
"Nail Through Head" (2005)
1. Melted Under Siege 2. Brute Force Divorce 3. Who Wind Sows 4. Nail Through Head 5. Chamber Of Remorse 6. Bow To The Thorns 7. Curse Of The Thorns 8. Bonecrusher 9. BFG
1. Melted Under Siege
Drown by fear
Hurt without blood
Panic, cold as ice
Crouched close together
Begging to the lord
Feeling the end is near
starving until death
Take the last breath
Hear the silence grow
Hear the silence...
And smell the own stench
Smell the own fear
dragged to dead
Melted under Siege
Beyond the city walls
Beyond the closed gates
The nameless evil waits
Troops of aggression
Bloodthirsty mob
Invocate the death
Sense is conquering
... Pillage and raid
... Enemy afraid
World, lost in blood
Molestate to god
Capturre the flag
Melt'em under siege!
Melted under siege
2. Brute Force Divorce
"Die in pain you fucking whore"
Conjugal bed on abattoir
Sparkling rrange of butchers knives
Brute divorce to my lovely wife
Voices whirled within my head
My hand - the knife
I stabbed her back
Her blood that sprayed like ruby rain
Through gore I wade my wife to slay
The pictures in my mind
The voices in my head
Demon possessed
Devil's reigning in my head
Tied to the bed - Starting to stab
Butcher her body
while kissing her neck
Cutting her throat - sever the head
Spilling her warm blood
and loving the dead
Force divorce
It's the only - way to find
to my Salvation
I'm cursed - I'm doomed
to take her life away
The urge is - growing stronger
I strive for liberation
She'll cry - She'll pay
I'll take her life away
[Chorus 2]:
The pictures in my mind
The voices in my head
Demon possessed
Brute force in my head
3. Who Wind Sows
My soul
My reign
Why do you try
to brreak in there
needles of a seem by truth
torment me to insanity
seeds with anger
drop a glow into my chest.
deep inside
where no pain grope
sleeps the demon
breeds this fuckin' hate
through the stench of
never a justice dwells
where the mighty
poke aggression
the mischief takes its run
through the lack of inside
the terror governs further
inside the circle of
the blood of millions flows
Who wind sows
Storm will harvest
4. Nail Through Head
Clouds cover up
The quarter where I walk
Only scare I left behind as.. mark
where I touch the ground
All life disappears
The dead inside my.. veins
I love to see you dying
I want to take your breath
I strongly grab your skull
A murderer without scruple
With a bestial instinct
I only see my victims
In their salacious fear
A simple rusty Nail
And their eyes getting wide
I force it in yourr brain
And my fad becomes so bright
To force the Nail Through Head
Nail Through Head
A lust flows through my body
And changes the warmth to cold
When I few the Corpses
with the nail in their skull
A hammer as tool
My pleasure
Of cold steel
The nail in my hand
pointed at your face
No pain you'll feel
When I start with my work
The blood - So hot
And I see - It's good
Nail Through Head
5. Chamber Of Remorse
Remeber back
to the days of light
Through veil of tears
On the place of might.
Refreshed on her blood
Relished on his pain
On their open wide eyes
I'll get my domain
forced by impatience
struggled with myself
acting on the spur of now
U will lost your live on me
My Suffer!
My Remorse!
They... stopped... me hard
Ended... my... crusade
Pronounce... me to... insane
to the chamber of remorse
Fall into cold opressions
Visions from the dead!
Praying for obliteration
Of deeds what has been done!
I'm count - down - the days
through the endless ways in pain
'till they drag me to the chair
I have dto die in chame
No desire for revenge
No beg for understanding
Now... they refreshed on mine
In the chamber of remorse
6. Bow To The Thorns
You fool - You mite
Existence goof for nothing
Caught for honour
Caught for respect
Bow - to the throns of time
You bleed - Your blood
Until the veins are dry
Be the hostage
Be the gamer
Fall into your systems place
- Bow to the thorn -
- Stay in the mud -
- Bow to the thron -
- Close your mind -
Lose your blood in shame
The chapters algorithm
The place where you will die
Was arbitary written
By foreign hand,
by foreign lives
Lose your blood in shame
The weak will stay beneath
And furtune for the rich ones
You weak will stay beneath
And fortune never fell !!!
Be the hostage
Be the gamer
And fall into your systems place
Lose your blood in shame
7. Curse Of The Thorns
At the limit of your sight.
On the narrow path you walk
You'll never realize
Wherefrom the voices laugh
Grow up ppor in spirit
Displaced from reality
In a meanly social state
Of fear and blind mistrust.
I'll be your master !!!
This is what you need
The force of my will...
Your sentence demise
I'll be your master!
Hand me you mind
Recognize the honour
To be one of my kind.
All visions seem to fail
Disturbed by unexpected.
All hope will disappear
Deranged menace to brake in.
Your lack of courage
With anger compensate
Will lead you to the masses
Will lead you to demise!
I'll be your master !!!
This is what you need
The force of my will...
Your sentence demise
I'll be your master!
Hand me you mind
Recognize the honour
To be one of my kind.
8. Bonecrusher
9. BFG