
"LP" (2003)
1. what a fucking scam 2. evil dead 3. short and fast 4. oppression 5. thrash and shred 6. why can't you see 7. guess what 8. lawnmower deth 9. nuclear assault 10. fight back 11. the green 12. jeugd van vandaag 13. Skate and destroy 14. move it 15. het diertje z'n dood 16. D.I.Y. or die 17. No tears left to cry
1. what a fucking scam
we come to ruin your life to make you fucking bleed no way you are going to get out opsessed by our greed though we tell the world that we came in peace liberate these poor people for what to let them feel at ease??? so now the war is over what's your fucking plan let US companies come over what a fucking scam! we are going to rebuild your country, if you want or not earning a lot money is the stupid plot so now the war is over what's your fucking plan let US companies come over what a fucking scam!
2. evil dead
this day i didn't wake up i got kicked out of bed thirty fucking coppers and guns to my head before i knew it they had cuffed me and put me in their van never realised how this would really end... they are going to put my in the electric chair my eyes will pop out the smell of burning hair we have to set an example it is getting out of hand sorry that we wrecked your life now get on that chair!!!
3. short and fast
the music is fast and short is a show we drive to a town we play and then go rip and thrash is what we like to do cirlce pit thrashing so nice to see u!
4. oppression
5. thrash and shred
6. why can't you see
hearing the news it is all going astray shut up and work make sure you can pay all those bills piling up so high shut up and work no time to ask why why can't you why can't you see it? investing in war instead of healthcare only for the profit no need to share people watch out you better beware why can't you see it?
7. guess what
why do you steal from countries who don't have shit
is that the way you run things?
i guess that's probably it
8. lawnmower deth
i wake up it is time to work don't want to go 'cause my boss' a jerk 9 to 5 everyday hurray hurray now it's payday just buy stuff to feel good shut your mouth i'm inna consumer mood i only care about myself... myself and me... charity huh? not for me... don't care about the majority just as long as am free... just as long as i am free
9. nuclear assault
bombs are falling from the sky the innocent dying they're begging why hear the alarm planes fly through the sky explosions, the innocent die! the innocent die...
10. fight back
jezus christ what is going on? animal liberation is not wrong! we get extreme threats and the police is on our backs... stop hunting us down what goes around comes around! we will fight back!
11. the green
when i think about this world i bow my head in shame people getting exploited i think that it's insane that is why we demonstrate and have enough of the oppression wait mister billionaire here comes our aggression power for the rich oppresion for the poor we can invade their land can they come through our door???
12. jeugd van vandaag
wat loop je nou te zeiken waar is jullie alternatief concerten die wij organiseren die kosten bijna niets eetcafe's voor weinig geen winst en geen gejaag demo's en ook acties we zijn de jeugd van vandaag
13. Skate and destroy
skate and destroy everything take it back to the old school never mind the adds and zines that make today's skaters look so cool just thrash and rip banks and pipes and do not forget to thrash the hypes!!!
14. move it
listen… you bastards… leave me… the fuck alone! of course i care about your size, and really i don't want to get into fights, really fucked up that you pushed me too far, thanx again for that mental scar. move it!
15. het diertje z'n dood
het gaat allemaal om t geld te veel beesten in een hok ik vraag wat je ervan vindt je zegt…. Duh… boeien… boeren zijn de dupe daar gaat hun lieve vee mag ik jou dan wat vragen? wat doen ze er anders mee? ze schoppen ze naar t slachthuis en hun varkens worden gekookt… hun koeien door de kop geschoten en "de boer" verdiend z'n brood! ...
16. D.I.Y. or die
17. No tears left to cry