
"Saxot" (2001)
1. Welcome to Another World 2. Roots of Time 3. Misguided Promise 4. Battle of Wittekind 5. Vicious Circle 6. Hic Nulla Pax 7. Fire of Retaliation 8. Siegfried (R. Wagner) 9. Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield)
1. Welcome to Another World
2. Roots of Time
Close your eyes
Let yourself be
carried back
to the times long past
I`am fast asleep
Under the old ash
Suddenly I felt it
The old tree comes to life
The ash takes hold of me
Without resistance
The roots entwine me
A leap into uncertenty
Now I`am seeing
A beautiful place
The first green of spring
And the old ash is young
I stand up
look around me
I`m in another time
My memory
Doesn`t reach
I fly away
in another time
Roots of old trees
Cast a spell over you
You can experience
An unknown time
Much happens, time passes
But there is always a way back
To the roots of the tree
Back to our roots
I stand up
look around me
I`m in another time
My memory
Doesn`t reach
I fly away
in another time
3. Misguided Promise
4. Battle of Wittekind
5. Vicious Circle
6. Hic Nulla Pax
7. Fire of Retaliation
8. Siegfried (R. Wagner)
9. Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield)