
"Cult of the Holy War" (1995)
1. Preludium In G 2. Man Against Time 3. When America Goes Down 4. March of the Dead 5. Hall of the Heroes 6. In the Fires of 1945 7. The Last Battalion 8. Anvil of Crom 9. Might is Right 10. Rahowa 11. God is Dead 12. The Snow Fell 13. Ode to a Dying People
1. Preludium In G
2. Man Against Time
In your heart you felt the cause of our age,
In your moment of glory at the crest of the wave,
Like a comet you burned, like a tempest you raged,
As a hero of the people you suffered to save.
As a man against time in a world so bizarre,
In the myst of tomorrow you shine like a star;
In the vision of legends and martyrs afar,
Like a prophet and soldier we know who you are.
Oh, man against time
You lived and then you fought until you died just for your kind,
Oh man against time
Oh man against time
Wherever that i go in life i swear you're on my mind,
Oh man against time, oh man . . .
Like the soul that cries forth in its hour of pain,
Like the cloud that gives life to the field with its rain;
For the hope and the legacy of a race born again,
Destiny called you to rise above men.
And up did you rise, and a hero was born,
A man that we love, and cherish, and mourn;
A legend in time, a bringer of storm,
A vanguard of promise in a world that we scorn.
Oh, man against time
You lived and then you fought until you died just for your kind,
Oh man against time oh man against time
Wherever that i go in life i swear you're on my mind,
Oh man against time, oh man . . .
And for every white man in touch with your dream;
As the nightmare unfolds and the white children scream.
You were baptized in flames, you died to defend,
In the fire that claimed you, clutching faith 'till the end.
I will hold your brave memory alive in my soul,
I will teach your proud name to all that i know,
I will live to complete the task you began,
As a worthy and righteous and noble white man.
Oh, man against time
You lived and then you fought until you died just for your kind,
Oh man against time oh man against time -
Wherever that i go in life i swear you're on my mind,
Oh man against time, oh man . . .
And if the day dawns when our people are free:
Free to rejoice, to be proud and believe;
You will be like a god unto our fair kind,
Robert mathews: the man against time.
3. When America Goes Down
When the quick and grinning fire burns our epitaph on ice,
When the mad seas breach the ramparts,
And demand we pay the price;
Will our 'twained lives split asunder?
Will our love submerge and drown?
Will we cling tight through the thunder as america goes down?
When the fungal growth that's fastened on our cities lifts and flies,
When the pioneering spirit of our forebears falls and dies;
Will we still lie curled together in our broken marriage bed?
Will our love still be forever when america is dead?
While the parasite is eating through our sweet and happy dream,
While the nightmare is descending,
And the sleeper cannot scream;
While the night is washed with creeping
In all shades of black and brown,
Will you wash my wounds by weeping
While this land of ours goes down?
When the rising god of history starts to beat the drums of doom,
When this rich and diverse culture seals its democratic tomb;
Will we march along in sorrow with a dumb, funeral tread?
Will we make love tomorrow when america is dead?
As the blood climbs through the rainbow
May i hold your heart once more?
As the color of our skin becomes our uniform of war;
Will your warmth still slide into my grip
When chaos marries dread?
Will your womb receive my worship
When our sacred land is dead?
When america goes down, my love, when the time arrives to pay,
For the malice of the piper and producer of the play
And our image on the screen is of a sad and tragic clown,
What will there be between us when america goes down?
When america goes down . . .
When america goes down . . .
When america goes down . . .
When america goes down . . .
4. March of the Dead
5. Hall of the Heroes
Our fight was a fight to the death,
We stood as our comrades fell;
Our legacy to the men of the past,
Whose great sacrifice our skalds must now tell ...
Welcome warriors, to the hall of the heroes,
Gather in victory as we stand side by side,
Welcome warriors, to the hall of the heroes,
Gather in unity, and reborn is our pride ...
Our war was a war to claim life,
For our folk we fought and bled,
Our destiny was to stand here today,
To pay tribute to the living and the dead ...
And our names shall be written in the stars,
The brave soldiers who fought in the holy war!
The glorious future shall owe its birth
To those who walked the path of darkness
So the world could be born again ...
6. In the Fires of 1945
Walk along the autumn grass, beneath a crimson sky,
Why have all the legends passed us by?
I'm almost afraid to ask the answer to the problem That spawned the simple question in my mind;
Feel the four winds -
Have they been bursting forth from battered sin? Blackness is the likeness of my soul,
Harboring the images,
A glorious vision trapped within,
Purging every hope inside my heart.
Everything worth fighting for,
And everything worth dying for,
And everything worth living for,
Shattered right before me like a scourge ...
