
"Woodsmoke" (2003)
1. The Silvershade Lynx 2. Call Of The Wild 3. By The Healing Waters 4. Otterheart 5. Summer Storm 6. Calmly Passing Monument 7. Renewal 8. Courting 9. A Winternight Visage
1. The Silvershade Lynx
Dying be the fire that keeps you warm
but embers of the heart for the silver one
may kindle again...
eat the distance from
the place of ill memories
2. Call Of The Wild
3. By The Healing Waters
Lead me beside the still waters Let me lie down in the green pastures
Restore my soul And lead me in the path of righteousness
For your name's sake
4. Otterheart
5. Summer Storm
An owl's cry echoes through the woods of old
in the untamed wilds beasts stir
and behold
Dark, heavy clouds in horizon's arms tell of a storm
a slowly waking tempest in the summer's warmth
6. Calmly Passing Monument
An old king sits upon an oaken throne.
His posture noble, regardless of the toll of times.
Now weary, but once a mighty warrior.
Strong by form, just by heart.
He has sailed the myriad seas.
Fought the elements at the barren north.
Life's misfortunes were just new challenges
to experience and to learn from.
In his reign there was no blame,
nor did he evade his duties.
But to rule was never his passion,
though a task he had to honour.
The old king sits upon an oaken throne.
A grin still visible on his weathered face.
When they come to carry him away
to a rest well-deserved
7. Renewal
The roots may be strong,
but morrow yearns for seeds
planted in deep seasoned grounds
nourished by a gleam of determination
grown for sturdy scions
and in time new roots for our heirs
8. Courting
9. A Winternight Visage