
"Gospel" (2002)
1. The Four Demons 2. Victory 3. Inquisition 4. The King Of The Slaves 5. The Holy Writing 6. The March Of Freedom 7. Pope's Last Dance 8. Ave Satanas IV 9. Gospel
1. The Four Demons
I heard a strong voice
That ordered to the four demons
To go and still their goblets
Of Satan's anger on the Earth
And then left the first
And spill his goblet
And people got a disgusting
And wicked abscess
Whom were worshiping to the God
I heard a strong voice
That ordered to the four demons
I heard a strong voice
To go and still their goblets
Of Satan's anger on the Earth
And the second demon spill his goblet
On the sea and the springs of the river
Which changed to blood
And every living person has died in it
I heard a strong voice
That ordered to the four demons
To go and still their goblets
Of Satan's anger on the Earth
And the third demon spill his goblet
On the sun
Which burned people by the fire
I heard a strong voice
That ordered to the four demons
To go and still their goblets
Of Satan's anger on the Earth
And the fourth demon spill his goblet
On the air
And then the great destroying earthquake has arised
I heard a strong voice
That ordered to the four demons
To go and still their goblets
Of Satan's anger on the Earth
2. Victory
Sign your armour
With the sign of pentagram on the chest
Raise your sword of revenge
And murder with no mercy
All around a lamentation
And cry of last Christians is heard
And suddenly the end is here
Vatican has fallen
And a new era is beginning
The marvellous life
Vatican has fallen
A new era is beginning
Life, the real life
The marvellous life
Strange silence come into being
Only clatter of our horses has been heard
We galloped the plains towards mountains
A feeling of victory could be seen at our faces
Sign your armour
With the sign of pentagram on the chest
Raise your sword of revenge
And murder with no mercy
All around a lamentation
And cry of last Christians is heard
And suddenly the end is here
Vatican has fallen
And a new era is beginning
The marvellous life
Vatican has fallen
Vatican has fallen
Vatican has fallen
Has fallen...
A new era is beginning
Life the real life
The marvellous life
Strange silence come into being
3. Inquisition
Psychical vampires
Self named masters of the world
Greedy pigs
Thieves of our freedom
Don't forget their deeds
When they murdered the innocents
When the old men and kids were dying
When an innocent mother begged
Was begging in flames for a mercy
Now the time has come
To silence their fat abdomens
Take them everything
Take them their mind an heart
Psychical vampires
Self named masters of the world
Greedy pigs
Thieves of our freedom
Don't forget their deeds
When they murdered the innocents
When the old men and kids were dying
When an innocent mother begged
Was begging in flames for a mercy
Now the time has come
To silence their fat abdomens
Take them everything
Take them their mind an heart
The punishment won't miss them
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
Kneel in front of me pope
You poor doll in hands of saint tyrants
And be prepared to die
4. The King Of The Slaves
Listen what I'm saying
In vehement anger
You poor king of the slaves
Whose hands you tied with fear
You won't drink count's blood of the earth anymore
And eat meat of the brave heroes
You thief of freedom and honour
Bastard in human body
Listen what I'm saying
In vehement anger
You poor king of the slaves
Whose hands you tied with fear
You loose!
And as well everyone that gonna be with you
I let the fire and sulphur to rain on you
And remains of your body will eat wild animals
You'll get into forgot ness
Where from is no way back
So human beings would rise again
And give birth to new heroes
You won't drink count's blood of the earth anymore
And eat meat of the brave heroes
You thief of freedom and honour
Bastard in human body
Listen what I'm saying
In vehement anger
You poor king of the slaves
Whose hands you tied with fear
You loose!
And as well everyone that gonna be with you
I let the fire and sulphur to rain on you
And remains of your body will eat wild animals
5. The Holy Writing
I'm the one
Who makes the clam rivers mad
Who calls the clouds and storms
Who awakes the tempests
I'm the king
Who spills the water from the river-beds
The undefeatable
And eternal...
Only I can manage break
The throats of Christians
By my voice and my singing
I move the rocks
The earth and the wood
By mine supernatural strength
On my command mountains tremble
The earth opens
And the dead rise from their graves
I'm the king
Who spills the water from the river-beds
The undefeatable
And eternal...
I'm the king
Who spills the water from the river-beds
The undefeatable
And eternal...
6. The March Of Freedom
At last stop to listen
The desperate threatening callings
Of the last priests
And tell them
That you are not afraid anymore
And you scorn them
Tell them That you have already found the scourge of the truth
That opened your eyes
And showed the right way
So go and stop turning back
Go and be strong and ready
To be able to tread an all over
The answer to your questions
You have found already
That god is dead...
That god has always been dead...
At last stop to listen
The desperate threatening callings
Of the last priests
Tell them
That you have already found the scourge of the truth
That opened your eyes
And showed the right way
So go and stop turning back
Go and be strong and ready
To be able to tread an all over
7. Pope's Last Dance
Oh pope...
Your church still blooms
Under the mask of innocence
Blooming in pagan’s blood
Oh pope...
I tell you it
The one who was assigned
To sit on throne of the ruler
Has not been born yet
Not a year will pass away
And the one will be born
Who will sit on the throne
Oh pope...
Curse to your clan
To the thirteen clan!
Oh pope...
Oh pope...
Your church still blooms
Under the mask of innocence
Blooming in pagan’s blood
Oh pope...
I tell you it
The one who was assigned
To sit on throne of the ruler
Has not been born yet
Not a year will pass away
And the one will be born
Who will sit on the throne
Oh pope...
Take responsibility for your deeds
Not a year will pass
And I will call you to the court
To put you just punishment
8. Ave Satanas IV
9. Gospel
...Suddenly the roar was heard
Which spreaded through the endless space
That sounded as a storming thunder
...And then from the eternal darkness he's dive up
In his monstrous dread and beauty
The demon of the truth
...And with whole his strength he chopped an axe
To a forehead of fake saviour
...And then Jesus Christ denied his origin
His mother and father
...And with his last exhale
He said his true name:
...Suddenly the roar was heard
Which spreaded through the endless space
That sounded as a storming thunder
...And then from the eternal darkness he's dive up
In his monstrous dread and beauty
The demon of the truth
...And with whole his strength he chopped an axe
To a forehead of fake saviour
...And then Jesus Christ denied his origin
His mother and father
...And with his last exhale
He said his true name: