
"Uncounted Stars, Unfounded Dreamlands" (1996 EP)
1. Sleeping Out Of Time 2. Blankness 3. The Promise 4. Unfounded Dreamland 5. Waves
1. Sleeping Out Of Time
When one life pass away
Perish and one dream
Remaining without brightness and name
Which flame always be smoulder
In my soul and my heart
To build my illusions
In the other
2. Blankness
The prose of exsistance induces
To think over and to feel emotion
Everything is somehow
Odd and strange different from before
Now you can hear the roaring wind
The screaming vanity
You can see the shadows of the trees
The wash away sounds
Everything is sleep
With the gloomy breath of time
All we buried in the dead level
Of impersonal emptyness
3. The Promise
Like one everflying soul
One bird fly between
Clouds and stare
One soul is dreaming for your destiny
With eyes full of tears
Promise me that you never come down
And you´ll follow your destiny
4. Unfounded Dreamland
There are so many names
Of my own me maybe
I want to save it
Or my heart
My longing
Where seems the moon is falling
staying behind the curtains
From clouds of long ago
Begun time
This is the other reality
Where the past is in chains
In the forest of immortal dreams
We life our days looking for comfort in illusion
Where seems the moon is falling
Where the stream of memories is
In one kind forest of dead trees
5. Waves