
"Diabolical Metal" (2002)
1. Thee I Invoke 2. Non Opus Dei 3. Verbum Diaboli 4. U Bram 5. Teufelssteine 6. Hail Lokh 7. ...Ognia, Burzy I Buntu... 8. The Warriors Speaks 9. Time To Meet Your Doom 10. The Transformation Into The Avatar Of Seth 11. De Nycht Dom Iliaest
1. Thee I Invoke
The Names deleted from the book of life
say them slowly in silence.
Play mute darkhymns to their glory,
sing songs without words.
Thee I invoke.
Imiona skre�lone z ksi�gi �ycia
m�w powoli w milczeniu.
Graj nieme hymny ku ich chwale,
�piewaj pie�ni bez s��w.
Ciebie wzywam.
2. Non Opus Dei
"The one who opposeth
and exalteth himself above everything
that is called god or worshipped"
Delete my name from the Book of Life!
Inscribe it on a page in the Book of Death!
My name is the rumble of thunder under the skies!
I am the corner-stone of the first of all cities!
Every day
I have offered up prayers to the altar
to the altar on which stood I
Six candles - black candles
Six nights - black nights
Six figures - black figures
six black figures of the I
Now - I am the memory of the past
which has never been
I am the king of the kingdom
which has no boundaries
I am the Opus which shall be completed
beyond the past, beyond the future
beyond this world...
All time is one unto Me...
3. Verbum Diaboli
Oto s�owo piekielne...
S�owa, s�owa, s�owa niemych ust -
na skrzyd�ach wichru...
W obj�ciach burzy...
Us�ysz s�owa, s�owa niemych ust -
na skrzyd�ach wichru...
W obj�ciach burzy...
Jego s�owa - pal�ce ogniem buntu
Verbum Diaboli
Jego s�owa - �wi�te jak tchnienie Bestii
Verbum Diaboli
Jego s�owa - niepoj�te proroctwo
Verbum Diaboli
Krzycz dop�ki nie zamilkniesz
Patrz dop�ki nie o�lepniesz
Dotykaj dop�ki nie sp�oniesz
M�w dop�ki nie zapomnisz s��w
(oto by�o s�owo piekielne...)
M�w dop�ki nie zapomnisz s��w...
M�w dop�ki nie zapomnisz s��w...
S��w, s��w, s��w niemych ust...
W obj�ciach burzy...
Na skrzyd�ach wichru...
W obj�ciach burzy...
Na skrzyd�ach wichru...
4. U Bram
Zrozumie� S�owo Piekielne,
zrozumie� niepoj�te,
to znale�� si� u Bram
U Bram nie ma �ycia
U Bram nie ma �wiat�a
U Bram - stoisz Ty...
5. Teufelssteine
The works in honour of those who are here
though they have never been born;
who were here though they have never lived;
who will be here though they will never see this world...
The pagan cult of the stones,
never destroyed by the church... Teufelssteine!
Here is no light, even the fire is burning with darkness!
The work alien to human art, unaccountably familiar!
Eyes burning with madness,
words and gestures alien to light!
The smell of the Storm! Hear the Fire!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
See the Scream! Hear the Pain!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
See the Pain! Feel the Scream!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
Der Tag des Kreuzes ist geschaffen!
Der Morgen der Magei ist Hier!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
The Gods mightier than the wooden crosses!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
The Legends older than the wooden crosses!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
Der Tag des Kreuzes ist geschaffen!
Teufelssteine! Teufelssteine!
6. Hail Lokh
The cosmic order consists in the cooperation of opposite
forces. The moral dualism leads to self-destruction.
The very essence of the world is neither love nor hate,
but the fight between them and the changes that occur
as the result of this fight. Here is the one who is beyond
good and evil, who is the active energy of the cosmos,
the cause of constant development...
Hail, Loki! Fimbul has come!!!
"So is the sun darkened at high noon,
the heavens and earth are turned red with blood...
The moon is lost in blackness...
The stars vanish from the skies...
Earth, smouldering and black, sinks into the ocean;
The billows cover it.
Now there is naught but thick blackness and silence unbroken.
The end hath come..."
The Avatar of Death
The Archangel of Doom - bringing life
The Messenger of the End - commencing the beginning
The Active energy of the cosmos
The wounds that He inflicts are always fatal
Behold - The Gates are open now...
Behold - The Seals are broken...
