
"Horrorous State of Anatomical Decomposition" (2005)
1. Sex Mutilation (you are devoured by a penis) 2. Necrosed Genital Deformation 3. Double Anal Penetration in the Cadaver Rotting 4. Embalming the Butchered Corpses in the Hospitalar Morgue 5. Horrorous State of Anatomical Decomposition 6. Gastrointestinal Infiltration / Mucogastric Erosion 7. Sore Grotesque in the Intestine Putrefaction, Incubation of the Grub and Degeneration of the Necro-intestinal Cells 8. Goreorgasm 9. Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse Cover) 10. Ruptured in Purulence (Carcass Cover)
1. Sex Mutilation (you are devoured by a penis)
Sex Mutilation( You Are Devoured By A Penis)
Your Bleeding Guts In My Hands
Human Rotten Flesh Decomposed
Fetid Offal Of Your Visceral Interior
Your Vagina Is Rot
Womb Full Of Purulences
Anal Carnage
Quartering Alive
Rectal Incision
Devourment Of
Cerebral Tumour
Morgue Is Prepared
To Split You
Bisturi Penetrate
My Penis Too
Cirurgical Atrocities
I Make A Necrophile
Masticate Your Himen
Eat Your Genitals
Your Bleeding Guts In My Hands
Human Rotten Flesh Decomposed
Fetid Offal Of Your Visceral Interior
You Are Devoured By A Penis In A Sex Mutilation
2. Necrosed Genital Deformation
Necrosed Genital Deformation
Penial Castaration
After Sexual Relation
Bloodening Cum
And Feculent Secretions
Putrid Odour Of Pussy
Splited My Corpse
I Dont Feel My Cock
Necrosed Genital Deformation
Necrosing My Body
Rectal Collapse
Corporal Disfigurement
My Guts In Your Hands
After Painful Defecation
Quartering The Cock
Deformed, Necrosed, Genital Is Grind
3. Double Anal Penetration in the Cadaver Rotting
Double Anal Penetration In The Cadaver Rotting
Penetrating The Gore Instrument
In The Anal Ruptured Of The Cadaver
Raw With Blood And Semên
Necro Penetration In The Morgue Of Cemitery
Double Incision In Womb Full Of Purulences
Putrid Offal Of Masturbation And Gastric Juice
Orgasm Is Compeltely By Disfigurement Of Vagina
Regurgitating The Internal Visceras By Mouth
Repulsive Pelasure
Of Eat Your Rotten Flesh
Of Devou Your Vagina
Of Penetrating In Your Body
In Your Genital Erupted Cavitie
Your Menstruative Blood I Want
Suck Your Pussy
To Penetrate In Your Rectal Opened
4. Embalming the Butchered Corpses in the Hospitalar Morgue
Embalming The Butchered Corpses In The Hospitalar Morgue
Butchered Rotten Corpses In The Hospitalar Morgue
Carnage Of Human Flesh, To Feed The Cook Room
Substracting Purulent Tissues And Visceral Substances
Pulling Out The Blood Of Veins To Satisfy Me
Chainsaw Retaliation
In The Hospitalar Morgue
Preparing The Succulent Rests
For The Embalming Process
Unrecognized Anatomy
After This Grotesque Surgery
Spliting The Body
To Revel Interior Rotteness
Bowels Fullfiled With Vermins
Weak Surgeons Regurgitate
Necromantic Essence
Chainsaw Retaliation
In The Hospitalar Morgue
Preparing The Succulent Rests
For The Embalming Process
Butchered Rotten Corpses In The Hospitalar Morgue
Carnage Of Human Flesh, To Feed The Cook Room
Substracting Purulent Tissues And Visceral Substances
Pulling Out The Blood Of Veins To Satisfy Me
5. Horrorous State of Anatomical Decomposition
Horrorous State Of Anatomical Decompostion
Horrorous Abnormality
Anatomic Disfirurement
Crushed Head By Hammer
Cirurgical Process Started
Anomalies In Your Body
Being Cut To Decompose
Green Secretions Called Pus
Coming Out From Your Mouth
Cut Veins
The Blood Gush
Hospitalar State Is Complicate
Bisturi Used To Open Paunch
He stops Moving
The Death Is Diagnosed
And To The Morgue He Will Go
6. Gastrointestinal Infiltration / Mucogastric Erosion
Gastrointestinal Infiltration / Mucogastric Erosion.
Hemorrhage Massification., Rectum Evacuate.
Causes Anemia. Mucosa Destroying!!!
Gastrointestinal Erosion Causes...
Pain And Constipation!!!
Cellular Infiltration!!!..., Gastrointestinal Disproportion!!!... Tumoral Grown Up!
Carcinomorfibic Proliferation Genitals.
And Inferior Extremities!!!.
Damaged Swelling.
Its Members Remaining Just.
Skin And Bones.
Gastropancreatic Liquids Suppuration.
Eliminate Anal Track!
Mixed With Blood Clot!
Inner Dying Progression!!!.
Body Suffering Because Of Sick
Cells There Isn't, Any Solution, The Morphine Doesn't Help!!!.
Distressing Moans Of Pain And Suffering.
Constant Blood Transfusions., Degenerates Cells.
Inmunologic. System Destruction.
Carcino Corrupt!!!.
Abdominal Inflammation Disproportionate.
Causing Gas, Urethra Tract Sounds.
Channelizing Urine And Predominant Liquids!!!
Nasal Tract Draining Flegm.
Bronchus And Pulmonary Mucus!!!.
7. Sore Grotesque in the Intestine Putrefaction, Incubation of the Grub and Degeneration of the Necro-intestinal Cells
Sore Grotesque In The Intestine Putrefaction, Incubation Of The Grub And Degenaration Of The Necro Intestinal Cells
Stomachic Emanation
Caused By Virulent Infection
I Feel My Intestine Bleed
Spasmatic Convulsions
The Inflamation Found
In The Rotten Visceras
Tumour Constituited By
Fectal Residues In Mucous Membranes
Severe Intestine Pneumonia
Fermentation Begin
Surgical Depression
Purulent Secretions
Sanguine Coagulation
Interrupted Nervous System
Spasmodic Contractions
Of Internal
And Blood
By Force
8. Goreorgasm
Gore Orgasm
Meu Pênis Humidece Sua Vagina
Com Sêmen Purulento
Te Faço Gozar Pelo Útero
No Cemitério Sua Carne Podre irei Devorar
Sua Mucose Vaginal
Seu Clitóris Sujo De Sangue
Seu Hímen Na Cavidade Genital
Todos Irei Chupar
Gore Orgasm
Sangrento Orgasmo
Suas Tripas A Me Excitar
Seu Interior Visceral A Se Decompor
Vermes Em Sua Vagina
Umorgasmo Terei
Minha Ereção Já Está Completa
Você É Um Cadáver Que Me Excita
Sua Carne Fria Me Faz Ejacular
Gore Orgasm
9. Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse Cover)
10. Ruptured in Purulence (Carcass Cover)