
"Cut God Out / Feasting On Purulence" (2005 Split)
1. Saw Me 2. Hell Yawns Before You 3. Feasting on Purulence 4. Disgorging Innards 5. Treasures of Anatomy
1. Saw Me
Sawing to the bone
Cutting through the skin
Drinking my own blood
Guilty of this sin
Wanting to live the normal way
Fighting to exist day to day
Hard to bide by Christian law
God is gone cut out by the saw
Dictum up from Hell
The purgatory spell
Light of God on me
Denounce Christianity
Can’t have God inside
I would rather die
Setting myself free
The devil leading me
2. Hell Yawns Before You
A plight of great consequence now liens this day
Darkening of Heaven the lighting of Hells way
Deep with in a blackened uncreated abyss
Spewing sepulture opens wide with mist
A gnarled gnashing pounding at the bludgeoned sky
Fallen Christian lord bellows covered with flies
Hungry vermin scatter fast to lick and bite
Feasting on divine angelic corpses at night
Hark the tempestuous seven angels mourn
Defunct feeble harlot caressing hells horns
Foul horrid thoughts a deeds to imprecate
Ones fruitless humanity absolution is too late
Vain and valueless wearied sterile mind
Contemptuous and inoperative a soul so blind
Emaciated dreams absent minded to the core
Life?s tattered tapestry reprehensible whore
Fetid gaping wound of a world gone awry
Speeding wings of vengeance piercing holy sky
Hell yawns before you
You choose this bedeviled regretful way of death
Cursing at the heavens blaspheming every breath
Turmoil surrounds your licentious sinful crime
Kingdom of the strong you will never die
Impending damnation fire my purlieu
You would not have changed even if you knew
3. Feasting on Purulence
Infrasternal excrescence macerated in suppuration
Curdled lymphocytic fluids pungent serum emanation
…on pusfilled sacs
…on blistering scabs
…your cyst I squeeze
…feasting on
Effervesing neoplasm plunged in putrescent secretions
Purulential imposthume on the exulcerated omentum
…on pusfilled sacs
…on blistering scabs
…your cyst I squeeze
…feasting on purulence
Foctid gases I sniff getting high on putrefaction
Rigor mortis makes you excrete I lick the dissecting table
4. Disgorging Innards
Severe tumours haemorrhaging bowels
Spurting chymus your stomach implodes
Gangrened hernia on insides plagued with cysts
The necrosed rectum is a feast for pathologists
Dismantled anal tract disgorging innards
Garstroenteral prolapse disgorging innards
Oral excretionin faeces you choke
Ectopic sphincter adhered in your throat
Cough up offals and ensaguinated entrails
A foetid vomit splash on your mangled face
Dismantled anal tract disgorging innards
Garstroenteral prolapse disgorging innards
Gorged on gore
Infested with sores
Yearn to excrete
Jaundiced viscus seeping septic pus
Peptic ulcers gargle with gastric juices
Nauseating as gargarize the abluent enema
Faecalized intestines dissolved in blood
Coproemetic ectopism vomitus cruentes
Fermented selfdigestion reflux into your mouth
Dismantled anal tract disgorging innards
Garstroenteral prolapse disgorging innards
5. Treasures of Anatomy
Dealing with anatomy satisfy my morbid greed
Everything inside the corpse my pleasure and my job
Stealing fragments from the dead extirpated limbs I sell
Clandestine economy cadavers is all we need
Treasures of anatomy business of disgust
My sick occupation fulfill my necrophiliac lust
Macabre orders conserved in formaldehyde
Dealing with organs so its how I get my life
Abducting and crippling
Bodies are torn to pieces
Ablating and ripping
My job is fucking stinky
The black market of the human flesh
Getting money from this occult trade
Body recycling industry
Morbid treasures of the anatomy
Defiling my victims
My autopsies are dirty
Market of morbidity
Pathology is so exciting