
"Bowels Waltz" (2002)
1. Dead But Raped 2. Bowels Waltz 3. Gerontology Zoophilia 4. Hydrocephalus 5. My First Fist Fucking 6. Smoking Sphincter Of A Japanese Girl 7. Intestinal Maggots Enema 8. Tetraplegic Skull Crushing 9. Viking 10. Aftermath 11. War Consequences 12. Vaginal Discharge 13. Testicularburger 14. Grunge 15. Brain Eating Indigestion 16. Scorn
1. Dead But Raped
Necrophilia morbid obsession,
Exciting pictures in my mind,
Smoking unhead female's body,
Exhumed with love in the middle of the night!
Dead but raped
Necrophilia sadistic obsession,
Torture dreams in my mind,
Closed little anus,
Melting with her guts...
I come soon!
Dead but raped
Necrophilia morbid obsession,
Exciting pictures in my mind,
Smoking unhead female's body,
Exhumed with love in the middle of the night!
Necrophilia sadistic obsession,
Torture dreams in my mind,
My hands, cut up the frozen vaginal door...
Amoral reprehensible charnel act...
Dead but raped
Our bodies...
Erotic embrace
On the grave yard grounds...
2. Bowels Waltz
...Bleeding tasty entrails!
Can I take your... bleeding tasty entrails?
Can I play with... bleeding tasty entrails?
Can I take your.. sweety nicy entrails?
Waltz with my girlfriend bowels
Waltz with my girlfriend bowels
I will take your organs!
I want to make intestine-sculpture
I will scared your entrails,
Organ Harvest is my rapture
Cannibals engaged to make you a horrible death,
Canibals good job: they're eating your entrails,
I'm just one of those eaters of flesh,
You know, you miss me: so I make a good cooking!
I will take your organs!
I want to make intestine-sculpture
I will scared your entrails,
Organ Harvest is my rapture
Cannibals engaged to make you a horrible death,
Cannibals good cook : tasty smell of toasted flesh,
I 'm just one of these "cordons bleus"
You know, 'miss me so I eat a delicious feast!
3. Gerontology Zoophilia
Fucked with a pig,
Fucked with a old!
Fucked with your old wife,
Fucked with your dog ! (bis)
Gerontology Zoophilia!
4. Hydrocephalus
Deformed fetus is about
To get out,
Under the five spots, girl
Is thinking about :
Nine months ago, bestial sexual agression,
Nine months ago, traumatized humiliation.
Hydrocephalus baby is born,
Poor child with a disgusting form'
Impossible to the girl to accept the true,
Impossible to a mother to love It!
Three months later, madness is in Her,
Three months later, she strangled the baby,
Three months later, she let rotten his corpse,
Three months later, she mutilated him
With a knife...
Nine months ago, two cocks in his cunt
Nine months ago, another in his bump.
5. My First Fist Fucking
Come on little baby,
Don't be afraid of me,
Ir's a beautifull night,
To try a fist-fucking...
My first...fist-fuck!
Come on, broken lady,
Desire invaded me,
I want enlarged your cunt,
My hands explode your...holes...
It's a good pleasure to beeing fist-fucker ! (x 4)
"Panzer Manager is a fist-fucker!" (x4)
It's a good pleasure to beeing fist-fucker ! (x 4)
6. Smoking Sphincter Of A Japanese Girl
Y ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
„ Sû W a Kômon,
Sû W a Hentai! „
Sû W a Kômon,
Sû W a Hentai ! „
Smoking Sphincter of a Japanese Girl!
7. Intestinal Maggots Enema
Darkly vault, cold and seep,
Nobody can hear your scream,
Bonded at decomposing corpse,
Stay with him for eternity!
Your sores began to open,
Slow succion sound,
Yell your distress,You're shorty
Going to faint
Before dying!
Little Necropolis fauna,
Is going to appear and work,
Your body now become
A swarming vermine
Little Necropolis fauna,
Is going to appear and work,
Maggots don't waiting your death
Before to scoff you
Intestinal Maggots Enema,
Your sores began to open,
Slow succion sound,
Yell your distress,You're shorty
Going to faint
Before dying!
Intestinal Maggots Enema,
Creeping loathsome glow-worms,
Transpix still healthy flesh!
Multitude penetrate in your mouth,
Suddenly, nausea, vomit
Two bodies bonded by chains,
Are shaping a disgusting heap,
Devoured flesh, substantial feast,
Repulsive creatures get out by all orifices.
8. Tetraplegic Skull Crushing
In my rolling chair,
An invisible jail,
I want to escape of my disease,
In my rotting chair,
I dream about
What I have been
Before I was dead...
Quadraplegic skull crushing :
Feed up to living,
Quadraplegic skull crushing :
Make a end to living!
Why nobody couldn't kill me...
I have to broke myself with a final dive,
I am jumping, I am falling, I'm listening to
My bones broken, my flesh rippen,
My skull open...
