
"The Book" (1999)
1. The Book 2. The Mystical Words of the Wise 3. The Curse - Durron 4. Why? 5. Corabeu - Part One 6. Corabeu - Part Two 7. The Birth 8. Lykorian 9. The Message of the Time 10. Remember Me! 11. Darkoutro - ...Toccata - Prestissimo Molto
1. The Book
I turn over the yellowish pages
The parchment falls apart among my fingers
The mysterious prophesy I begin to read
Shall I comprehend the message SOMEONE had sent us ?
When hours of Time come
And the Dark meets the Dark
When the Boy is blinded by sun
And the Girl turns to dust
When two Cups are filled
One is blue and other is purple
When the Old Man devoures the New - Born Child
And changes into the Flame - into the Flame….
When the midnight Hand grinds the Egg
Black Bird flies up onto the Tree
When Winds bring the Breath of Plague
And the Vulture strangles the Nightingale
And Zodiac falls into ashes
When Water starts rising up
And the Flame changes into Ice
When the Multi-arm Being appears - Being appears….
And Melek Taus sits down at her feet
When the Beauty swallows up the Ugliness
And the Pride is known as the Virtue
When the Sea Serpent wakes up
And brings the Gift to all people
Then you enter, oh , you Blind Creature,
Into the beginnings of the New Era !
2. The Mystical Words of the Wise
Blown by Time they rest at the very bottom of Ages
But they are not forgotten as it looks like.
In deep eyes of the most famous Magi
The Words sparkle - the Words of the Wise.
During the sleep like Black Butterflies they'll come flying
The old secrets they whisper to us.
The Magis Words out of the Space springing
Glowing fog - the Silver temple.
Covered with dust, bones of the old Wisemen
Sing a song of their ancient ancestors.
The Magi understand the mysterious words
They paint Signs - the parchment turns yellow.
But still we are at a deep sleep
We don't know teh Words for waking up.
The Beam of Eternity makes us sleep - why ?
The mind is alive - cold frost.
But one time the Mystical Words will come to life
(Men en dag vil de Mystiske Ordene komme til live)
wake up the Demons break the peace
(vekke Demonene bryte freden)
The Butterflies will fly away, the Knowledge will stay
The monolith of Wisdom will shine through the night
3. The Curse - Durron
Through all the endless Spaces
Like a dark track of Time
Runs the deadly Curse of Durron
Oh, hear words glowing like thousands of Suns !
You ! All you mortal and ordinary
Who don't know the secret Or' Ma Or'
And will never understand the Wisdom of the crystal star
That controls the flow of Endless Time.
You ! All you mortal and ordinary
Who cannot defy Dar'Gel
And his Power springing out of Eternity
He rules the cosmic brightness Ty'r.
All you mortal and ordinary -
Who are subject to the Laws of Emptiness
And who can't drink from the Goblet Su'r Gyn'yn
Which is the only Spring
You ! All you mortal and ordinary
Who don't want to listen to silvery tones Za'z
And who reject the Beauty and Wisdom of the Breeding Ages
You all be cursed !
Be cursed !
4. Why?
Why ?
I dance on grey skulls
Of just hipocrites !
On my shoulders I carry
The globe full of fools !
I devour my own trails
On which my homunculus hangs !
The comet shot out of my brain
Will not reach the borders of the Space !
Crowds of idiots trample down
My pregnant pituitary gland !
I weep over my Loneliness
Surrounded by my Friends !
I must laugh at the kidness
Of my mortal Enemies !
I open my Inward Mind
For the icy breath of the endless Existence !
I want to change into an icicle
Of the universal Reason !
My heart turned to stone
Together with the testicles of the Life !
Thousands of hammers hitting the anvil
Of my dark Destiny !
Why ?………Billion of Nothing……!
5. Corabeu - Part One
I look for you, Creating Power
What has become of you ?
How sad I am
Looking to the Space
Bottomless - endless,
Where are you ?
I want to be with you again
In the embrace of Stars
There I used to play
With Ráon and Xerida
My beloved brother and sister
Palaces of crystal and ruby
We built and ruined again
The Life we made up - and the Beauty
We laughed and romped together -
Oh, how sad I am
I'd like to return it all
To the ages of our Youth
Oh, Corabeu the Power, where are you ?
