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One Size Fits All

"One Size Fits All" (2007)

1. World Wide Vulture
2. Motionless Torrent
3. Introducing The Dominance
4. A Child Called Shit (Two Minutes Hate)
5. The New Conciousness
6. Where Dead Children Feed The Street
7. One Size Fits All
8. Victory Mansions

1. World Wide Vulture

2. Motionless Torrent

3. Introducing The Dominance

4. A Child Called Shit (Two Minutes Hate)

5. The New Conciousness

Silent propaganda
Rhe highway to domination
Refining the sacred art of sophisticated manipulation
Conciousness = Control
This is how we brainwash
The first enemy to fight is the enemy within
The spirit of truth will set you all free
Let me now enjoy the fruits of my labour
Amused I am by their ratlike behaviour
Words of liberation you'll hear
While global slavery draws nearer

6. Where Dead Children Feed The Street

7. One Size Fits All

8. Victory Mansions


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

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