
"Feijoada Acidente? - Internacional" (1995)
1. Fuck Off And Die (Chaotic Dischord) 2. Private Affair (The Saints) 3. Pure Hate (Poison Idea) 4. Servizio Militare (Eu's Arse) 5. Big Women (G.B.H.) 6. Bad Guy Reaction (Rezillos) 7. Police Story (Black Flag) 8. Spräckta Snutskallar (Shitlickers) 9. Raped Ass (Anti-Cimex) 10. Rad Tape (Circle Jerks) 11. Suspect Device (Stiff Little Fingers) 12. Mucha Policía (Eskorbuto) 13. In My Eyes (Minor Threat) 14. Aloha, Steeve Danno (Radio Birdman) 15. Kitaat on Natisisikija (Kaaos) 16. Rajaitettu Ydinsota (Rattus) 17. Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Vibrators) 18. Insight (Dead Kennedys) 19. 1983 (Inferno) 20. Catholic Boy (Dead Boys) 21. Out Of Order (Disorder)
1. Fuck Off And Die (Chaotic Dischord)
Fuck - off - and - die
Fuck off, and die
Fuck you bastard
Fuck you working class
Fuck you cunt
Fuck you religion
Fuck you police
Fuck all of you
Fuck - off - and - die
Fuck off, and die
2. Private Affair (The Saints)
3. Pure Hate (Poison Idea)
Don't get paid, shave my head
Wear a smile for those who are saved
Buried in my palms a nail
Burning in my souls a hell
Look in my heart see the pain
Look in my brain see the hate, it's pure
Lost direction sold my mind
Erase all thoughts to keep hate pure
Following the mindless driven by hate
I know whats coming and I cant wait
Look me in the eyes and I'll be gone.
4. Servizio Militare (Eu's Arse)
La vita ti sfugge
non riesci ad essere te stesso
soffri perchè non vivi
soffri perchè non ne capisci i motivi
ma la vera causa sei tu. solo tu.
devi crearti la tua vita
sei tu il tuo padrone
governati autogestisciti costruisciti
controllati analizzati
sei schiavo del potere
sei shiavo delle armi
rifiuta la servitù militare
ti obbligano ad obbedire
ti obbligano a soffrire
non essere arma omicida
al servizio dei padrono
rifiuta la servitù militare
5. Big Women (G.B.H.)
Big women, I like the size
Big women, flabby thighs.
Big women, big women
Big women... they fill my eyes
Oooh a a ah !
Here they come, walking down the street
Big and bouncy look so neat.
I like them best between the sheets
Big women give me a treat.
Skinny wenches will not do
I need a big one to see me through
I've gotta get some meat to see me through the night
In the morning I feel alright.
6. Bad Guy Reaction (Rezillos)
Out in the streets in every town
Everybody keeps movin' me down and down
From early morning 'till late at night
Nobody gonna give me no healthy jive
I'm getting that
Bad Guy Reaction
Status contraction all the time
Won't listen to me
You only try to put me down
Don't write my name on every wall
Go breaking window's or telephones
What sounds I rate what movie show
Don't classify me with no-one else
I'm getting that
Bad Guy Reaction
Status contraction all the time
Won't listen to me
You only try to put me down
Bad Guy Reaction
Status contraction all the time
Won't listen to me
You only try to put me down
Don't think I'm stupid
Don't ever try to put me down
7. Police Story (Black Flag)
This fucking city
Is run by pigs
They take the rights away
From all the kids
We're fighting a war we can't win
They hate us - we hate them
We can't win - no way
Walk down the street
I flip them off
They hit me across the head
With a billy club
We're fighting a war we can't win
They hate us - we hate them
We can't win - no way
Nothing i do, nothing i say
I tell them to go get fucked
They put me away
We're fighting a war we can't win
They hate us - we hate them
We can't win - no way
I go to court,
For my crime,
Stand in line pay bail,
I may serve time
8. Spräckta Snutskallar (Shitlickers)
9. Raped Ass (Anti-Cimex)
10. Rad Tape (Circle Jerks)
red tape
I can see can't you see?
red tape
do in to you do in to me
red tape
bureaucrasie & bourgeoisie
red tape
killing you killing me
tax this
tax that
tax this
no more red tape
I can see can't you see
red tape
do in to you do into me
red tape
washinton DC
red tape
killing you killing me
tax this
tax that
tax this
tax that
no more red tape
red tape
I can see can't you see
red tape
do in to you do in to me
red tape
washinton DC
red tape
killing you killing me
tax this
tax that
tax this
tax that
no more red tape!