Where are my dreams ?
Still I see you - as if yesterday
Sister Xerida - beautiful and dear
Ráon my brother - good and proud
Shall we meet once again ?
In Cosmic Dust we'll bath
Into whirls of fiery: Comets: we'll rush….
Come back - come back - come back - come back…..
6. Corabeu - Part Two
Yes I know - our Time has come as well
But it's just illusory !
Again we'll be born out of the Beams
Of the Beams of Suns and cold Moons….
Then again the Lava of all Planets will spring out
And our Power , the Creating Power -
Corabeu - Into us will inspire its Life
Corabeu - Like myriads of Ages ago
Corabeu - And many times before
Corabeu - And we'll be here forever as we are today
Corabeu - But now I am sad
Corabeu - Where are you, oh , where ?
Corabeu - So eager for You I'm waiting
Corabeu - My Star is shining now
Tears of my pleasure are running….
So hurry up, hurry up !
The Time of Creating has come…..
7. The Birth
In the dark Vagina of the Space
Penis of the Life pulsates
Frantic Sperm hitting……
The ovaries of Black Holes.
Along the spiral of Time
Germs rush through space
Devouring deadly Wisdom
Of the icy Infinite
Emerald eyes of the Embryo
Make their way through the Cosmic Dust
Glowing heart of the Foetus
Is fed with the artery of Wisdom
I stand astride, my my feet
On ancient Planets
And the brain, brain, brain, brain mass
Of my split skull
Being penetrated / by Aeonal Wisdom
By Aeonal Wisdom of endless Ages….
I am the Fire of Life, Life / and the Breath of Death, Death
I stand alone, eternal, eternal
In the centre / of my own / existence !
Deserted by everybody / Multiple despite that
Destroyer and Creator / Creator of the Spirals
I let the extinction of Time arise
By the birth, by the birth
Of the Infinite
My Loneliness is Victory
Over the self-delusion of Happiness !
8. Lykorian
Thousands of voices use to be heard in distance
Tell tales about themselves, the Eternal Story
Carried by the Wind - it sounds all around
The shell fanfares gust…so lightly.
Mysterious Lykorian made drums sound
The storm whispers in the tops of the trees
It trembles with amazement, everything alive around
Even the Sea stayed still at the Moonlight.
Dance - be merry - the Depths of Ages
The Soul is scorched by the Flame
The Flame of beauty and Southern Winds
Emeralds of Rains run down the cheeks.
The Beam of the Birth illuminated the landscape
The chiaroscuro of tones will cares the eyes
The Messengers of the Masters will light torches
They glow like Stars - the Frost is around.
Slowly rejoicings and bustle calm down
Lykorian falls asleep - the Storm went to sleep
The Sea will wave shortly, even the shells will fall silent
And the New Space's shining all around us.
9. The Message of the Time
Carried by wind is the dust of the ruined Temples
Skulls of ancestors dead long time it covers
Above the pagan Altar an unknown song is heard
But nobody dances, just Wind, just Wind.
Stories he tells / ballads of lost times
It was Him who saw them / heard and danced with them
Made fly veils of witches / of pagan women
Rustled in beards of / mighty wizards.
The Wind…the Wind…the Wind…
In an image of Windstorm / he many things (demolished and destroyed)
In an image of Breeze / foreheads of kings (murderers he cooled)
Distributed seeds / as well as ideas and plans
Something of everything / he keeps inside though.
The Wind…the Wind…the Wind…
The Message of the Time the Wind / hides inside
Once to us he will pass it / shall we understand ?
The old legacy / old as the Time and Wind
Are we worth it ? / can we bear the Truth ?
The Wind…the Wind…the wind…
10. Remember Me!
Awakened in the nightime
I walk through death's door
Ring Satan's
The red fire burns
In my eyes
Remember me !
I control the power
Of my mind
And of my body
Awakened in the nightime
I walk through death's door
Remember me !
11. Darkoutro - ...Toccata - Prestissimo Molto
Aphor : Powerful forces, spells and mists,
Rivers overflowing their banks,
Dark strong winds and blows of plague,
Stormy oceans, bad - smelling bogs…
Dwarf-men : It's not only words,
The Symbols are eternal,
Like Life and Death.
Me : Yes - I know, I know…