Release my soul - let me go and find the meaning of this life,
Release my soul - let me know the truth that's taking such a toll,
Release my soul - let me go and give it one last chance at life,
Release my soul - let me go back to the time when I would be at home...
When man was still alive, when man was still alive,
Before everything had died
In the fires
In the fires
In the fires of 1945 ...
Underneath a star-lit sky, beneath a smothered dream,
Does anyone care to hear the scream?
Of a sombre morbid melody reflecting off the tides at sea,
Imagining just what might have been?
Tempting mankind's deepest dream, the greater faith in all,
Waking to the boldest primal call;
Echoing through gracious waves, the cosmic cry of pain,
Listen to the footsteps once again;
Vivid colors burst to life like a rainbow that explodes,
Fading into black and white the modern man forbodes.
Everything worth fighting for,
And everything worth dying for,
And everything worth living for,
Shattered right before me like a scourge ...
7. The Last Battalion
Carpe diem, delenda est judaica ...
Dreadful legions march with doom,
Dark force under winter moon;
Army of the righteous cause,
Legacy written in the stars.
Ashes smolder with untamed fire,
Waiting for ascension;
Onslaught rising from the mire,
Destined for redemption.
Praytell the sacred lore,
The dark side is keeping score,
The battle fought once more,
The cult of the holy war ...
Shrieking winds of forgotten souls,
Born again from unquenched coals;
Death - he rides a furious stallion,
At the fore of the last battalion ...
Winter night of feverish hate,
Epoch of confusion;
Steel crashes chaotic state,
Blood spills life infusion.
8. Anvil of Crom
Born in an age when blood and steel ruled the earth,
The riders of doom were barbarian warriors
With ruthless hearts as cold as the ice
that cracked beneath the hoofs of the beasts they rode.
They unleashed a veritable hell on earth,
Lashing out with bottomless contempt
For the over-civilized peoples
Who feared the wild world beyond the walls of their cities.
Power ruled their domain, and power lived,
And took form in the steel that they wielded;
Steel that hacked to death weaklings and cowards,
Steel that earned them the spoils of war,
Steel that proclaimed the highest law of nature:
Might is right and woe to the vanquished!
In life, the conqueror takes all!
9. Might is Right
Might was right when Caesar bled
Upon the stones of rome,
Might was right when Genghis led
His hordes over danube's foam,
And might was right when German troops
Poured down through paris way,
It's the gospel of the ancient world
And the logic of today.
Behind all kings and presidents -
All government and law,
Are army-corps and cannoneers -
To hold the world in awe.
And sword-strong races own the earth,
And ride the conqueror's car -
And liberty has never been won
Except by deeds of war.
What are the lords of hoarded gold -
The silent semite rings?
What are the plunder-patriots -
High-pontiffs, priests and kings?
What are they but bold master-minds,
Best fitted for the fray who comprehend
And vanquish by - the logic of today.
Cain's knotted club is scepter still -
The "right of man" is fraud:
Christ's ethics are for creeping things -
True manhood smiles at "god".
For might is right when empires sink
In storms of steel and flame;
And it is right when weakling breeds -
Are hunted down like game.
Then what's the use of dreaming dreams -
That "each shall get his own"?
By forceless votes of meek-eyed thralls,
Who blindly sweat and moan? no!
A curse is on their cankered brains -
Their very bones decay
Trace your fate in the iron game,
It's the logic of today.
The strong must ever rule the weak,
Is grim primordial law -
On earth's broad racial threshing floor,
The meek are beaten straw -
Then ride to power o'er foemen's necks
Let nothing bar your way:
If you are fit you'll rule and reign,
Is the logic of today.
You must prove you're right by deeds of might -
Of splendor and reknown.
If need be, march through flames of hell,
To dash opponents down - if need be,
Die on scaffold high -
In the morning's misty grey:
For "liberty or death" is still the logic of today.
Might was right when Gideon led
The "chosen" tribes of old,
And it was right when titus burnt,
Their temple roofed with gold:
And might was right from Bunker's hill,
To far Manilla bay,
By land and flood it's wrote in blood -
The gospel of today.
"Put not your trust in princes"
Is a saying old and true,
"Put not your hope in governments"
Rranslateth it anew.
All "books of law" and "golden rules"
Are fashioned to betray:
"The survival of the strongest"
Is the gospel of today.
Might was right when Carthage flames
Lit up the punic foam -
And when the naked steel of Gaul
Weighed down the spoil of Rome;
And might was right when Richmond fell -
And at Thermopylae -
It's the logic of the ancient world -
And the gospel of today.
Where pendant suns in millions swing,
Around this whirling earth,
It's might, it's force that holds the brakes,
And steers through death and birth:
Force governs all organic life,
Inspires all right and wrong.
It's nature's plan to weed-out man,
And test who are the strong.
