
"Godless" (1994 Demo)
1. Winter When I Die 2. Celebration 3. Private Hell 4. Incarnation of Chaos
1. Winter When I Die
(ìóç. Àñàíîâ/Äàâèòÿí/Àôàíàñüåâ, ñë. Äàâèòÿí)
èãðû òåíåé íà ìîãèëüíîé ïëèòå,
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2. Celebration
Crowds entering the church
Leaving no prints behind
Entrance to crypts is the door
To the world of the unknown
Going downstairs
To the heart of earth
To serve the pristine ritual
Of human sacrifice
Their winged creatures carry them
Across the underground stream
To the galleries of terror
To enlarge the number of the deceived
Covered under gowns
With their faces masked
They worship ice-cold fire
The god of their own
Living in the night
Forbidden outside
They are celebrating
The day of the Unnamable
3. Private Hell
(ìóç. Àñàíîâ/Äàâèòÿí, ñë. Äàâèòÿí)
êà÷àÿñü íà êðàþ ñîçíàíèÿ,
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4. Incarnation of Chaos
Being lost in the depth of earth
Creeping scratching the ground
A madman carving his way
Through the darkness of night
No time
No reason
No direction
No aim
Feel the proximity of evil
All of your hidden fears and pain
Human soul is standing
By the gate of unbeing
The black waves covering the earth
Like monster’s paws they grab the soil
Eternity here comes to an end
Into the emptiness the neverending fall
The wind from stars brings madness
Shadows of screaming things
Shapeless phantoms raised from Hell
Incarnation of chaos