
"In The World Of Time" (1998)
1. Delusive Might 2. Today's World 3. Final Solution 4. After Us 5. Walls 6. In The World Of Time 7. Nothing 8. Spiritual Beggar 9. Illusion Of Divinity 10. A.Y.R.T.D.
1. Delusive Might
You call yourselt lord of this world
what a king of earth
killed by its cold
annihilated by flames of the sun
Who is this mighty creature
Who doesn't control his mind
Who can be killed by any accident
or microscopical being
Where's your power and wisdom?
When you make yourself away?
And you say it's triumph of your courage
Why? - "Master of this world" - coward
Who are you then?
A king or maybe helpless dwarf
facing true power
which lasts and will last for ages
when you'd be gone
when you'd be gone - long ago
So who are you
awkward and imperfect
creature so easily
defeated and destroyed
Who are you? ... You are only a human
You call yourselt lord of this world
what a king of earth
killed by its cold
annihilated by flames of the sun
You call yourselt lord of this world
You aren't king of earth
you are only - human
2. Today's World
Today's world so beautiful and gorgeous
at the same time so cruel and mean
so many wonderful and wise beings in the crowd of fools
soulless creatures
Like a ball roling down
following the stepness of downward path
...today's world
shorter and shorter distance
higher and higher speed
...today's world
Without a bit of intelligence, rich with deceit
They climb the ladder of honour, honour and glory
In the spotlights they are, set as a pattern to be followed
so vile in everyday's It's hardly to believe
...today's world
They shatter the conquests of science -
- creating their own version
the contradictions of archetype -
- the instruments yielding profits
the instruments of annihilation - human destiny
in the hands of madman
...today's world
3. Final Solution
Your world is a weed in my garden of roses
in my garden which is plough from the dawn of history
you never understood this and you never will
your time is nearing the end
i have had enough of your reign
You vile, lawless being
fools destroing the tree of life
I am your lord
The sea of fire will deprive you of illusions
the heat of thousand suns will burn outyour hopes
your thoughts about survival will evaporate with smoke
even a remembrance shall not remain
There's no help for you
you are standing beetween nothingness
of your future and the sea of stupidity of your past
i am creator of this world
i don't tolerate disobedience and treachery
according to law you are doomed to annihilation
i am your lord
i am overlord
The sea of fire will deprive you of illusions
the heat of thousand suns will burn outyour hopes
your thoughts about survival will evaporate with smoke
even a remembrance shall not remain
4. After Us
Love, respect,
compassion, unselfishness!
What do they mean for you?
Do they mean anything for you?
Maybe they are
just empty words?
Have you ever thought about tomorrow?
What would you leave behind?
If you haven't - then think
What will you leave behind for your progeny,
tears, suffering,
destroyed by wars dying earth!
Do you want to be cursed by your descendant?
Look around! It's not a paradise
but the abyss of sadness
where death lurks at every step!
Look again! Do you see
how they spill
innocent blood?
Do you see that indifference to pain and injustice?
Yes! There's nothing pleasant in it
but that's reality,
that's our world,
that's our life!
Life is very short
so use your time the best you can
because you are making your future
and future for your children!
Do you want to be cursed?
Think it over which way do you choose in life:
a way of merciless fight or a way of humanity!
5. Walls
Standing between the walls
Face to face with mirror
Ask yourself: “Who am I
What for do I live?”
Your life keeps passing
And you are still alone
The rain flows on the windowpane
Just like tear on your face
Screaming souls in solitude weep
Shed the tears red like blood
In this mad turmoil of life
You see pictures of the past
Falling into oblivion
And you want to go with them
From the torn sky
Drips a rain of tears
Filling with the red of blood
The deepest nooks of your soul
6. In The World Of Time
The invisible yoke made by ourselves
The apparent measure of our life
So arduous and omnipresent
We can't imagine our life without it
Seemingly free in fact we are constrained
Hampered by invisible chains
Submitted to invisible rules
Binding us ... in the world of time
Countless rules, restrictions and superstitions
Slave submission and fear
Date by date is just a set of several digits
That cause our fear and strike terror
Ubiquitous symbols of our slavery
Of which we're not conscious
We don't even try to get rid of them
Maybe to become free
It's the time which is the law inthis world
The time dictates what we can and what we can't
What is within and what is beyond our reach
Because we're too young or too old
Thousand of things and even we still miss
Because we don't have time
Living in endless fear we keep on asking
how much time do we have
...in the world of time
Living in the world of time still we lack time
7. Nothing
For them:
-You are who you are!
-You are where you are!
-You do what you do!
For them - That means for who?
You're where you are - because you've lied!
You're who you are - because you've lied!
You tell what people want to hear!
You promise what they want!
some people say's it's impossible
for you to make all this ...
You are such a perfect liar everybody believes!
...and you perfectly know
but you can do everything for gold!
Cheating is earning!
The better you do this - the more you gain!
It doesn't matter! It's for their cost!
They choose you themselves
as they wanted it!
That's them you do it for!
For them you are who you are!
For them you are where you are!
For them you do what you do!
For them -That means for who?
For money not for people
who have trusted you,
whose hope you have been!
It's sad - but you are...
... nothing!!!
8. Spiritual Beggar
Deceit and betrayal are your arms
The aim is important not the means
Every idea and every opinion is helpfull
As long as they yield a profit
It doesn't matter you're a scum
You reach your goal over dead bodies
Reaching for what you want
You reject compassion and life's fair play
Your consciousness is an impenetrable void
Your heart is a block of ice
You can't see somebody else's harm
You don't react to requests and tears
You just keep going on
To achieve the fixed purpose
It doesn't matter you're a scum
You reach your goal over dead bodies
Your eyes can only see the glitter of gold
Which you can't take with you to the grave
You spiritual beggar
You live though you're dead
It doesn't matter you're a scum
You reach your goal over dead bodies
You can destroy anybody for gold
Remove him in the shadow of tombstone
You are dead!
9. Illusion Of Divinity
Sitting in the armchair
Looking at my heaven
My private heaven and hell
Shaped like a hexagonal solid
It's my window to the world
Where reality is mixed with fantasy
In my private heaven and hell
Nobody controls me
Wherever i want to be - i am
My world it's this piece of glass
It's my purgatory and hell
Every day i die and reborn in it
It gives me immortality
... and everything's in my hands
It's my world where i return
All is possible and allowed here
Sanctity turns into blasphemy
The virtue goes hand in hand with perversity
...and i am above all
...and everything's in my hands
Sitting in the armchair
Looking at my heaven
My private heaven and hell
Shaped like a hexagonal solid
It's my window to the world
Where reality is mixed with fantasy
In my private heaven and hell
Nobody teaches me
In my private heaven and hell
It's me who makes the rules
I can be there a god or a devil
... and everything's in my hand
...and i am above all
10. A.Y.R.T.D.