10. Rahowa
As i march into battle, my comrades i hail,
Tonight the white race prevails -
Death by our swords to the vile, alien hordes,
Their every resistance shall fail.
They see it, it's there in our eyes,
We know it, it's time that we rise,
Not one of their numbers shall be spared;
The racial holy war has been declared . . .
By the blood of our fathers, by the seed of our sons,
By the blades of our knives, and by the bullets in our guns,
By the fire burning deep inside, the ancestral claim to land,
We shall fight the good fight 'til the end - down to the final man!
Well, i'm a heretic amongst you, a rebel on the run;
You locked me in the darkness, but i've burst into the sun -
Oh yeah, oh yeah! you'll never crush my spirit,
You'll never break my will, i keep coming on back for more -
In the racial holy war!
It's our battle cry, you're trembling in fear
'cause of this look in my eyes, rahowa!
It's the white man's call,
You can chase me to the end of the earth,
But i shall never fall, never fall,
You can chase me to the end of the earth,
But i shall never fall!
Our race is our religion, it's our reason and our creed;
No cowards linger in our ranks, no weaklings make us bleed.
Smashing unpure idols, that enslave the white man's mind,
Rid the world of the nazarene - pathetic christ not of our kind!
As i march out of battle, my comrades i hail,
Tonight the white race prevailed;
We brought death by our swords to the vile,
alien hordes, their every resistance has failed.
Now our future is secure, our sacred blood kept pure,
And by the splendor of the rising sun,
The racial holy war has been won.
11. God is Dead
Deus mortuus est! finis vevit, finis prope est negrum pascha adest!
Bow down to the statue, with your simple dreams -
Pray to go to heaven, avoid the hellish screams.
Cringe before the icons, whimper, beg for peace,
But your god ain't gonna hear you, your lord's deceased.
I pluck the beard of your christian "god",
And hack open his worm-eaten skull . . .
God is dead, god is dead, in the dark your voice is calling;
God is dead, god is dead, yahweh's temple's fallen;
God is dead, god is dead, in the dark your voice is calling;
God is dead, god is dead, from his mercy hath man fallen ...
Can't you smell the decay of his stinking, rotting corpse?
There is no higher being, there is no greater force.
Wander through the madness, you think he is the light?
Betrayal is your reward, there's only chaos on this night!
What you call christianity, i call "christ-insanity" . . .
Can't you sense destruction? see the smoldering decay?
Can't you smell the poison, that may take our breath away?
Can't you see through the lies, that a billion fools spread?
Can't you shake deception, from your manipulated head?
Is your real world so painful that you turn towards the sky?
Are you so afraid of life that you sit and wait to die?
Your love for the weak is a crime,
I indict you for treason against nature's design . . .
12. The Snow Fell
He sat in a room, in a square the color of blood;
He'd rule the whole world, if there was a way that he could -
He'd sit and he'd stare at the minarets on top of the towers,
For he was the beast, as he hatched his new plans to gain power.
And the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals;
And the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels;
And the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival;
And the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rival.
They took the old roads, that napolean had taken before.
They fought as the forces of light, against the darkness,
In a holy war . . . one day they were looking around,
At the sun shining on the cold flowers,
The next day they were freezing to death,
In the snow and the ice-cold showers . . .
Then came the deadly road back on the steppes of their retreat;
The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat.
Many people who had hailed them once, now turned and looked away.
These people now knew, that the beast was on his way . . .
You finally came back, to the borders of your fatherland,
Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand . . .
Many people who had fought and died knowing that they had to win;
Yet still it sickens my heart
To see the picture of the red flag in berlin . . .
13. Ode to a Dying People
Eyes shining bright with unspilt tears,
Thinking about all these wasted years.
Everything worth living for is gone,
Brother, i find it hard to keep fighting on.
Falling down towards the abyss,
The reaper embraces me with his kiss;
It makes me want to refuse to care,
To watch this all unfold - too much to bear.
If this is the way it ends -
If this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness
Disease encroaching on all i hold dear,
Somehow i gotta get my soul outta here.
Heart of agony, faint burning hope,
I'm finding it hard to try to cope . . .
Because liars own the world with conquering poise,
In a wasteland of meaningless noise;
We don't stand a chance with dormant pride,
The heroes of our race have already died . . .
If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends. . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .
To imagine it has all come down to this,
Apathy and suicidal bliss . . .
It's all over except for the cryin',
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion . . .
The greatest race to ever walk the earth,
Dying a slow death with insane mirth,
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed,
White man, fight the flight towards the grave . . .
If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .
If this is the way it ends - if this is the way my race ends . . .
If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness . . .
Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way,
Don't let it end this way, i can't bear to witness . . .