
"Worlds and Worlds" (1996)
1. Battle of Species 2. First Contact, Conflict 3. Aftermath 4. Quest 5. Graveyard Dream 6. Usurpers 7. The End Is Nigh 8. Abandon Earth 9. Journey
1. Battle of Species
The farthest reach of known space - Sagittarius and the Galaxys core.
A rare encounter - twin worlds, touched by the lifespore.
On their world called Halcyon they had known nothing but peace
through thousands of years, now war?s upon them.
The concept of evil they did not anticipate,
welcome they said, now death?s upon them.
(In peace, at ease, until THEY came.)
No inclination for lenience, a harsh kind indeed,
victims eaten alive in their feedingfrenzy.
The ancient gardens set aflame.
Forced to submit their flesh to feed the usurpers.
Hexaped razorlimb insect warriors.
Alien conquerors, usurpers, dogs of war.
Two worlds - two species, spawn of the same sun.
Compulsion was the lot of one, as spaceships fell from the sky.
Airlocks hissing, ironclad monsters pouring out.
Lasers scorching, scimitars thrashing - genocide.
Milennium of enslavement awaits.
The heartbeat of a world fades.
2. First Contact, Conflict
For life or death they did not care,
indifferent to humanity they were.
Their lives were long compared to ours,
for centuries they drifted silently among the stars.
Somewhere in Perseus, in the light of Algol - the demonstar,
earthlings on a voyage ramdomly crossing paths with Them...
They did not heed the call, a silence close to insolence.
As greetings were ignored, the fleet of Earth declared war.
For life or death they did not care,
indifferent to humanity they were.
Bu t as explosions awoke them from their slumber,
they arose in all their might to battle.
Somewhere in Perseus, in the light of Algol - the demonstar,
Eartlings blown to pieces, utterly rebuked, severely reprimanded.
3. Aftermath
On the outskirts of the Rigelworlds, a torn warship falls through the void.
A lone survivor, trapped inside the hull, tumbling slowly through fields
of asteroids. "It?s strange, the way things tend to go. One moment you prosper,
the next you find yourself... waning".
Immortal... immortal?
Bitter the taste of destiny,
what now? Seems like the dark is... calling.
" This morning I didn?t foresee what I know now,
that this day would hold my final moment..."
The vision?s fading, as all is lost into eternal frost.
So fleeting, the warmth of life.
"Yeah, I?m here, the road behind me now.
Bended, but not broken, and shed no tears
though the end is nigh..."
We are made of stardust, creed of celestial life -
that in our hearts, the breath of dying stars,
their embers are in our eyes.
For the final adventure
now that old, rigid corpse is left behind.
The spirit is unbroken - the lust for unseen lands,
the warriorsoul - the traveller in us all.
4. Quest
A fetid, wornout scenery, this cradle of man.
Sucked bonedry, the Ancient Mother at the end of her lifespan.
Craving, ruthless, the child that ate its own womb,
human vermin, abandon this place of doom.
Cosmic winds blow - the surge is powerful,
to the stars the future leads.
Walk away from the battlefields of the old world.
earthling - wipe the blood from your eyes.
Distant suns shine over strange horizons,
unknown wars fought on alien land.
Alien eyes look upon mans arrival,
greeted - by fists or with open hand.
The umber sphere of Earth fades into black, Sol astern, swollen in agony,
the last glimpse of home. Ahead - the universe...
Craving, ruthless, the child that ate its own womb...
5. Graveyard Dream
In tombs we lie, the brotherhood of decay and decomposition,
the ones who left our worthless lives to rot and be forgotten.
As worms seek shelter in my flesh and bones are grind to dust,
I listen to the rain above and bide my time in darkness...
Now billions lie as I do, their gods rest among them.
Awiting the worlds impending doom, our bloodless features frozen.
Remembering my life as it was - not trapped in this pit of ineffable woe.
Estranged from the sun and the winds, yearning no more nor bewailing.
Within my mind darkness has fallen too...
The loneliest grave, I sail the sea of tranquil dominion,
brilliant, eternal ocean of darkness.
