
"Strength and Honour" (2001)
1. Raging Winter 2. A New Black Order 3. The Burning Eyes of the Werewolf 4. Strength and Honour 5. Wolves of Blood and Iron 6. Der Schwarze Orden 7. Night of Retribution
1. Raging Winter
Frozen woods holding within the wisdom
Forbidden spirit of war and our blood
Ancient battles that were fought then
Are now revived to glorify our reign
Agonizing freezing winds
Whip your christian flesh
Our heathen steel will break your bones
And leave you lying dead in the snow
Warlike songs to celebrate the horns
Are sung around our campfire before the dawn
Grant us the strength to fight
To spill the holy blood on the pagan soil
Raise the hammer, ancient gods of war
The lightnings shall strike once more
Break the cross and abolish the lies
Striking them down with steel and your raging winter
2. A New Black Order
Black Metal is War
The glare of churches burning in the night
The glow of nails and steel in the darkness
Nordic blood that boils with hatred is the knife
That slits the throat of the christian god...
Eliterian tyranny, strife for a revolution
Is the path towards the new black order
To fight for the kult is not the way of the weak
We reign with the iron fist of tyranny and the will to power...
3. The Burning Eyes of the Werewolf
Funeral darkness, clouds shadow the pale surface of the moon
Amid peals of possessed chants out from the darkness and the fog
The demon with black fur and claws as dirks is unbound
Skulks the woods in monstrous craving for blood
The burning eyes of the werewolf
The runes written in the stone
Forbidden wisdom hidden within
The signs of spells long forgotten
When the moon shines the cursed black soul is awoken
Bestial howls approach with terror in the dusk
Slowly in the silent woods the predator lurks
Old tales that forsee the beast have revived
4. Strength and Honour
Reign of tyranny, of magick and strength
Enthroned Aryan spirit the resurrection of our reich
Valour of pagan Europe
War and warrior's blood
We know that our destiny lies in the forgotten stars...
Nordic Blood.
The howling wolves in the night
The forests caress the spirit long forgotten
The time of retribution is at hand, with iron and hate
You are the iron youth that will set our minds free.
5. Wolves of Blood and Iron
Sieg Heil! The sign of our cross rises
The age of fire and retribution is upon us
Shadow resistance, the order of hate
Against the cross that has oppressed us for so long
Torching the jewish creation
Laughing on their despair when they cry
Blood shall be our guide - On the battlefield
Where the churches burn bright in the night
We are the black wolves of blood and iron
Our hunger grows with the stench of holy blood
To feel is no remorse is our natural born pride
Might is right, and to devour those who are weak
Immortal hate, a hammer that smashes the skull
The skull of the flase prophet of christian belief
Shadow resistance, the order of hate
Against the cross that has oppressed us for so long
6. Der Schwarze Orden
In the forest of broken crosses
The aryan wind has blown
The blazing torch of death's majesty
Reflected on the skull
Torching winds of war
The semite creation in ashes
The remains blown away to the past
Of the new Hyperborean order
Das Schwarze Orden
Das Zeichen der Sonne am Horizon!
And the star that lights the night
Is the eye of the one with horns
Horizon engulfed in red clouds
A thundering roar as the star of david is crushed
The slow death of degeneration
A new order of wisdom is at hand
7. Night of Retribution
The pyres burn in the distance for Satan
Barking dogs in the woods are far away
With my shield and sword worn with valour
I smell the terror of the holy in the wintry night
I stand at the fires, still my breath steams in the cold
In the light of the fullmoon I mount my horse
It's the night of retribution and christian holocaust
From the pyres their screams call our old horn's return...