
"Annihilation of the Wicked" (2005)
1. Dusk Falls Upon the Temple of the Serpent on the Mount of Sunrise 2. Cast Down the Heretic 3. Sacrifice Unto Sebek 4. User-Maat-Re 5. The Burning Pits of the Duat 6. Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns 7. Lashed to the Slave Stick 8. Spawn of Uamenti 9. Annihilation of the Wicked 10. Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
1. Dusk Falls Upon the Temple of the Serpent on the Mount of Sunrise
2. Cast Down the Heretic
Blasphemer, Heretic, Defiler of the Sacred Ones
Thou art Deprived of Your Limbs
Thy Nose Shall be Split
Thou art Cast Down and Overthrown
Ra-Harmakhis Destroyeth Thee
He Damneth Thee and Driveth Hooks into Thy Body
Isis Sayeth in Mighty Voice, "The Number of They Days are Cut Short.
The Bones are Broken to Splinters They Vertebrae are Severed."
Horus Hammereth Thy Head
The Sons of Heru Smash you With Their Blows
Thou Art Decimated by Their Violence
Thou Fallest Backwards as Thou Retreateth Like unto Apep
The Great Company of Gods Gather in Retribution
They Hath Passed Judgement upon Thee
They Cast Down Your Heresy
They Spit Upon Thee and Thy Rebellion
And Turn Their Back upon Thee
Horus Repulseth Thy Crocodile
Sut Defileth Thy Tomb
Nephthys Hacketh Thee in Pieces
The Sons of Horus Speareth Thee
The Gods Repulse Thee
The Flames of Their Fire is Against Thee
Cursed Art Thou, Impaled Thou Art, Flayed Art Thou
Heretic Thou Art Cast Down
Blows are Rained Upon Thee
Dismemberment and Slaughter are on Thee
Thy Crocodile is Trampled under Foot
Thy Soul is Wrenched from its Shade
Thy Name is Erased
Thy Spells are Impotent
Nevermore Shalt Thou Emerge from Thy Den
Thy City Armana Lays in Ruin
Damn Art Thy Accursed Soul and Shadow
Die O One, which Art Consumed
Thy Name is Buried in Oblivion
Silence Covereth Thee and Thy False One
Down upon Thy Belly
Be Drowned, Be Drowned, Be Vomited Upon
The Gods have Pronounced Thy Doom
They Scorn Thee and Thy False Aten
The Ancient Ones Turn Their Backs Upon Thee
Thou Art Cast Down, Overthrown
Thy Reign of Heresy is Ended
Those Thou Hast Driven Out Have Risen Against Thee
Cast Down the Heretic
Khnemu Draggeth Thy Spawn to the Black of Slaughter
Sick Shlat Thou be at the Mention of Thin Own Name
Sekhmet Teareth Out Thy Bowels and Casteth Them into Flames
She Filleth Thine Orifices With with Fire
Uadjit Shutteth Thee in the Pits of Burning
Nevermore Shall You Breathe or Procreate
Neither Thy House or Tomb Exist
Thou Shal Drive Thy Teeth into Thine Own Body
Heretic, Thou Art Cast Down
Overthrown, Ended, Hacked into Pieces, Slaughtered, Butchered
Ra Hath Made Thoth to Slay Thee Utterly
3. Sacrifice Unto Sebek
Sebek, Sochet, Suchos
Dread Lord of the Marsh
He Who Crawleth Amongst the Sacred Waters
And Devoureth the Flesh of That Which is Sacrificed unto Him
Tua Ashemu
Rekhes Au Sebek
Tua Ashemu
Tua Ashemu
Sebek, Neter, Ashemu
Whose Teeth Rendeth and Teareth With Terrible Violence
Restore the Eyes of the Dead
Collect Their Skulls
Join Their Bones Together Again
Lord of the Temple of the Mount of Sunrise
Open the Way unto the Underworld
Cause the Dead to Rise to New Life
Bring the Child Horus upon the Throne of Osiris
4. User-Maat-Re
O Seti, Great One, My Father
I Hath Finished for Thee Thy Temple at Abydos
And Made Known the Lineage of the Blessed
Those Who Came Before
I Hath Exalted Mine Ancestors
I Hath Honoured with the Blood and Sweat of Many
The Legacy of Thy Conquestys I Hath Glorified
Thy Temple of Set in Avaris
In Karnak, Hath I Raised the Great Hall
In Thebes, Sublime Monuments, Grand Pylons, Obelisks and Colossal Statues