11. Suspect Device (Stiff Little Fingers)
Inflammable material is planted in my head
It's a suspect device that's left 2000 dead
Their solutions are our problems
They put up the wall
On each side time and prime us
And make sure we get fuck all
They play their games of power
They mark and cut the pack
They deal us to the bottom
But what do they put back?
Don't believe them
Don't believe them
Don't be bitten twice
you gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss out
Suss suspect device
They take away our freedom
In the name of liberty
Why don't they all just clear off
Why won't they let us be
They make us feel indebted
For saving us from hell
And then they put us through it
It's time the bastards fell
Don't believe them
Don't believe them
Question everything you're told
Just take a look around you
At the bitterness and spite
Why can't we take over and try to put it right
We're a suspect device if we do what we are told
But a suspect device can score an own goal
I'm a suspect device the Army can't defuse
You're a suspect device they know they can't refuse
We're gonna blow up in their face
12. Mucha Policía (Eskorbuto)
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Un error, un error!
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Represión, represión!
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Un error, un error!
¿Quién tiene el dinero? ¿Quién?
¿Quién tiene el poder?
¿Quién tiene el futuro? ¿Quién?
¿Quién lleva la ley?
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Un error, un error!
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Represión, represión!
Mucha policía, poca diversión
¡Un error, un error!
¡Represión, un error!
13. In My Eyes (Minor Threat)
You tell me you like the taste
You just need an excuse
You tell me it calms your nerves
You just think it looks cool
You tell me you want to be different
You just change for the same
You tell le it's only natural
You just need the proof
Did you fucking get it?
It's in my eyes
And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes
You tell me that nothing matters
You're just fucking scared
You tell me that i'm better
You just hate yourself
You tell me that you like her
You just wish you did
You tell me that i make no difference
At least i'm fuckin' trying
What the fuck have you done?
It's in my eyes
And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes
14. Aloha, Steeve Danno (Radio Birdman)
McGarrett's on the line to Danno
We gotta pick up this guy
Put out an APB
Not much time to tell you why
Governor says it's top priority
Washington says so too
Tell Chin to get here fast
5-0 is on the move
Steve I want to say thank you
For all you've done for me
My night is dark and empty
When you're not on TV
There's an agent in the field
I want to have him tailed
He's been staying at the Hilton
Yeah should be staying in the gaol
He's working for the KGB
And here's his dossier
Those Reds won't be happy
Till this guy gets his way
Dark spectre of espionage
Hangs over fair Hawaii
McGarrett's one cool guy
The guilty will not go free
Steve and Danno they made the scene
The agent had done his deed
Caught with a stiff and a silenced gun
Said Book him Danno Murder One
15. Kitaat on Natisisikija (Kaaos)
16. Rajaitettu Ydinsota (Rattus)
17. Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Vibrators)
Ch: Yeah Yeah Yeah x 4
Listen honey hear what I say,
I give you my love an' then you throw it away.
Well -
Hey baby it's always the same,
You kiss my body then you kick in my brain.
Well -
Money honey that hurts,
Money honey that hurts,
Money honey your causin' me pain,
I don't know why you do it but you're doin' it again.
Well -
(Hey watch that guitar)
18. Insight (Dead Kennedys)
Who's that kid in the back of the room
Who's that kid in the back of the room
He's setting all his papers on fire
He's setting all his papers on fire
Where did he get that crazy smile
Where did he get that crazy smile
We all think he's really weird
We all think he's really weird
We never talk to him
He never looks quite right
He laughs at us
We just beat him up
What he sees escapes our sight
We never see him with the girls
We never see him with the girls
He's talking to himself again
He's talking to himself again
Why doesn't he want tons of friends
Why doesn't he want tons of friends
Says he's bored when we hang around
Says he's bored when we hang around
We're all planning our careers
We're all planning our careers
We're all planning our careers
He says we're growing old
19. 1983 (Inferno)
20. Catholic Boy (Dead Boys)
I don't wanna be no Catholic boy
I just wanna have some fun
I don't wanna be no Catholic boy
And get beat by the nuns
I don't wanna kneel, I don't wanna feel
Guilty supression
I wanna beat my meat right in the street
Dominus vobiscum
The kids are passing out in the pew
I'm looking for a hanging jew
Don't wanna be no fool
Go to no procial school
I don't wanna be no Catholic boy
I just wanna live in sin
I don't wanna be no Catholic boy
I don't wanna have to say amen
(I just can't seem to get into the habit)
21. Out Of Order (Disorder)