
"Coming Soon To A Theatre Near You, The 2nd" (2002)
1. The Bells Of Notre Dame 2. Blacksmith & Co 3. Vlad The Impaler 4. Dracula Sucks! 5. Ulv 6. Daughter Of Darkness 7. Sisterhood 8. Michael 9. Give Blood - Save Lives 10. A Misconception Of The French Kiss 11. Horrorscope
1. The Bells Of Notre Dame
From afar by the breezes carried through the dense and
impenetratable fog rings a church bell so dull and eerie,
towards the sound draws nightly stroll at this hour
is someone getting married?
As I come nearer chamber music I hear
behind the shrine there's a hidden stair case,
the moment I enter the music stops,
in the chamber stands an old church organ
with wax candles and pipes that reaches all the way up
In the web buried dust of the ages,
which is weird after what I've just heard
Hello, don't be afraid, I don't need to hide in the shadows no more
These are my ladies, aren't they beatiful,
each one speaks with a lovely voice
I call them the belles of Notre Dame
Bells of Notre Dame
Bells of Notre Dame
(Narration: Vampirella as the girl Esmeralda)
Ring, Ring, I said Ring for me
Let them ring for the shallow beauty, but for whom?
If only walls could speak, every stone has a different story
Grey in shade to your poem epique, listen
The Bells of Notre Dame
The Bells of Notre Dame
2. Blacksmith & Co
Blacksmith blacksmith working in the shadows wedged between the world and here, in a clandestine dungeon the size of a forest where the mass of little people swinging sledges. His shadow brings them fear. The anvil was forged in fire!
"Pounding pounding - brimstone and filth
Whilst reluctantly we sing the Lilliputian lilt
In this giant subterranean hall, in which it all does blend
The deafening battering echoes without end."
Mercy! Mercy! I don't want to die! A young brunette is crying out as they are being stripped. Nevermore! - Evermore? - "Now shut that little whore", the old one roars, and no one laughs no more.
"The cloven hooved employer, he who fathered all evil
Has placed our hollow-eyed heads between the hammer and the anvil"
Blacksmith blacksmith chained unto his hammer. Zombie-like they wrought the iron.
Hurry up, hurry up! There's sixteen more to go! We don't want to feed them devils at the barbeque tonight with our own bottles that is!
"Yet another ferryload has crossed the river styx
Stripped then divided by hair colour in triplets of six after letting off some steam, of that devilish desire
The host throws the party into the great lake of fire eaten back to life anew this time with eyes wide shut
It is common knowledge one must strike while the iron's hot work our fingers to the bone
The calluses are overgrown how we'd love join the orgy, in the ring of satanic sluts"
3. Vlad The Impaler
Once upon a time in a place not far from here
lived a prince in a castle with his lovely fiancée
One day she got bit by a bat and grew paler and paler
She died later that spring in the arms of Vlad the impaler
Outcast from the arch only fools dare to whisper his name after dark
Vlad is the devil, that´s what they say but he isso very generous on Fangsgivings day
Vlad the impaler sings a lullabye for naughty naughty children
The time has come to... die
Vlad has a hole his heart ought to be
he knows "the life at stake" process by heart
see Vlad the impaler crawls out his den
like itsy bitsy spider he crawls back again
If Vlad would have a penny for every time he´s bad
Then Vlad would have plenty but no no
Vlad has bad breath caused by tooth decay
when stalking his victims bad breath gives him away
But he was more known as... DRACULA!
4. Dracula Sucks!
She wears a garlic necklace round her milk white neck
She has unpleasant dreams the Germans cal "schreck"
Her hand's white knuckled grip round a silver crusifix
Drew nails in his coffin we did, so Count him out.. Dracula sucks!
A trans-like greenish vapour haunts the transvetite
The transylvanian sucker needs a lu-love bite
The has-been coffin's sealed for good so what's the crux
With fresh blood built our empire the Vampire deluxe... Dracula sucks!
5. Ulv
I show you mine - if you show me yours. Sure, you get more cigarettes and candy of course but don't cry Wolf!
A predator and beast lolitas has unleashed
Proceeds as white as wool whether or not the Moon is full...