Are Inscribed With My Name
By Divine Right I Hath Usurped the Monuments of My Predecessors
I Hath Created Imposing Rock Hewn Temples
Monumental Colossi in Mine Own Image
Like as unto the Images of Amun, Re, Ptah
I Hath Caused to Rise a Formidable Legacy Carved in Stone
In the Mountains of Meha
Intended to Endure a Million Years
In the Violence of Sekhem
I am Become Montu
God of War in the Two Lands
I Hath Suppressed the Rebellious
I Hath Driven Back Chaos and Disorder
The Conquered Chiefs of All Foreign Lands are Beneath My Sandals
I Hath Emblazoned My Countless Voictories In Immortality
Carved in Rock as Living Images of the Ritual Massacre of Mine Enemies
I am User-Maat-Re Setepene-re
Sovereign of Sovereigns
Beloved of Amun
Chosen of Re
I Hath Made Manifest the Grandeur of My Empire
To be Worthy of Thy Legacy
O Seti, Great One
Thou Hast Done Nothing
5. The Burning Pits of the Duat
I Hath Been Immersed Head Down
In that, Which Floweth In Abundance from the Slaughtered Ones
I Hath Been Made to Eat Feces and Drink Urine
I Lay in Chains before the Undying Flames
I am Helpless in the Presence of He Who is Master of the Pits of Fire
I am Humbled and Broken in the Presence of Those Who Shall Consume My Shade in the PIts of Burning
I Didst Bow in Homage to the Spawn of Set
I Hath Kneeled in Homage to the Servants of Shesshes
In Rebellion, I Did Recite the Formulae of RItes in Glorification of the Lords of Flith
I Hath Recited the Formulae of Rites in Glorification of the Lords of Wickedness
He Who Hath Dominion of Khenti-AMenti Hath Uttered, "Hack in Pieces and Cut Asunder the Bodies of Mine Enemies and the Members of the Dead Who Hath been Turned Upside Down
Scatter in Pieces Their Shades
They Shall be Cast Down Headlong into the Pits of Fire
They Shall not Escape nor be able to Flee From the Flames Which Art in the Serpent Set-Heh"
My Heart Desires to Burn in the Pits of Fire
Allow my Ka to Blaze in Flames and be Utterly Consumed
I Stand in Submission Before the Living Ureai of Flame Who Hurls Forth Burning Heat Against The Tongue of Those Who Hath Spoken Evil
Incinerate Me in the Pits of Burning
Sear Me in the Pits of the Damned
Immoalate Me in the Pits of Torment
I Seek only the Charnel Bliss and the Blackened Caress of the Burning PIts of the Duat
I Burn, I Burn
I Burn in this Tomb of Fire
I Burn,I Burn,I Burn
6. Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns
Khensu Neter Hetef
Who Possesseth Absolute Dominion over the Evil Spirits that Infest the Earth and Sky
He of the Silence of the Moon
Giver of Oracles
He that Must Forever Wax and Wane
Thou Art in Union with Thoth
The Excellent Tehuti of Truth and Time
Keeper of the Lunar Cycle
Whose Hands are Able
Whose Tongue is Mighty in Speech
Author of the Works of Knowledge
Writer of the Ancient Wisdom Master of the Words of Power
Lord of the Two Horns
God of the Full Moon
Aah Tehuti
As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me
Oeisance before Giving Breath to the Inert one in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns
I am He Who Sendeth Forth Terror into the Domain of Rain and Thunder
I Have Made My Knife to Flourish along with the Knife Which is in the Hand of Thoth
I am He Who Calleth Down Curses and Commandeth the Elements unto Darkness
I hath Uttered the Hidden Words
Even unto the Divine Words which Art Written in the Book of Thoth
7. Lashed to the Slave Stick
Fiends, Criminals, Slaves, Blasphemers
The Word of Ra is Against You
Ye are Fettered and Bound with Leather Straps
Helpless, Doomed, Wailing in Unendurable Torment
Lashed to the Forked Slave Stick