Emerging like a newborn from the verge of oblivion,
still my eyes gaze at the light of the stars.
I?m free now at last, and I see no god to punish my soul, I?m alone.
(Oh stj?rnklara d?dsrike, himmelska avgrund,
vad tider f?r du med dig nu - m?nniskans v?l eller ve?)
[Oh starlit kingdom of death, heavenly abyss.
What times do you bring to Man - to our benefit or to our end?]
6. Usurpers
Meanwhile, in another galaxy, a ship sets sail through the heavens.
On its way to seek new habitat and spread the seeds of fear,
among the mortals. An insect tribe, dwellers of nowhere.
Survivors hiding below the crippled Earth, cities empty and black.
Like rats among ruins, the gods of the ancient now is back.
Intelligent yet unemotional, no pity is left here.
They harvest life without mercy, an insect tribe dwellers of nowhere.
In the blaze of a laserbeam we lost our world to the beasts.
As their numbers shielded the sun -
where laughter was heard, now fear...
"Across the void we come to rest upon this distant island.
Infected this Earth is, but oh, we shall purify".
Scorched earth is all that?s left, giving the world the color of blood.
Everywhere now flames grow, shadows moving all around.
Vast machines eat the world, on heaps of bone now spaceships throne.
Behold, the new masters - an insect tribe, dwellers of nowhere.
Starseed -in search of purity, from the pit of stars they came to conquer.
7. The End Is Nigh
Like a ripple on the ocean, flee these years of mine.
Oh the bonds of time - the squandering of lives,
while the world turns ever on.
Eternal - the plague that haunts us,
the serpents eye, the breath of winter, the reaper,
the flame that scorches the soul of man - cold, cold...
Lingering voices, whispering tales;
"The Earth that we are spawn of renders our fluids to ocean and rain.
Gone, gone, our deeds and glory".
Farewell, you land of despondency...
What journey - the End?
What alien land awaits the soul of man?
The sparkling womb where stars are born, the solemn halls of heaven.
Seeking solace from deaths furnace as shadows fall upon us...
Now ghastly my eyes burn, and stars.
And stars...
8. Abandon Earth
The outermost darklands - tomorrows frontier.
Worlds and worlds - their destiny lies to be conquered...
The vast gulf of starscapes - the limitless reach,
what profits for man, what futures are destined to be?
Immense decay, the world a ravaged place,
decreed by fate, now abandoned.
The sun casting its wan light across the forlorn world,
a fathomless color the heavens.
Now brittle and torn, the wreckage of nature,
the rat and the cockroach prevails.
Immemorial mountains worn down to shallow hills,
dead seas whisper tales of ancient glory,
when shimmering cities reached to the sky - and perished...
Few traces of life, the desert devouring the land.
Neither stone upon stone, nor flesh upon bone,
the marrow of Earth has been eaten by man.
Order of silence, wan, maroon dawn,
vast mausoleum, burialground.
...as shimmering spaceships reached to the sky - and vanished.
A long way to travel, Aquila and beyond,
deep into the realms of unknown, mankind is finally breaking its bonds.
Migration and conquest - leave the old Earth behind,
make war to the universe - new races and gods
to curb and subalter.
Forward, Mankind - out and away.
Starborn nemesis - the future our prey.
War, conquest - out and away.
Worlds and empires - subjugate our destiny.
Order of silence...
Life has moved on to another world, Aquila and beyond.
Life has moved on...
9. Journey
Motionless I stare, like grown out of this chair.
Charging through this unfamiliar landscape,
I´m really somewhere else...
With the swans out there on the water,
with the deer running over that field.
She´s with me always, her smell still on my hands.
I can´t bear to lose her, the spark of my life -
so why do I feel so numb?
Outside the daylight is new, the world is awakening
and when the future is bleak and joy is less, I want my life.
Where will it end? The paths of life they twist and bend.
Is hope lost when youth dies, or is it just the start?
All alone, lost in this turmoil.
Is the fate of the wanderer mine?
This I know - the world is falling.
Imminence reeks in the air as madness is breeding. Falling!
Madness - this world, I curse God and die!