Behold - the Fire!
it shall consume all the lands
Behold the Snow!
it shall make us forget and it will cover
our lands
Ashes, ashes...
The Archangel of Doom!
The Avatar of Death!
The Avatar of Life!
Bring us Death!
Commence the Beginning!
The creative forces of destruction!
Our dying civilization
Be the Wolves
Be the Conquerors
The people of the dying world!
Be the Wolves!
Be the Conquerors!
Be the Wolves!
Be the Fire!
7. ...Ognia, Burzy I Buntu...
P�on�cy D�b, Kamienny Piorun,
Pradawny Buntownik. Ci, kt�rzy
strzeg� naszej ognistej �cie�ki...
Hail Perun! Hail Thor! Hail Satan!
Bogowie ognia, burzy i buntu...
Je�d�cy Burzy!
Podejd�, sp�jrz w ich twarze...
W�adcy B�yskawic!
Podejd�, poczuj ich gniew!
Prastary D�b!
P�on�cy ogniem Peruna...
Nadchodzi Moc!
Bogowie Ognia i Burzy...
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Dzie� gniewu duch�w, gniewu bog�w!
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Hail Perun!
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Dzie� szarych chmur, kamiennych piorun�w!
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Hail Thor!
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Dzie� b�yskawic �r�d nocy, dzie� bez �witu!
Nadejdzie ten dzie�!
Bogowie Ognia, Burzy i Buntu!
W�adcy B�yskawic!
Ci, kt�rzy daj� Moc - wybrali mnie,
bym objawi� ich si��!
Ogniu - krocz za mn�!
Piorunie - b�d� mym g�osem!
Bogowie Ognia, Burzy i Buntu -
wybrali mnie
bym objawi� ich si��...
8. The Warriors Speaks
The eternal circle of birth and destruction...
What is new, comes from that which is old...
It is Time to meet your Doom...
Odwieczny kr�g narodzin i zniszczenia...
To, co nowe powstaje z tego, co stare...
Czas spojrze� w oczy swemu przeznaczeniu - Zag�adzie...
9. Time To Meet Your Doom
The Warriors of the cosmic order!
To destroy and to create!
To cross the frozen Rhine!
The Barbarians of the new world!
Hail, the Warriors!
Hail, the Guardians!
Hail, the New Barbarians
of the dying kingdoms of Man!
We - the piercing wind
We - the severe frost
We - tempestuous winter
We - the Age of the Cloven Shields
Hail, the Warriors of the Cosmic Order!
Hail, the Guardians of the most ancient (tradition)
Hail, the Barbarians of the dying kingdoms of Man
The dying kingdoms of Man
So behold -
the ubiquitous weakness
the ubiquitous malady
the lethal pestilence
in the dying kingdoms of Man!
So behold -
the world downfall
Downfall of the kingdoms of Man...
We shall set the world on fire...
We shall bring the new order...
and complete the eternal circle
of birth and destruction...
We shall bring the Age of Cloven Shields
The Age of Wolf
The Age of Sword
Be the Swords...
Swords of Cloven Shields
10. The Transformation Into The Avatar Of Seth
A chapter on the transformation into the avatar of Seth
The son of Nunu and Re - I am not!
The son of Geb and Nut - I am not!
Not their son I am! - I am not!
For the brother of mine - whom I have killed
made me dwell in the other kingdom
(in the kingdom of the Dark God)
Made me dwell alone in Nu
Yet this loneliness is full of trembling voices
Trembling voices of gods
who are afraid of me
And of my army, which I command
which I command and which is in me...
Isis - for your man you cried
Isis - for my brother (whom I have killed)
you cried
And your man woke from his sleep
And my brother (whom I have killed)
woke from his sleep
Oh, he shall die the second time!
And your son, Isis, your son!
Oh, the Falcon lost his eye!
I devoured Udjat!
I am the exalted one among the Nine Gods!
worship Set - worship your own body!
worship Horus - worship your own carcass...
11. De Nycht Dom Iliaest
The Names deleted from the Book of Life -
I said them slowly in silence.
I played mute darkhymns to their glory,
I sang songs without words.
Thee I invoked.
Imiona skre�lone z ksi�gi �ycia -
wym�wi�em powoli w milczeniu.
Gra�em nieme hymny ku ich chwale,
�piewa�em pie�ni bez s��w.
Ciebie wezwa�em.