
"Hello from the Gutter" (1988 Single)
1. Hello From the Gutter 2. Head First
1. Hello From the Gutter
All those dreams and broken glass.
Swept down the sewer with the rest of the trash.
Never to be seen again.
Now you're makin' a home in a garbage can!!!
But here's a little story that I lived to tell.
Hello from the gutter!
Hello from our little hell...!
Wasted days, watsed nights.
Hypnotized by the city lights!
Another king, another queen.
Livin' in the shadows so they can't be seen!
Remember all the world lies at your feet.
And the big apple's rotten,
Rotten in the heat.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter!!!
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter...!!!
Gutter child, sweet sixteen.
Broadway stars that have never been!!!
All those dreams and broken glass,
Swept down the sewer with the rest of the trash.
Well here's a little story that we lived to tell.
Hello from the gutter!
Hello from our little hell...!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello from the gutter. Hey!
Welcome the the gutter!
We've been expecting you!
2. Head First
I push to the left, you pull to the right!
It's a stand off.
Gainin' no ground.
Outta the dark and into the lights!
It's a breakthrough.
Startin' with sound.
I can't forget the look on your face!
In shock,
Startin' ta sweat.
All wet make a bet!
It hasn't even started yet.
But I got a nickel that says it will!!!
Head first!
You'll compromise,
You'll let us in,
You'll spread 'em wide,
We're divin' in head first!
Head first!
Climb on the horse and start to ride!
Slow curves.
Swingin' the bat.
Up down the front and side to side!
Code blue.
We need it stat.
I got the reason that makes you go!
Mid air.
Suspended animation.
Layin' down on the rug,
Start it with a little tug,
And I got a nickel that sez you will!!!
It all starts with a kiss of death!
Move on.
Down to ya knees.
In head first take a deep breath!
Down there.
So at ease.
It all ends with an all out dive!
This time.
I think ya do.
Say you will say ya won't.
I don't care if ya don't.
But I got a nickel that sez you do!