
"Desolated Desert" (2003 Demo)
1. My world and the empty space 2. Desolated desert
1. My world and the empty space
2. Desolated desert
Armies of stars iluminate the obscure space
Of the unknown universe.
My raised hands try to touch the magic
that discerns on this dark and cold astral night
how to imagine that magnificent and infinite trip
the stars shelter your passionate desire
and they let fall before your eyes
the ancestral shine of the ancient gods of the night
from mountain tops you believe to be invincible
you feel coldness pass you by
and ice impregnating your skin
the wind penetrates the desolated woods
and dawns moaning as they pass
you look at yourself in solitude always
your lost soul allay existence
die damn feeling of evil
crying and passion gather to see you
in the most inert state you are in
crying and passion
the perfect feeling for the creator
the thick fog takes part in the ritual
and along with her hungry wolves unties chains of anger
and they practice dances of lust
at the tune of death
the last eclipse has begun
And your crystalline eyes protect the union of two great fucking gods
While everything darkens
You fall on your knees clamoring the end of your agony
Creatures of the night accompany your eternal melancholy
A strong wind picks up and elevates your body
Its all begins tonight
Everything’s ending for you
Once more...