
"Ten Horns - Ten Diadems" (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. Filthgrinder 2. Dominions of Satyricon 3. Forhekset 4. Night of Divine Power (Remastered) 5. Hvite Krists Død 6. Mother North 7. Supersonic Journey 8. Taakeslottet (Remastered) 9. Serpent's Rise 10. Repined Bastard Nation
1. Filthgrinder
Fitlhgrinder, no-love machine, cleaner
unknown to remorse and pity
cynical, electrical fucking murderer
What a scenery, the heavy pulsebeat of the
Unholy Alliance and the white fear
Take a look around and understand, (that) your days are numbered
the demon on the Wall and the ticking clock
closing in (on that final) grasp for air, do you still believe?
The future beast is rising and tyranny has come for 777 years
reach out for mercy, it's just a bygone anyway
Filthgrinder - practice aggression
Filthgrinder - protect the wealth of the Elite
Filthgrinder - tremble upon the ugly
Trueborn creature, twist that Firm grasp of yours
like in days of old
He can feel it, he knows they can't
to be in league with the underworld can't be mistaken
you don't believe, you know!
He chants a primitive gospel, so very hard
The mechanisms of destructive behaviour can be an artform in itself
The beast risen represents no so called dark mercy
evil knows no good, good knows no evil
but a saviour he is in all forms, but religious
a Grand engine carrying years of built up Hatred and Powers.
You know that, isn't that why I can smell your fear?
Your heart trying to rip its way through your chest
Fitlhgrinder a beastified being risen form the collective
hatred of an oppressed people.
A people representing Pride, Dignity and Honour!
2. Dominions of Satyricon
From beyond come the storms
Landscapes turn to ash before my pressured eyes
Nothingness turns to nothingness
And my imagination fades like dustclouds over
This deserted land feel to now satyricon
Wonder how stormclouds rage
And all you can feel is the cold winds of
Funeral times, timeless they are
He saw lived and died
In these dreams of demons
Wondering how he could open the gate to
Dark medieval times and bring forth to the domains
of satyricon, two great spears and a flag of dominion
And hate
Above it all creations fall
Living for the quest and the search
Dying for the key, living for the domains
Arise northern spirit and come forth under
The might of the castle satyricon
3. Forhekset
Forhekset av tidenes vind, Besatt av Nattens kolde gufs
Under ravnsvart himmel de bedriver Blodskam og hor
Med skingrende stemmer de påkaller Dypets makter
I en sirkel bundet av Grimme visjoner
Båret av dyrets Glans, Omfavnet av dødens vinger
Av det dypeste hat i det sorteste av det mørke
I en eng av torner...Nå i fullmånens besettende lys
De nagler englene til jorden med sjel og kropp
Kaos hersker over de hvite domener
Profetier blir oppfylt
Jorden står i et hav av flammer
4. Night of Divine Power (Remastered)
5. Hvite Krists Død
Evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under vår hordes hammer
Evig er krigen mot de av lyset, til de møter dødens ansikt, dødens kulde
Vinder av kulde skal komme, for å fryse kristenmanns blod
Vårt korstog har begynt og hvert skritt er en stake gjennom hvite krists
Vi brenner guds barn på bålet
Vi brenner guds hus
Tidens mørke skal dekke for solen
Perleporten skal knuses
Og hver torne i hans skalle, hver spiker i hans kropp gir liv til nye
Sjeler født under dødens mektige trone
Vi går vårt dødningtog til dødens land med de endeløse vidder
Når korsfarerne dingler og hvite krists ånd er død
Når månen skinner blek og ensom, skal lyden av en dødsmarsj bestige
nordens mektige fjell
Borte var de av guds jord, bak en mørk sky månen så rå og kald
Sungen er siste tone av en gravsang
6. Mother North
Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning ?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding
Memories...The invisible wounds
pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)
A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat...ourselves and our nature
And that is why
they all enrage me
Sometimes in the dead of the night i mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
they all come in one
Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down
7. Supersonic Journey
A rotating silvercolored plateau, drops that dance down the columns
Blue, cold and the raging starwind
glowing colors at fearful speed
indistinct pictures of prophets and visionaries in a galactic fog
in outer space on an axis
In another reality on a supersonic journey
inevitably he can see it, the lights are going out and he knows
if he just could make us understand
In the emptiness there is nothing that can draw the picture you want
just a stillborn child on hands that fumble
Raging, raging at incomprehensible pace
the colors blinding, the plateau falls in outer hell
The disclose that we had to die... We pit the hand that fed us
in outer space on an axis
In another reality on a supersonic journey
Is this what is yet to come, or a madman's reflection of the soul?
As when his heart cried out in pain when he perceived what
burdens we were to bear
8. Taakeslottet (Remastered)
9. Serpent's Rise
10. Repined Bastard Nation
Do we need another bastard nation...
another force-fed disgust
Do we need another bastard nation...
aiming at us clinically
Like an insect-swarm
towards the shapeless mouth
of a dead whore
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
arising from melted mass
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
taking invincible shape
to standing ovation
Repossessing night and her hand's godly touch
The unbearable feeling of hitting that
dark wall is a scene that must come to an end
Eartly decay in front of our eyes
Now, now it's killing for a living
No more repined bastard nation
A generous gesture to a people so blind
No more repined bastard nation
fumbling, descending, away from the light
It takes a non-poisoned creature
to withstand a monster that has grown and spawned,
a darkness, I can not tolerate
A darkness we must bury
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
the search to justify one truth
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
the greater understanding
It takes a non-poisoned creature
to defeat and destroy a monster,
that has grown and spawned
a darkness, a darkness we can not tolerate