
"Drawing the Lines" (2007 EP)
1. Nightmarish Revelation (Intro) 2. Dancers To God 3. Your World / My Prison 4. You, Liar
1. Nightmarish Revelation (Intro)
2. Dancers To God
(I tried to tell the truth but words froze on my lips)
It seems that I have been a long time asleep
Blinded and shackled by a nameless fear
But a flickering light woke up my mind
Now that I know the truth
I wish I had never searched for it
The hypocrite amen from your lips
Your lies
Accomplice and culprit of a cruel game
I'm getting so confused, I'm ashamed of myself
Entertainment of a bored divinity?
I'm getting so confused, I 'm ashamed of myself
Have I ever had a grain of dignity?
The hypocrite amen from your lips
Your lies
Accomplice and culprit of this cruel game
Time has come to break the threads
And this is the hand that will tear them
Time has come to break the threads
And this is the hand that will tear them
A cry in my throat that can't be swallowed
I trusted you and you betrayed me
But again you lower your eyes
Leaving your thought unsaid
Again you lower your eyes
Time has come to break the threads
And this is the hand that will tear them
Time has come to break the threads
And this is the hand that will tear them
"veritas odium parit " (latin for: Truth causes hate)
No, I won't dance for you anymore
3. Your World / My Prison
Wandering in a desert without water
Walking on a path of sharp stones
Maybe I can see nothing
Or maybe I can see to much
What you call your world is my prison to escape
Just a walk-on on an arid stage
An hazardous simili on a tired earth
Maybe I can see nothing
Or maybe I can see to much
What you call your world is my prison to escape
Here I feel like a creeping eagle
Your world...
My prison
Your world...
My prison to escape
Looking from the edge of endless precipices
Or into the abysses of eternity
Maybe I 'm already dead
And I don't even know that
I've no name
I'm a rusted mirror reflecting nothing
Here I feel like a creeping eagle
Your world...
My prison
Your world...
My prison
Shame on you and on your hollow world
Shame on you and on your worthless world
Goddess of atheists
Or daughter of swearing gods
I'm useless and alone
As a shade among the shades
4. You, Liar