
"The Magic Word" (2003)
1. Burnt Wings 2. Obidil - The Magic Word 3. Erazem Predjamski 4. Pot Spoznanj 5. The Parallel World 6. The Dragon's Story 7. Ne Išči Več 8. Intro The Night 9. Noč
1. Burnt Wings
lyrics: Katarina Globocnik, music: Obidil
First you were bringing flowers
You were opening doors and taking her coat
You were like a gentleman
But still a coward inside
Soon there were millions of tears
Heavy words and hands out of control
You made her doubt her own ways
To insult and possess her mind
Like butterflies she burnt her wings
When she tried to dance in your fire
�Was it easy to find somebody like her
to become the victim of your fears?�
Anger, confusion, denial!
Anger, confusion, denial!
Love has nothing to do with
Disrespect and slavery
There is nothing to lose
There is a free world outside
Like butterflies she burnt her wings
When she tried to dance in your fire
�Was it easy to find somebody like her
to become the victim of your fears?�
She cursed the day when she met you
She blamed herself because she let herself be hurt
She dreamt of going far away
But she was too afraid to leave her home
Like butterflies she burnt her wings
When she tried to dance in your fire
�Was it easy to find somebody like her
to become the victim of your fears?�
She has nothing to lose now!
Don't be blind!
She has nothing to lose now!
2. Obidil - The Magic Word
lyrics: Katarina Globoènik, music: Obidil
I wish I knew the magic word
To end all trouble on this world
People lose themselves in lust for more
Their feelings are empty and nothing has a sense
They don't know what they are looking for
In all they find nothing counts enough
I'll try to
send them my love
If only they can
let some joy to their lonely hearts
I wish I knew the magic spell
To make us people find our ways
People want to control the flow
Before they learn how to ride on it
They think they're so wise and so powerful
But no one cries as they demise
I won't lose
My hopes and expectatons
I believe we can earn
The obidil
3. Erazem Predjamski
lyrics: Katarina Globoènik, music: Obidil
Once upon a time
There was a rock with a castle inside
Nobody could conquer the stronghold
To get Erazem the knight
He lived in wealth robbing from others
He had a treasure of stolen gold
He challenged the anger of other knights
So the world outside became his enemy
The army blocked the front door
Famine should drag the courtiers out
Time was passing by
But nothing changed except seasons
Besiegers waiting under the cave
Were targets of sarcastic laughter
While getting down
Fresh fruits and wine
Once upon a time
There was a castle with a tunnel inside
Nobody could conquer the stronghold
To get Erazem the knight
He lived in wealth robbing from others
He had a treasure of stolen gold
But all you share never is enough
So the world inside became his enemy
The army blocked the front door
But pointed the guns to the window
Waiting for the light
Of betrayal to shine
The light of death started shining
There was no game to play anymore
Erazem got a solid shot
And lost everything he lived for
His story lives anyway
He knew to live from day to day
His courage brought him to live on the edge
There was no escape from his miserable end
4. Pot Spoznanj
lyrics: Toma� Jelenc, music: Obidil
Izgubila sta se
prostor in èas - nova podoba.
Potujemo v ogledalu
unicenega �ivljenja stara fora.
Zdaj je vseeno,
ker vse je od�lo�
Nemo vesolje
in neskoncnost smo mi.
»Ne!« govorimo v strahu:
»Pa ne �e spet!
Kam ogledalo be�i?
Je vse res ali privid?«
Nisem se hotela roditi
za �ivljenje v temi;
Razmi�ljala sem o sanjah,
Ki so me zbujale sredi noci.
Takrat sem se spra�evala:
»Kaj je z menoj?«
Cudila sem se �e temu,
da vcasih misli so od�le v neznano.
Pametovali so
naj ne opominjam na napake:
»Raje hodi po poti,
ki smo jo mi utrli zate.«
�ivljenje in pot spoznanj
- ideal poslanstva.
Upornik brez razloga
Je èrna zgodba.
A se najde razlog.
�la bom naprej,
pustila se bom presenetit;
Ne bo �e konec èudnih idej.
Takrat sem se spra�evala:
»Kaj je z menoj?«
Èudila sem se �e temu,
da vèasih misli so od�le v neznano.
Pametovali so
naj ne opominjam na napake:
»Raje hodi po poti,
ki smo jo m utrli zate.«
Takrat sem se spra�evala:
»Kaj je z menoj?«
Èudila sem se �e temu,
da vèasih misli so od�le v neznano.
