
"Something Wicked" (1993)
1. Something Wicked 2. Another Violent End 3. Behind Glass Walls 4. Chaos 5. The Forge 6. No Time 7. To Serve Man 8. Madness Descends 9. Poetic Justice 10. Art 11. The Other End
1. Something Wicked
Here comes the circus now to steal your life away
Catch unwary children at their play
Disturb what was a peaceful island of calm
A storm is coming on the horizon
The traveller begs for you his words to heed
To fear the evil thing that he proceeds
Recruiting evil in the autumn times of sin
A mad collection of broken men
Thunder ripping out across the sky
Draw the lighning out of my mind
By the prickling of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes
The house of mirrors is your place of play
Ten thousand faces driving you insane
A carnival of hate crawling through your mind
A gripping fear that leaves you paralyzed
Thunder ripping out across the sky
Draw the lighning out of my mind
By the prickling of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes
2. Another Violent End
A spiral of anger breaks its human fold
A chapter of hatred starts its evil flow
Now a trial begins
A clash of senseless hate
Before the fences mend
Another violent end
Cambodia soon became its home
The holy land, an endless scene of human blood
Now a trial begins
A clash of senseless hate
Before the fences mend
Another violent end
Looking down upon the hate and sin
Is there no way out, a way out of this maze
Why can't we put away our bloody violent ways
Can't we have some peace why can't we let it end
A hundred thousand years the world is still the same
Where does it start why do we let it all begin
Where does it end now no one ever knows
Let peace come to this weary globe
3. Behind Glass Walls
See a man living behind glass walls
His eyes are blind they see nothing, nothing at all,
All his thoughts bend twards things,
things that only he sees
All the world a reflection of his dreams,
his nightmares are all too real
Trapped within a crystalline world of thought
Not a fool unaware, of what must be sought
All his hopes and his dreams they are frozen in time
All the world a reflection of his dreams,
his nightmres are all too real
Tear out the eyes that do not see
Turning your thoughts to perceptions within
Reaching through shadows blood on his hands
Grasping the truth that has found
4. Chaos
The son of families of millionaires is representing the masses
I thought that most people I know are broke
Taxation by representation tell me all about it huh
How does this whole damn trickle down thing work
Don't blame me your sins are on your head
I won't be accused I'm a product of my times
I've left your future behind
Let's talk about hypocrisy
you supercillous son of a bitch
You want to talk about the mess I've made
Well you better check under your bed
The war on drugs the war on crime
the war on poverty the war on peace
It's seems to me we're only fighting ourselves
Since when did we become the enemy
Don't blame me your sins are on your head
I won't be accused I'm a product of my times
I've left your future behind
Sit back in your easy chair and lecture me on how it was
You make it sound like the world went to hell exactly on the day I was born
Open your eyes open your mind and look at thing the way that they are
Stop looking at the world through a prism of delusional thought
5. The Forge
The human soul is always free
Some people they keep secrets
They say that we are not telling
And I know in their silence
It slips right through their fingers
Scared eyes are blinking
Heads held high ak reasons
Why do we
Try for such big ideas
You take the hand and you break it boy
They can't really see
That you're trying to be right
You take her by the arm
You say what my dear
That wasn't very nice
You better change your mind
Why are you telling me this
This is what you need
You've been there before I know
I know
That I'm not the only soul for these hours
It's not gonna change my mind
I'm the liar
I want to get out I've gotta change
I crush up papers
I've got to get out
You're never gonna change my world
You're all liars
I want to get out
You're never gonna change my words
You're all liars
We want to get out
You're gonna chain my words
You're all liars
We want to get out
You're never gonna change my ways
You're all liars
I've got to get out
You're never gonna change my words
You're all liars
I've got to get out
You're never gonna change my world
You're all liars
I've got to get out
You're never gonna change my words
You're all liars
I've got to get out
You're never gonna change my world
You're all liars
6. No Time
Wander into someone's life you're self assured
You're building trust and winning dreams
You hide behind hind a mask your face is not your own
Of your true side little is seen
As time goes by dependance builds up day by day
Illusion built up out of lies
No time, gotta get away I wound be bound by your mistakes
I'm not an expirement
Now I know just who I am
You hide behind a mask your face is not your own
Of your true side little is seen
As time goes by dependance builds up day by day
Illusion built up out of lies
Hopelessly trapped helplessly hoping it's not real
You try to close your ears against their cries
No time, gotta get away I wound be bound by your mistakes
I'm not an experiment
Now I know just who I am
7. To Serve Man
Politicians' plastic grin
Talking with that alien
We can rest our troubled minds tonight
No solutions here on earth
The president's a fucking jerk
Now the answer's coming from the sky
Oh are the heavens dropping in
To save us from destruction of ourselves,
Or have they come to serve man
Armed with a cookbook straight from hell
Saucers come to save our nation
Touching down at Union Station
Holding summit meetings on the lawn
The Weekly World was on the ball
The Post and Tribune missed it all
Wait a minute where was I?
Oh are the heavens dropping in
To save us from destruction of ourselves,
Or have they come to serve man
Armed with a cookbook straight from hell
Now we know from even higher
Which candidate's a bigger liar
From bad to worse who cares who wins the fight
Don't think I remember when
You could't trust alien
With propaganda left and right
Oh are the heavens dropping in
To save us from destruction of ourselves,
Or have they come to serve man
Armed with a cookbook straight from hell
8. Madness Descends
Another time of madness descends
Why can't the hatred ever seem to end
Man against man brothers fighting one another
And no one ready to make amends
Violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
As madness sweeps all reason from my mind
I see the horsemen coming
Out of the west like a hurricane
I hear the horsemen calling out my name
Fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart
My blood signs red with a bloody want
As my soul screams a futile cry for reason
The riders call to my basest part
I see the horsemen coming
Out of the west like a hurricane
I hear the horsemen calling out my name
When the time of violent outrage now arrives
Are the horsemen waiting from the side
In this when the world can reach no reason
Or is this the calm before the storm
I hear
I hear
9. Poetic Justice
Doe, a deer thut Nugent shot
Ray, a fish that's flat
Me, the guy who's always getting fucked
Fa, the ride to our next gig
So, it means I'm not impressed
La, a place where we record
Ti, H C it's found in pot
Dough is what I never seem to have
Mother Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Yo, a word to call my friends
Hey, it's how I say hello
Skeeve, the guy who drives your bus
Ma, the one who sleeps with dad
Bone, a spliff I roll myself
Pa, the guy who whips your ass
Dis, a bust on someone else
Dough is what I never seem to have
Mother Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Ho, a bitch who takes your cash
Spray is what I did to her
Heave, is when I vomit up
Car, a way to get around
You fuck me huh? You fucking weak asshole dickhead cocksucker
You fucking come on
Come fuck with me
I'll kick your ass you jerk
You fuckhead motherfucker, fuck all you and your family
Come on you cocksucker slime-fucking shitface dirtball
Bro, a guy who lends you cash
Lay, it ain't just down
Pee, a way to skip out on your class
Bra this thing that you unsnap
No, the word you never want to hear
Nah, it's how you say no way
Free, the price that nothing ever is
Dough is what I never seem to have
Morther Goose was never here
Father Christmas was a drunk
Easter Bunny well done tasted good
Peter Pan hung out with fairies
Tinkerbell got blown away
Mary Poppins O.D.'d on Quaaludes
Tow, a truck for when your car's gone down
Rahs, the girls who do the jocks
Tee, a place to put your balls
Grow, my hair until I drop
10. Art
It's fucking art, man!!!
11. The Other End