
"Affliction, Endocrine...Vertigo" (2005)
1. Obsolete 2. This is Rape 3. Destroy All Dreamers pt. I 4. Deux Mesures de Solitude 5. Buccolision / (bis) The Mistaken One pt. II (Geography is Just a Symptom) 6. Destroy All Dreamers pt. II 7. A Spermwhale's Quest 8. Destroy All Dreamers pt. III 9. En Memoire des Faibles qui Ont Survecu a Darwin 10. Destroy All Dreamers pt. IV 11. From Love to Exhausting - The Story of This Intangible Thing Between Us 12. Destroy All Dreamers pt. V
1. Obsolete
Mes yeux se ferment sur l'image de ce ciel gris Monochrome
Toile de fond à jamais souillée d'un sentiment d'inanité
Les excrétions d'un quotidien vide où l'habitude
Produit L'aliénant
Nous font entrevoir rien de plus que
L'ordinaire renoncement
Tes yeux s'ouvrent sur l'image de ce mortifère décors
Rien ne courbe ton échine,
Moi je nous vois tous déjà mort
Il émane de toi tant de certitudes,
Ce qui moi me tue te rend plus fort
Dans l'opacité de ma servitude,
Mes plus rouges colères sont incolores
Aucune couleur n'est assez ardente
Pour travestir l'abomination
C'est à l'intérieur que tout se joue,
Là où rien n'apaise l'aversion
Affrontons nos destins frigides d'un optimisme obsolète
Nos yeux se referment à l'unisson sur ce même
Tableau de défaite
I close my eyes on monochrome grey skies
A backdrop forever soiled with a feeling of futility
Excreta of an empty life where habits breed the Alienating
I foresee nothing but ordinary renunciation
Your eyes open on this gangrenous set
Nothing to kowtow you, but I can already picture us dead
Such assurance emanating from you,
What kills me makes you stronger
Within the opaqueness of my servitude,
My reddest wrath turns colourless
No colour with enough heat to disguise abomination
It’s hanging in the balance, right inside,
Where nothing can appease aversion
Let’s fight our frigid fate with an obsolete optimism
Our eyes close as one on the same picture of defeat
2. This is Rape
The way you scream at me, crushing me with your voice,
Putting a speedy end to any answer, any counter,
As if my head was laying underwater,
Hands cuffed in my back,
All of this pounding in me with so much hatred
That I’m getting scared of myself.
The weight of your culture and your unquestionable
Social and personal History felt on my shoulder
As an attack from your mouth
Crawling under my skin and deep inside my mind.
Without any reason. No good reason to me.
Just for the crush, just for this feeling of power.
Who’s the real victim ? Who’s the real slave?
Face down in shit and humiliated,
You made me feel guilty for one moment.
This is rape even if you never touched me.
This is rape and my shield is split up.
Alleviation will be achieved through
The deconstruction of our History.
3. Destroy All Dreamers pt. I
Destroy all dreamers
Who dream of the same thing more than once.
4. Deux Mesures de Solitude
5. Buccolision / (bis) The Mistaken One pt. II (Geography is Just a Symptom)
A l’ombre du reflet de ce miroir à angle obtus
Récolter la semence du plus beau de nos pendus
Des jeunes filles en fleurs à foison de nos rêves
De langueur et d’amour doucement sur nos lèvres
A jamais couché sous des essaims de balles
Sans la sensation supplicière de se sentir sale
L’optique par le trou pour l’iris blottit
Dévisage sa victime par un regard meurtrit
Seule et frêle aux accents exorbités et exsangues
Enivré des relents d’un indésirable étrange
en glandes exocrine aux exsudats malsains
qui le chérit tout haut et le porte en son sein
Standing in the shadow of this
Obtuse-angled mirror's reflection
Harvesting the seeds of our prettiest hangman
Young girls in the prime of life galore, in our dreams
Of languor and love, on our lips, softly
Without the torturous sensation of filthiness
Optic through the hole where the iris huddles
Stares at its victim with heartbroken eyes
Drunk with the stale smell of an undesirable strangeness
Of exocrine glands and unhealthy exudations
Which cherishes it aloud and carries it in its womb.