Pametovali so
naj ne opominjam na napake:
»Raje hodi po poti,
ki smo jo mi utrli zate.«
5. The Parallel World
lyrics: Katarina Globoènik, music: Obidil
The parallel world is what we need�
The parallel world is what we need�
The parallel world is what we need�
The parallel world's what we caress
When we try to touch the air
We suspect that it is real
But our view can't cross the edge
They live right inside our lives
But they don't bother we don't know
We need each other to wonder about
To keep us longing for, to keep us living
Their souls slip through our fingers
When we're begging for the truth
If we listened very hard
They would tell us what to do
But we don't believe in this
We don't know what's listening�
Why we should believe all this
We don't know what's listening�
We think that we're enough
We are not wondering�
There's nothing we care about
We are not listening�
The parallel world
No time and no place
Where universes cross
Where our dreams go
It's their signs what we read
When we're thinking what we feel
Through the Earth they're whispering
Through the air they're calling us
Desperately they want to be seen
They want us to know that we're not alone
They need our lives as we need their wisdom
To keep us longing for, to keep us living
We're their reason to create
We have the power to be materialised
Because they watch us very hard
We can show them what to do
The parallel world
No time and no place
Where universes cross
Where our dreams go
The parallel world is what we need�
The parallel world is what we need�
The parallel world is what we need�
6. The Dragon's Story
lyrics: Katarina Globoènik, music: Obidil
There is the story
Which came with the wind
The grass was whispering
The trees were singing
Describing what happened
Long time ago
It's about the Dragon
And the Landlord
Who searched for water
While the draught
Mankind came across
Mystic creatures
It was a summer day
The castle well was dry
The Sun the king of fire
Was burning from the sky
The Landlord was waiting
For the night coolness to come
He took his spade
And went to the backyard
To search the underworld
Of his beloved home
He searched for water
Praying for the rain
Right at midnight
A beam of moonlight
Touched the bottom
Of the hole he dug
Oh incredible, how it shone
There was a pile of gold
There were shiny diamonds
He screamed »This beauty will be mine«
He forgot the water
He forgot the fields
He forgot his horses
He forgot his family
There was more of
Everything a heart can desire
More of everything
Than a heart can desire
He screamed »This beauty will be mine«
Oh dream on
You don't need the gold
And I guard it with my life
Bad times are coming, you know
You'll need a warior like me
Control your intentions
There was a dragon in the pit
Guarding the heart of Mother Earth
The Landlord conquered his own greed
He became aware of who he was indee
He recognized the kernel of his own fortune
He realized that he was another guardian
Mankind joined the army of the Lord
Perfection of the power was shown through the storm
7. Ne Išči Več
lyrics: K. Globočnik, music: Obidil
Skleni že mir s seboj, ura teče, čas beži
Ne Šele jutri, ampak nocoj, pojdi vsaj malo med ljudi
Ne išči več, kar že dolgo imaš, čas teče, čas beži
Ne misli več le na sebe, bolj pisan je svet, kot si ti
Ne skrivaj več svoje moči, spet lahko bi ljubil, kot nekoč
Odpri že svoje oči, ura teče, čas beži
Ne misli le na stare stvari, z njimi zidove gradiš
Ne išči več, kar že dolgo imaš, ne hrani zase kar je, da daš
Če boš le opazoval, boš še manjši postal
Ne išči več, kar že dolgo imaš, ne hrani zase kar je, da daš
Če boš le opazoval, boš še manjši postal
Nehaj že sanjati, naš svet se pač vrti
Ne skrivaj se, ne pozabljaj živet pusti že, kar te mori
Odloči se, ne boj se več, čuti povedat da si
Ni več časa za skrivalnice, potrebuje te naš planet
Ne išči več, kar že dolgo imaš, ne hrani zase kar je, da daš
Če boš le opazoval, boš še manjši postal
Ne išči več, kar že dolgo imaš, ne hrani zase kar je, da daš
Če boš le opazoval, boš še manjši postal
8. Intro The Night
Solo: Klemen Markelj
9. Noč
lyrics: Katarina Globoènik, music: Obidil
V osamljenem kotu svojega �ivljenja
svoj mali svet gradi.
Noèe poslu�ati tujega mi�ljenja,
ker prezira vse ljudi.
Svet se mu zdi krivièen,
poèuti se, kot, da padel bi z neba
na planet, ki ni resnièen in
ga pu�èa otopelega
Ko se noè spusti se misel razpr�i
Noè obuja trenutke iz preteklosti
Noè odpira novo vidno polje
Priganja ga, naj gre èez svoje obzorje
Noè �eli, da bi razumel
Èesar ni nikoli hotel
Da v temi odpre oèi
In spozna skrite strasti
Noè �eli, da bi razumel
Èesar ni nikoli hotel
V osamljenem kotu svojega �ivljenja
si gradi varen pristan,
a bolj si miru �eli
bolj v njem besni vihar.
Vse bolj postaja tuj in sam
Izgubljen med ljudmi
Vse se mu zdi zaman
A srce �e hrepeni
Noè �eli, da bi razumel
Èesar ni nikoli hotel
Da v temi odpre oèi
In spozna skrite strasti