
"The Musical Dimension of Sleastak" (1993)
1. A Beginning 2. Two of Me (Part one and Two) 3. Freak Now 4. Peri Cynthion 5. Happy Tantrum 6. Creyap'nilla 7. Glitch 8. Ebb 9. Backwards Through the Greedo Compressor
1. A Beginning
2. Two of Me (Part one and Two)
it's an endless repetition- the better half dismisses
itself and isolates us both...it's an endless repetition
where the shadow goes it's hard to follow. when
this happens, it's time to bleed again and again...
making love to my shadow
yesterday was tomorrow
today will be yesterday
at night the shadow goes away
so i stab
3. Freak Now
who is the freak now?
who is the freak? i am.
where is the freak?
under the bridge
bury the freak
under the bridge
4. Peri Cynthion
listen and you'll hear a thought bending light,
i think a thought can't focus on just one thought
flesh crawls with envy when they laugh
they stare why don't they just go away look and you'll see a
i know i saw a laugh
5. Happy Tantrum
happy day again today i died with you again today
the sun will burn again today you and i will drown my
friend today is here again today and you will kill me
again today i will kill you again today is here again
today happy day
i was not waving
i was drowning
i laugh when i think of it
you laugh as i cry
I smile as you pull me under
you cry as i drown
from the shore i can feel you pull me under while
i pull you
i'm happy and why not?
i've had days like this
6. Creyap'nilla
restricted in
dejected skin
the only love
from within
sunken in
split in two
the skin and you
shrivel shape
no love so you
7. Glitch
Peel away and emerge [x175]
8. Ebb
now i see
what i hate
now i hate
what i see
see myself and what i hate
now i hate
what i see
all must cease what a shame
why go on What's the Point?
worthless breath dissipates
wasted thoughts
blinding sun
9. Backwards Through the Greedo Compressor