[The Mistaken One pt. II]
I am the mistaken one, once again.
And so is the ocean.
So is this ocean I have to fight,
But we’re not fighting in the same league.
All this seems so useless. So senseless.
I won’t fight this time, tired to get insane.
Geography is just a symptom.
Five summers of a recurrent dance,
On the rhythm of fear, anger and misunderstanding Stopped harassing me.
A new season for sharks.
I know most of them, most of their habits
But shadows of newcomers are getting closer.
Nevermind potential bites, I’ll keep on swimming.
A new season for a dive.
Determined to hit rock bottom,
Escaping waves and streams.
I am the mistaken one, once again,
Embracing the ocean.
Kissing you for a last breath.
Kissing you for a lost dream.
6. Destroy All Dreamers pt. II
Destroy all dreamers
Who don’t fondly kiss his lips and don’t embrace him
7. A Spermwhale's Quest
Swimming down to the depths
I’m looking for a creature
That will hurt and feed me,
I have to leave you for a moment,
To get away from your warm chants.
Pressure is the only thing down here,
Reminding me how my strength is relative.
There is no sound down here
Except for my heartbeat
Pounding in my head.
8. Destroy All Dreamers pt. III
Destroy all dreamers
Who forget he holds us in his arms every morning.
9. En Memoire des Faibles qui Ont Survecu a Darwin
Amertume de celui qui se définit comme leader.
La faiblesse est la pierre angulaire de mon
Esprit et de mon corps.
Les belles pensées sont abordées avec de
Bien vilains mots.
Et je vais devoir m’expliquer toujours et encore.
Et je vais devoir me plier et être d’accord.
C’est un gouffre sans fond qui s’ouvre devant moi.
Tous les deux n’obéirons jamais aux mêmes lois.
Ton ego n’as pas de limites et jamais tu n’es coupable.
Et quand ta botte piétine les têtes
De ceux qui t’empêchent,
quand ton dédain n’a d’égale que la misère
De tes serviteurs, l’obscénité te porte au fur et à mesure Que ton cœur sèche
Et tu ne seras mon supérieur que tant que
Je serai ton rêveur.
En perdant, c’est ici que je me pose…
Bitterness of the one who describes himself as a leader
Weakness as the cornerstone of my body and soul
Beautiful thoughts tackled with such ugly words
And I’m gonna have to get things sorted
Again and again
And I’m gonna have to yield and agree
A bottomless chasm opening before me
We’ll never obey the same laws
Your ego knows no limit, never been the guilty party
And when your boot stomps the face
Of those who interfere
When your scorn is only challenged
By the misery of your servants
Carried by obscenity as your heart dries up
And you’ll be my leader as long as I’ll be your loser
As a loser, here I lay…
10. Destroy All Dreamers pt. IV
Daily blood tastes so sweet in our awaken mouths
11. From Love to Exhausting - The Story of This Intangible Thing Between Us
A beginning is a very delicate time, the one and only
Saving my soul and selling the world
Frail like a feather falling down on the ground.
Then my wrists, ruined by handcuffs
But I got used to those wounds, they became familiar
The sting, so sweet and soft in my optic nerves,
Is quite pleasant
The habit is not so bad, not so degrading,
I learn, I learn, I learn, I learn, self-sacrifice
As the harmful crumbling process is set up,
Crawling slowly, blackening the immaculate
White of passion
I walk under the pale light of our dead hearts
Nothing will fan our flame anymore now,
Wxpect what is left behind
The replacement, the solution that keeps me sane
Not as fanciful as our so-called passionate existence
My love is not frantic, it is peaceful, calm, rested and quiet
I’m not guilty for that… am I?
12. Destroy All Dreamers pt. V
Destroy all dreamers
Who keep on dreaming.