
"Another World" (1999 Demo)
1. Another World 2. Altered Dimensions 3. Sign of the Storm 4. Thanatophobia 5. The Shadowzone 6. Dark Seductress 7. The Fathomless Void 8. Into Rebula 9. Trapped Inside Infinity 10. Supernova
1. Another World
Instrumental track
2. Altered Dimensions
I've been here before but the paths are not the same
I've gone through a zone in time and space
And entered another how can this be?
It's so much alike my own world
Altered dimensions a strange new world
Altered dimensions must find a way home
I search for the gate that I've entered to this place
I travel through the portal in a timeless zone
Was it all a dream or was it reality?
I'll go through the passage again
Altered dimensions a strange new world
Altered dimensions must find a way home
This time it brings me to a new world
With strange creatures like winged demons
I'll soon master the gate of time and space
And be able to travel anywhere
3. Sign of the Storm
Rain falls upon me I greet the rain
I summon the storm the sky is getting dark
Clouds are turning black signs of the storm arriving
Then comes thunder and lightning turn the sky ablaze
By demonic powers I travel inside the cyclone
To far away places into new dimensions
Hurricane winds bring me to distant zones
The outer limits the journey never ends
Storm on forever let met taste the sweetness of the rain
Let the storm transform into a great cataclysm
4. Thanatophobia
I see my grave there lies my corpse
I see my tomb there stands my name
I rise above my body in the astral plain
A lifetime achievement being drained of it's essence
I fear the time when my soul leaves into the shadowzone
And my body lies in the ground
Existance is no longer but a mere memory
In the voice of the whispers of time
Queen of darkness grant me immortality
To live forever alone in misery
Queen Hecate make me immortal
Never to die I'll pay you with my soul
I see my grave there lies my corpse
I see my tomb there stands my name
I rise above my body in the astral plain
A lifetime achievement being drained of it's essence
5. The Shadowzone
The twilight hides me as I travel in the shadowzone
I have seen a million souls being torn out of their bodies
Cursed for being oblivious I must witness the pain and suffering
The extinction of a forgotten race and the horrors within
Haunted spirits swallowed in a realm invisible
To mere mortals but I have seen them all
I saw the fear in their eyes I saw the reaper take their lives
Noone can see my suffering as I dwell in eternal damnation
I have seen a million deaths and I will see millions more
The realm of ghosts unrest in the gloomy shadows
I will never cease to see the cruelty of their destiny
Hanted spirits swallowed
I will never be free I'm trapped in misery
It doesn't matter where I turn the pain in my mind will always burn
I'm trapped in the shadowzone my empire without a throne
Dwelling in misery and see more deaths to come
6. Dark Seductress
Blackened heart darkened mind
Soulless woman with a body unpure
Poisonous lips lifeless touch
Blood running cold through her veins
An empty soul inside my body
And frozen blood in my heart
Hypnotic eyes took my life away from me
I damn her eternally
Erotic desires controls my actions
Vague recollection of my past self
I'm surrounded but I'm still alone
In the darkness of my misery
7. The Fathomless Void
A dark glimpse into your eyes
Is all it takes to make me hide away into the shadows
Afraid of contact my mind is slowly fading
The memories of unhappiness never fades
Enlightened by the moonlight the bloody path of my tears
Shed through the darkened times I'm a slave under my own destiny
The alignment of the planets is still the power that controls
My own and only true love the mystery of time
Make me yours and take away the scars
That's on my soul rid me of my internal suffering
Come and become one with me an entity
Dream a dream with me and share my vision
8. Into Rebula
Obscure liquid shapes
Cosmic visions of universal power
The key of unexplored wisdom
Unlimited control of the universe
Into nebula the black hole of Nova
Into nebula enter dark nova
Follow the light follow the stream of stars
In the plains of our galaxy the voyage is my dream
Into the void I lose myself
Into the dark I throw myself
Create an illusion let my astral body
Travel into the nebula the dimension swallows me
Flying inside the crystal throughout the universe
Passing a new galaxy into another world
Abandoned land no sign of life
Cold planets unexperienced alchemy
Obsessed with a fantasy my wishes never come true
9. Trapped Inside Infinity
The blood runs from her eyes
Buried in a dream
Crying for her lost soul
Everything flows like a haze
Prismatic reflections
Of the world around
Trapped inside the crystal
In eternal loneliness
Why this persistance from humankind?
Their foolishness will destroy us all
Unknown powers are woken
Deep from within the crystal ball
Drawn into the orb exploring a strange new world
Alone in the darkness every shadow alive
Each step a nightmare in places unexplored
In this strange atmosphere the dark surroundings
Trapped for ever and ever in eternal damnation
Of cold loneliness in a timeless zone
Never aging never dying
Never aging never dying
10. Supernova
Instrumental track