
"Innocents" (1996)
1. No Eden 2. Knew Her Gone 3. Deed's Pride 4. Placid Hill 5. Some Will Never Know 6. Strata 7. Freaklaw 8. Hank Crane 9. Downpour 10. Total Particle Reversal
1. No Eden
Teeming billions
All diverging, All diverging
Teeming billions
All diverging, All diverging
Pleasure sought and pleasure found
Pleasure sought and pleasure found
All to Pandoran, All to Pandoran
Innocents until the pleasure
It came unbound
Sacrificial man
Keep your head down
Keep your head down
Sacrificial man
Keep your head down
Keep your head down
Teeming billions
All diverging, All diverging
Sacrificial man
Keep your head down
Keep your head down
Pleasure sought and pleasure found
Pleasure sought and pleasure found
All to Pandoran, All to Pandoran
Innocents until the pleasure
It came unbound, It came unbound
It came unbound, It came unbound
Keep your head down
2. Knew Her Gone
Had I known, Hell I knew
What time was gone when mother left you
As with dawn, grey skies more
See the lies Delilah wore
I don't know what the cause
I only know what was
Hesitation, self-loathing
Never brought the mountains to the lonely
I wanted skies more, always skies more
I cannot disguise or hide behind the need to know
Before me stood the once believed eternal
We stayed silent, my breath stolen
Until my eyes tripped down
Their backlit shapes to the flow
The water flow that carries them away
3. Deed's Pride
No pride in what I didn't create
No pride in what I didn't make happen
Notions posed of them and those
But not what pain came to man for
Moments pass mine eyes in a light construed as righteous
I question, is it a true fight?
Consequence was telling more back then
With that destiny that never manifested
All this backwards thought's still left
But "be just and fear not"
I have kept
4. Placid Hill
5. Some Will Never Know
We all alone held on to hands now sallowed
read in align, with arms all out to open eyes
You consider me, oh so reactionary
But see, all I know is we all began below
The nature of the being is naught to follow, no one to read
How humane this He became?
He incite, and He deny, but He all pain from whence it came
We alight, borne aloft
Pariah aflame
I but that time behind
He come and He defy
I put that behind, what a lie
6. Strata
...All my heroes, they let me down
'Cause they're not the same no more
All my hereos they let me down
And I'm no the same no more
When I said I prayed I'd die before you
I meant in front of
Back to ruin, back to ruin
Disappointment came to me
Disappointment came to mean
Improve on an example or it could bring me back to ruin...
7. Freaklaw
Freaklaw made the trust in me
Freaklaw surrounds
It made some I know believe in some kick made right
By the side with the might, mystique
And some freak made law that said it's all one could ever need
Freaklaw came back red-blooded
A second lesson put me in another light
Freaklaw's been long since bettered
With time I might rely too freely
Don't want to have to steal to get what's mine by right
8. Hank Crane
For how long, here and gone
Why run?
Just come home
Time has come
Needed one
I run
For how long?
His words grew thin and hollow
They drowned in tears so shallow
I felt for sure that they would break my silence
9. Downpour
Still, they will define burdens of empire by the moral decline
We've been deaf in the middle of a downpour
Naiive to have ever thought that anything could be done
Now everything is lost
Everything is lost
(The) abstinent imperative is not so real
As to alter base self stealth itself
How much longer is it going to get worse before it gets better?
10. Total Particle Reversal
I recognize what I hear in your voice
In the cold, through the lines
I recognize the secular fire
I want to take us away
We're nothing more than animate flesh
We're nothing more than animate
Time ends when I say
You come to me, you come to me my way
It's up to me who comes with me my way
This is nothing that was preordained
But as the whole thing culminates
Along the lines of the determinist mind
There are answers, and reasons, and purposeful conclusions