By the Neck
Abata Ankh t Khet
Neba t Steb Tcha
Ra Pronounceth the Formulae Against Thee
The Eye of Horus is Prepared to Attack Thee
Sekhmet Uttereth Words of Flame Against Thee and Pierceth Thy Breast
Your Evil Deeds Have Turned Against You
Your Plottings Have Come upon You
You Abominable Acts Have Come Upon You
The God Who Burns the Dead
Shall Leave You Smoldering in Exile from the Netherworld
The Gorer
Causes You to Howl like a Jackal in Anguish
You Doom Hath been Decreed by Ra
Your Unjust and Perverse Judgements are upon Yourselves
The Wickedness of Your Words of Cursing are upon You
It is You Who Hath Commited the Unnutterable and Wrought Iniquity in the Great Hall
Your Corruptible Bodies Shall be Cut to Pieces
Your Souls Shall have No Existence
Ye Shall Never Again See Ra as He Journeyeth in the Hidden Land
The Doom of Ra is upon You
Lashed to the Slave Stick
Abata t Khet
Abata Ankh t Khet
Neba t Steb Tcha
8. Spawn of Uamenti
9. Annihilation of the Wicked
The Dominion of Seker
Barren Desert of Eternal Night
Shunned by Ra
Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru
The Wastelands of Seker
Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness
Death God of Memphis
He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb
He of Rosetau
The Mouth of the Passage to the Underworld
Closely Guarded by Terrible Serpents
Who Careth Not for His Own Cult of Worshippers
Ancient and Dead
Primeval Master of the World Below
Remaineth Unwitnessed, Unseen, Hidden in his Secret Chamber
His Primitive Graven Image like as a Hawk-headed Man
Shrouded and Swathed in Tomb Wrappings
Standing Between a Pair of Wings which Issue Forth from the Back of a Monstrous Serpent
Having Two Heads
Having Two Necks and Whose Tail Terminates in a Human Skull
In Thick Darkness
Amid Violent Tempests of Unendurable Cacophony
His Serpents Make Offerings unto His Image and Live upon Their Own Fire
His Servants
HIdeous Reptiles of Terrifying Aspect
Whose Work is Nothing Less than the Annihilation of the Wicked
Consume the Bodies of the Damned by Flames of Liquid Fire
They Emit from Their Mouths
And The Goddess Quetet Tent which Liveth on the Blood of the Dead
On Their Blocks
They Cut into Pieces the Flesh of the Dead
Singing Hymns of Torture and Mutilation to Their Master
Accompanied by the Wailings and Anguish of the Damned
They Wreak Destruction upon the Wicked
Those Who Hath Not Recited the Formulae
Nor Made the Sacrafices or Who Know Not the Words of Power
10. Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
I hath dreamed bleak and grim
Desolate visions of the pre-human serpent Volk
And communed with long-dead reptiles
Siliently watching through the ages in cold, curious apathy
The unending sorrows and suffering of an abysmal humankind
I dare not again surrender
To the deep sleep
Which ever beckons me
Lest I in dread
Shudder at the nameless things
That may at this very moment
Be crawling and lurking
At the slimy edges of my consciousness
Slithering forth from the bowels of their infernal pits
Worshipping their ancient stone idols
And carving their detestable likenesses
On subterranean obelisks of blood soaked granite
I await the day
When the claws of doom shall rise
To drag down in their reeking talons
The weary and hopeless remnants
Of a jaded, decayed, war-despairing mankind
Of a day, when the earth shall open wide
And the black, bottomless, yawning abyss
Engulfs the arrogant civilatizations of man
Chthonic retribution shall ascend
Amidst universal pendemonium
And those who slither and crawl shall rise again
Once more to inherit the earth