
"Profanation" (2005)
1. Profanation 2. Burning The Pearl Gates 3. Ejaculating In The Nazarene's Face 4. Fuck Off, The King of Jews 5. Necrophilia With The Nazarene´s Bitches 6. Ritual And Pleasure To The Bastard 7. Sodomizing The Whore, The Virgin Mary 8. Blasphemy
1. Profanation
2. Burning The Pearl Gates
Souls are throwed to the flames of hell
Angels are violated, beheaded and impaled
Before the face of the impotent nazarene,
Tortured and violated by the tridents of
Exu 7 Infernos
Moans of pleasure are listened
It´s the whore virgin mary
Being penetrated by the ass
By the demoniac legions
Guided by the Exu Rei das Trevas
Torrents of fire are vomited
By Exu Baba Fogo
Before the Pearl Gates
That´s melting
......and turning to dust…
Sulphur is spreaded
Through all sacred altars
The sacred bible has been destroyed
Page by page
What has left was used to clean the sperm
Deposited into the ass of jehovah and
Whore virgin mary
Profanation, blasphemy
Hail the demoniac legions of hell!
3. Ejaculating In The Nazarene's Face
4. Fuck Off, The King of Jews
Thy name represents
The cowardice, farse and hypocrisy
Mercenariness and slavery
I set myself free
Of thy order and insignificant words
Imposed by the christians
I spit thy face
I penetrate with my fist
In thy rotting ass
I violent your followers
With thy own sacred adomnent
Fuck off your failed name
I represent the malefic legions
Guided by the lord of freedom
The perverse Exu Sete Cruzes
Which is thy murderer
The profane, the wise, the sovereign
Before thy father, the bastard Jehovah
Freedom, freedom!
I am the son of the antichrist!
5. Necrophilia With The Nazarene´s Bitches
6. Ritual And Pleasure To The Bastard
7. Sodomizing The Whore, The Virgin Mary
8. Blasphemy