
"Chop Copper" (2001)
1. Half A Brain 2. Chop Copper 3. Peeling Off The Epidermis 4. Fat Stinking Bitch 5. More Gore, More Fun 6. Komisch Im Kopf 7. Pulled Out Tongue For My Kebap 8. Sewing Lampshades With A Scrotum And Spermatic Cords 9. Constipation Conservation 10. Sick, Sick, I'm So Sick 11. Looks Like Rancid Juice 12. Punish Me For Being Dumb 13. Fat, Splat And Dead 14. Horror City 15. Warte Nur Ein Weilchen 16. Und Die Trägt Mein Bruder Als Krawatte 17. Shit Splashing, Lavatory Smashing
1. Half A Brain
what's wrong with my brain,i really go insane,i propably could kill -
do you think i'm very ill ?
so don't you stare at me,i'm nervous can't you see,i'm very ill -
do you propably could kill ?
so fuck you if you think,I'm mad i wanna drink,brain surgery
now i think you're very ill half a brain - insane mir egal du dreck
half a brain - insane scheiss egal du arsch
just put me in this pedded cell,if you think i'm very ill
what's wrong with my brain,help me before i go insane
put me on a roof top,learning to fly
it whould propably look better to crush on the ground
2. Chop Copper
3. Peeling Off The Epidermis
4. Fat Stinking Bitch
5. More Gore, More Fun
6. Komisch Im Kopf
7. Pulled Out Tongue For My Kebap
8. Sewing Lampshades With A Scrotum And Spermatic Cords
9. Constipation Conservation
10. Sick, Sick, I'm So Sick
Try to figure out just what to do, where else can i satisfy my strange desires
Kick, kick i wanna kick your head right from your neck
Wanna smash someone to bits, gonna slash until you're dead
Wanna crush your fucking head
Medicine will help, eat all medicaments i find, puking out all i have inside
What an interesting intestinal flora so i saw off my skullpan, throw out my muddy brain i fill my head with excrements.
I think i feel better now
11. Looks Like Rancid Juice
12. Punish Me For Being Dumb
13. Fat, Splat And Dead
14. Horror City
15. Warte Nur Ein Weilchen
16. Und Die Trägt Mein Bruder Als Krawatte
17. Shit Splashing, Lavatory Smashing