
"Winter" (2003 Demo)
1. In The Fields of Hallucination 2. Bestial Tribulations 3. To Greener Plains (With A Splash of Red)
1. In The Fields of Hallucination
Lyrics By Guzman & PioliDriven to a screaming panic and fearof what reality bringsThe borders of sanity slowly fadea dissociative episode distorts my viewas every action may be doubted in the endFor the failure of perception quick deathmay serve as a cure for a shockmay bring the victim's mindto the Fields of Hallucination.....Step outside of yourselfIt's hard to see what's real, what's not,what in-betweenHow shall I ever know reliefEvery white wall has dripping grimeEvery white cloud holds a peering faceThese will hold their place for days and days....... They shall laugh at me for days and daysComing to a halt,crushed by what disorder bringsThe hovering chaos closes inLooking through the glassMy only view as every reactioncauses infliction of painwalking with the brute bride of lost sleepchronic insomnia takes me inI hear my screams,buy they seem so far awayI reach for my throat to muffle what my palms can't feelCan't sleep senses are numbedPerfect time to put the wrist to the steel
2. Bestial Tribulations
Lyrics by GuzmanWhen the Beast shall rise up from the sea to utter it's many blasphemiesthe church will tremble as the news of the coming end's receivedThe fight on land, as the foot is set, shall rage without controlthe madness of the seven kings shall touch on one and allClad violet and scarlet the whore shall ride the beastacross reddened shores as she sets her eyes on yet unknown majestiesThe soil spits out many who'll follow her lead,as all the kings gathered shall choose a dictator forall of the world to seeLook in his eyes, what will you seeA face from the propheciesWaking the dormant one from the abyssThe righteous all writhe and seetheUpon every race upon every creedUpon Adam's bastard seedShall there be a mark that all of the worldshall use as it's currencyWhen the closing of days draws nigh the Beast willknow it's days are numberedIn a desperate last attempt the monster will cling toevery last hold of a dying regimePeople run scaredthe firestorm fills the skyand trapped in those flames is that great whore Babylonchaos strikes men as all nature is the lawseven years passed, the one that was and is not is no moreCarnage and darkness paint the earthThe oceans overflow awash on red shoreswe need not of kingdoms, of grace, false glorywe cannot resist the end that approaches the sands of the hourglass
3. To Greener Plains (With A Splash of Red)
Lyrics By GuzmanBlood tears spray from the faces of the whitest sheepTheir wool dyed with same bloodstainsTheir coats catch fire while they're wondering "why?"Yet another moment of misery in their everyday LIFEThe yarn that is spun has a layer of sootBlood shines through wet with crimson lifeTheir worst enemy, time-slow-extends their last breathHolding back on every second that brings them closer to DEATHAll men shall see the hidden horns of the enemyOnce the goat is exposed we'll all know why we bleedWe will wear your hide to keep warm,to keep our kind alive and to patch up our woundsSeasons will comeand with each coming night,you will think to yourselves"we are all lost sheep"