jesus blood,
doesn't know what he says.
And nobody objects it. "
In the holy church there's the sacred cross,
believers kneeling under it in prayers,
begging the venerated god for forgivness.
The priest preaches to his submisive sheep,
he, captivated by Jesus blood,
doesn't know what he says.
And nobody object it.
3. Nonsense War
The battle is forthcoming,
the troops are crossing their arms.
Split skulls and heads are falling down.
Kill, otherwise you'l1 be killed.
Blood and traces of brain
are there on the armours.
The life disappears under the hooves of horses.
Kill, kill, kill, otherwise you'11 be killed.
Nonsense war.
You don't want to undergo useless death,
why do you kill each other ?
Nonsense war.
Nonsense war, many dead bodies,
you must kill no more.
Kill no more.
4. Killer
He feels the anxietly in his soul,
his time came again.
He's looking for another way in vain,
he must kill again.
He doesn't know the reason why he kills,
he doesn't want to.
On other side he has to see blood.
He approaches to his victim and shoots
the brain out his head to the wall.
He doesn't know the reason why he kills,
he doesn't want to.
On other side he has to see blood.
He realises what he has done,
scruples doesn't leave him sleep
and he knows too he must bring it
to an end before the calling of death will win.
5. Raped
He used to rape her in her early youth
when his bad night came.
She escapes - from his desire,
she escapes with her eyes full of fear.
She escapes - and she knows for sure he'11 come,
she can't doesn't want to live anymore.
She's familiar with the fear,
being closed always at home,
she must let him make it and smoke it,
she must let him make it as she's his daughter,
she can't, doesn't want to live anymore.
Crazy for ages, crazy for ages.
She drew her tights even more apart,
his hot sperm is damping her face.
The knife has is power.
He's looking into her eyes with horror,
she's bathing in blood, free, she's free.
Crazy for ages.
She's bleeding more and more,
she's happy drying her face as she escapes the damnation,
she's got rid of fear for ever and now can live in peace,
but she remains mad.
6. Conscience
7. Evil Death
Heat in eyes, becoming strong pulse and in head is empty.
Day is without name when you don't know what is what.
You always hear sighs from your body only.
The day is coming already the last day
and the death is doing round above the head.
The tree hacked in stake is your fate
and the body almost half earth purgatory.
You are dying put in the stake.
You are waiting your fate, you are dying.
Better die directly, it is impossible to give back the time.
Stick on by yourself for your cruetly.
Your body gives the sabbath to ravens
flesh they fear of it, stop of hunger.
You have a bad time further, always more,
because you have murdered.
For that you will end your life on a stake,
because you murdered, you are not man,
you are not already man.
The day is coming already the last day
and the death is going round above the head.
The tree hacked in stake is your fate
and the body almost half earth purgatory.
You are dying put in the stake.
You are not men, you are not already man.
8. Wasteful Fate