9. Viking
Oh my lord,
Protect our children and our wives
Of terrible Northmen rage!
Oh, Odin,
Bless my soul and my sword,
Concede me victory
For this battle.
Longships with dragonheads rise from cold fog,
Fear and siege preparation invade little town,
Northmen arrive behind town walls
After a short but a bleeding battle
Church in flames, pillaging!
Slaughter of defenders,
Graveyard profanity!
Catholic religion rape
Rusty swords of viking,
Transpix warriors of town,
Torches inflame and destroy
All the jerrybuilds.
Church in flames, pillaging!
Slaughter of defenders,
Graveyard profanity!
Catholic religion rape.
Oxidize axes of viking
Behead warriors of the town,
Wind and oceans
Carry flow of blood.
Oh, my lord,
Why did you forsaken us?
We have been defetated by
The Northsmen fury...
Oh, Odin,
Thank you for Victory
Bless my soul and my weapons :
Prepare me to the next battle!...
10. Aftermath
A nice afternoon of september,
Weird atmosphere to reveal a murder,
She had violently killed his father ;
He had asked too much : "do your father a favour"?
At fourteen she came in Hell,
Broken girlhood by depraved daddy,
Pain and shame caused by cock swell,
Father straddled her with brutality.
I love you , honey, let me show you
I love you , honey, let me show you
Day after day, she couldn't react,
But he had to pay!
At twenty, she decided to kill,
Genital organs stripped with her razor...punished!
The same blade cut the throat of daddy...punished!
He didn't say no more :"do your father a favour"?
11. War Consequences
Bombraid on the quiet city,
Abnormal people extermination
Streets become hells blood and fire
Savage genocide of innocent people
War consequences
Sniper, hidden behind town walls ruins,
Slaughter, is carrying death and agony,
Sniper just shoot, by another :
Politics is stiring the hate of enemy
Bombraid on quiet city,
Abnormal peolple extermination
Streets become hells blood and fire
Savage genocide of innocent people
War consequences
Child bodies, explode on the landmines,
Many civils, brutally killed by riffles,
Poor women, just survivors ready to be raped,
Torture, hardly pain, death is a delivrance.
12. Vaginal Discharge
Lesbian lust pleasure in a holiday place,
Nicy pussy, creamy cum face,
Lesbian lust pleasure in a holiday place,
Vaginal discharge is good for you (x3)
Lesbian lust pleasure in a holiday place,
Nicy pussy, creamy cum face,
13. Testicularburger
I prefer feeding myself with dead flesh,
Cutting up pieces of body,
Hearing long and deep screams of agony
From my victims, so bloody get apart.
Men, women , olders and children,
I don't like better, one or the others,
Cleaned up, skin off and guts out :
All we need is a treamendous meal
Testicularburger, a genital organ eater,
Testicularburger, a very deranged killer
My wet hands are petting bodies purified by death
Brightening fire is appearing in my enjoyed eyes,
When a beautifull explosion is now going out...
Endless, great objects of desire are now coming...
Out from the body!
Testicularburger, a genital organ eater,
Testicularburger, a very deranged killer
Balls are toasting in a slow fire,
Delicious smell is inviding the air,
Flesh is grilling on another pan,
Just great to wrap testicularburger
14. Grunge
Passage “grunge” :
“I ‘m just walking to anywhere,
I saw the truck, but I don’ t care...
“I ‘m just walking to anywhere,
I saw the truck, but I don’ t care...
Arms : crushed by mercyless truck tyres!
Legs : splashed in a red fountain!
Arms : crushed by mercyless truck tyres!
Eyes : suddenly ejected of their orbits!
Arms : crushed by mercyless truck tyres!
Listless decomposition a Grunge!
A total body explosion :
A quickly decapitation,
Purulent remains of grunge addict :
A stinky decomposition
Where is...her tongue? (x 4)
A dog, has finally founded little tongue,
A red bleeding piece : cramped in grunge ass!
A total body explosion :
A quickly decapitation,
Purulent remains of grunge addict :
A stinky decomposition
Where is...her tongue? (x 2)
15. Brain Eating Indigestion
Stagger vaguely human rotten silhouette
Belly wound caused by my shotgun,
Left arm amputated by my fireman-axe...
Cracked head, eyes empty of life !
Brain eating indigestion :
No flee of rancid castration
Brain eating indigestion!
(x 2)
Repugnant dead creature attack me,
For the second time I shot It!
Repugnant dead creature attack me :
For the second time It get up!
Repugnant dead creature attack me,
For the third time I shot It!
Petrifying by my fear,
I felt his hand on my neck...
Inhuman death rattle,
Disgusting pestilence on me,
Excruciating pain :
My skull is breaking on the ground.
Brain excracted of my head-box,
Zombie had fun to eat too much,
Zombie had a fancy of regurgitation,
Vomit / brain eating indigestion.
Brain eating indigestion :
No flee of rancid castration
Brain eating indigestion!
16. Scorn