
"Nighttime Nightrhymes" (1999)
1. Gandr 2. I Crave for You 3. Lion Serpent Sun 4. Sól Ek Sá 5. In the Colours of Night 6. The Substance of Simplicity 7. Raven Chant 8. She With Whom Compar'd the Alpes Are Vallies 9. VargQld 10. Wintry Mantle 11. Nighttime Nightrhyme 12. Mauna
1. Gandr
I'm pretending to be living alone
In a cabin in the woods
It began to snow...
Eleven days and eleven nights
In the sixth day I began to feel
That I was disappearing
2. I Crave for You
I crave for you
And the incense of night
To bathe
In the flame of your light
Cold Pale in sorrow
In the tears that followed
The years that swallowed
The innocense of my love
I crave for you
3. Lion Serpent Sun
Lion serpent sun
Point the holy wand
Thou sixfold star
Force and fire
Lion serpent sun
Thou exalted one
Lion serpent sun
Point the holy wand
Lion serpent sun
Sword of flame
Lion serpent sun
Chant the holy name
4. Sól Ek Sá
Sól ek sá,
sanna dagstignu,
drúpa dynheimum i,
en heljar grind
heyrda ek á annan veg
pjóta pungliga
Sól ek sá
Sól ek sá,
setta dreystogfum,
mjgk var ek pá ó heimi hallr,
máttug hon leizk
á marga vegu frá pvl er fyrri
Sól ek sá
5. In the Colours of Night
Black gleans the eye
And the fire gold
In the colours of the night
You shall wander
You shall wonder
Shadows of this token
Sadness of this moon
Silence of this tomb
Darkness of this womb
Sadness of this token
Shadows of this moon
Darkness of this tomb
Silence of this womb
Black gleams the eye
Mast hidden light
Embrace the stillness
In the colours of night
:With the wnad createth he:
:With the cup preserveth he:
:With the dagger destroyeth he:
:With the coin redeemeth he:
6. The Substance of Simplicity
I go upon my way to work my
will, I have made
matter and motion for my mir-
ror, I have decreed
for my delight that nothingness
should figure itself
as twain, that I might dream a
dance of names and
natures, and enjoy the sub-
stance of simplicity by
watching the wanderings of my
:Adapted from Aleister Crowleys
"Magick in Theory and Pratice":
7. Raven Chant
In the silence true consecration comes:
In this silence there shall be a raven chant
And in the chant - all solace
And in this solace true consecration comes
Come on night
Come on moon
Come on winter
And the dead of light
Come on tears
Come on love
Come on cries
In the abode af night
Come on night
Take me home
Come on love
Sing alone
To this Raven chant
Of loss and wore
Raven night
Take me home
In this dawning of the raven tear
Where wolf crave for night
And in that night a chant shall rose
In the temple of dawn
8. She With Whom Compar'd the Alpes Are Vallies
I wish to fire the trees af all these forrest
I give the Sunne a last farewell each evening
I curse the fidling finders out of Musicke
With envie i doo hate the loftie mountains
And with despite despise the humble vallies
I doo detest night, evening, day, and morning
For she, whose parts maintainde a perfect musique
Whose beawties shin'de more then the blushing morning
Who much did passe in state the stately mountains
In straightnes past the Cedars of the forest
Hath cast me wretch into eternally evening
By taking her two Sunnes from these darke vallies
Curse to my selfe my prayers is, the morning
My fire is more, then can be made with forrests
My state more base, then are the basest vallies
I wish no evenings more to see, each evening
Shamed I hate my selfe in sight of mountaines
And stoppe mine ears, lest I growe mad with Musicke
For she, with whorm compar'd, the Alpes are vallies
She, whose lest word brings from the spheares their musique
At whose approach the Sunne rase in the evening
Who, where she went, bare in her forhead morning
Is gone, is gone from these our spolyed forrests
Turning to desarts our best pastur'de mountaines
Adapted from Sir Philip Sidneys: "The Countesse of pembrokes arcadia (1598)"
9. VargQld
Úlfum likir
bykkja allir peir
er eiga hverfan hug,
svá mun gefask
peim er ganga skal
pær inar gløddu ggtur
Á fellr austan um
eitrdala soxum ok sverdum,
slidr heitir sú
Bædr munu berjask
ok at bgnum verdask
munu systrungar
sifjum spilla,
hart er i heimi, hórdómr
mikill, skeggjgld, skálmgld
skildir klofnir, vindgld, varggld,
ádr vergld steypisk,
mun engi madr gdrum pyrma
Geyr nú Garmr mjgk
fyr Gnipahelli,
festr mun slitna,
en freki renna,
fjgld veit ek fræda
fram sé ek lengra
um ragna rgk rqmm sigtive
10. Wintry Mantle
Your name I spoke many times
Alone in the darkness in the night
And prayed a thousand prayers
And my many dreams where of you
I walked the endless lonely miles
I stumbled path upon path
I watched time slip away
I watched and didn't care
But tonight I can't sleep
'cause I belong to you
Tonight I can't sleep
'cause at last I belong to you
I wrote our names in runes
Most magick and secret
In the forests wintry mantle
I carved them in a tree
And your name I spoke many times
Alone in the darkness in the night
And prayed a thousand prayers
And my many dreams where of you
But tonight I can't sleep
'cause you belong to me
Tonight I can't sleep
'cause at last you belong to me
11. Nighttime Nightrhyme
In the season of night let it
That the raven may guard
And the wand and the sword
In the season of night let it
:and when pursued by snow,
rain, wind
and darkness let it come that
I see
with the celestial eyes of
bright wisdom:
In the season of night let it
In the season of night let it
that my path be lit by the
lantern of consecration
and the fire of purification
and the star of initiation
in the season of night let it
12. Mauna
As illusions begin to drift
And fade like white snow...