
"Aside" (1996)
1. Seating On Distress 2. Why? 3. The Defect 4. Law Of Life 5. Shining Dawn 6. Aside 7. Basic
1. Seating On Distress
Have you ever tried to get up
and you realized you can't ?
Have you ?
How would you feel ? ...
...It must be painful , harmful and sad ...
That's how I feel
everytime I forget
Poor me ! , so ridiculous
missing in my trying.
Self humilliated
hidden in my room
where tears of hate and sorrow
born looking down to my legs.
I know you feel sad
when you see me
and you wonder
what I feel
I need to be alone
to live alone with my chair
(what I hate most
but I need most). My Chair
"Agony dressed up
with my body , rides
a two-wheeled carriage".
Im not part of the party
when I come
you look askance at me
with fear and sorrow.
Now you know me,
you'd take my place
so I could get up...
But as soon as my wheels
are out of your sight
everything is forgotten.
You keep on dancing , having fun
as I go back to my room,
where I can't forget,
where I can't dance !!.
2. Why?
3. The Defect
4. Law Of Life
5. Shining Dawn
6. Aside
7. Basic