Don't cry wolf! No! No! You're barking up the wrong tree
Manipulate and scheme - to hyde that Jak-x-treme
Unscrupulous I am - you may fool them all, but you can't fool me ulv!
A classic tale of Grimm - a chaperon for him
No freak in wolfskin furs - No lycantropic curse
Beware the candy man whose claws are manicured
Don't suck his Candy Cain or hitch-hike with his hearse... don't cry ulv! No! No!
6. Daughter Of Darkness
Act 1:
Do not worry my dear, it s going to be just fine, I hope
You shouldn´t blame yourself it wasn´t your fault
Ooh it´s the first time for me too you know
And I am just as nervous and afraid as you are
so just hold my hand and we make it together as always
She pushed and she pushed but the baby was stead fast
I passed out when she needed me the most
no omen or vision beats a womens intuition
When her motherly instinct is on but what if
Will be like in "Rosemary´s Baby" a monster freak or a
Awoke as I screamed from my blood curling dream
Oh God help me, what have I done
I have a feeling there´s something wrong
I could have swore I heard an angel sigh
Some force don´t want this child to be born
I dreamt of a raven, could that have been an omen
We who sailed the seventh seas of rhye nonchalantly
I thought that nothing could ever stop us
I would do anything, anything for you
wish there was something I could do Ooh Vampirella
Act 2:
"I want you to know that whatever, however, whoever
turns out you should know that I´ve always loved you,
and I promised you a son, didn´t I?
So listen carefully, I feel I can´t go on much longer please
let me finish,
I wouldn´t say this if it wasn´t for real, I don´t have much
time left"
The baby is stillborn lay quiet and still
through the storm hear the howling of wolves…
I look at my love who´s grown weaker and weaker
our love child becomes her death
now something connects them like glowing magnetism
it´s a transmigration of souls then deafening silence
It kind of froze for a moment like the entire world held it´s
Why did it had to be this way at first I felt such anger that
Couldn´t look at her, I rushed up the stairs to the
pinnacles top
My lady is dead, you newborn murderess, there held the
bundle high
Overhead unto the wind, only thunder gods witness
My daughter was baptized in the rain of memory of her
mother I gave her the name...
7. Sisterhood
He sought cover on that rainy Sunday night
Where no-man had sat his foot for a long, long time
A lonesome chapel on a desolate moor
shortly after he slept by the fire-place
awoke as god has made him there on the floor
by a female falsetto at the BREAK
(To Be Continued On Vol. 1)
8. Michael
Michael! Let me out, Michael! Where are you? If you open now, we can split my twix in two one for me and one for you
Michael! I'm afraid, Michael! What's wrong with you? If you open now, promise I won't tell on you, don't want to share my... this ain't fun no more, mommy's worried that's for sure, Michael please unlock the door
9. Give Blood - Save Lives
On blood they built their empire, by offering help, and providing themselves a clan of modern days vampires, despite their wealth, a considerable loss and they named their hoax... Red Cross
Light-sensitive activities, may wonder why it, wasn't brought to light who question the authorities, well, some they did, and then later on died with the cross turned upside down.
A chain that's international, a blood-red cross and a slogan that does appeal to your bad conscience and make you feel great, every time you donate we all need blood to stay alive, and so do they, in a civilized way. No member bites the feeding hand, there's lawyers, cops, politicians and such so the truth is you've been fooled. Give blood - save lives!
10. A Misconception Of The French Kiss
Excuse moi madame, "L´Arc de triomphe?"
La tour eiffel ou Notre Dame – un tourist demande
A devil in disguise – fangs madame voila
Krumlour of Paris it´s beau and romantique who are you?
She then ask – first pious then grotesque
If this is all there is then it must be some mistake
Is this what I think it is a mistake
Is this what i think it is, a mistake of the world famous kiss
With etiquette and finesse – I ask for some adresse, then - en touriste?
Oui oui – I show no mercy
11. Horrorscope
The Lion - ambitious
The Raven - most malicious
The hanged man's world is upside down
The Omen - depending
The Undead - blood demanding
The Throne - vengefulness incarned
The Phantom - so mystic
The Mirror - narcisistic
The Jester
The Gallow - impious
The Serpent - see the previous
The Liar - cruel
... forms the horrorscope.