
"Nero" (2005 EP)
1. Fury 2. A Fragment of Mind 3. Ripped Away 4. Time to Break 5. Ruins
1. Fury
Just like a castrated whore Ifve fallen down
Goodbye I canft stand myself anymore Tear me down
Yes,Ifm the downright shit The whole lot of them look down on me
The incarnation of hate wonft come apart
No,youfre just the fuckinf bitch Donft look down on me
Gonna sink in the bottomless darkness There isnft a thing in sight
Beyond that point there should be something I see
Something I seec
* (Say!) Where is the root of this fury ?
Something irritates me
(Erase!) The painful self-portrait in my mind
Everything I despise
I donft wanna depend on somebody I only wanna know inside of me
The surging suffering The emotion with patches all overfs changing its
I have to embody the fucked up soul in my weakness
Itfs time to break the seal I never let you have it all your own way
Why canft I find it ? Why ?
Drag sanity out of insanity
Fake is vanity Save wounded purity
2. A Fragment of Mind
Freeze! Fuck you up!
Canft find the theme to be blamed Whatfs the thing you need?
It seems you play around with my feeling
When you hit me, / When you abused me, I was smiling my sorrow away
But donft you think I hold my tongue as I am?
* (Finally!) I bit your hypocrisy
All my hate gradually welled up in my heart
(Already!) You arenft to be pitied
I slit your mouth not to be able to say fuckinf words
Itfs time to break I donft forgive you for entering my place
I hate to lie myself out of truth
Why do you rule me? / Why do you confuse me? Ifm fed up with following
I donft wanna miss timing to be released from you
Get lost!
This time youfre the sacrifice If you die , I feel so nice
Are you ready for suicide? Itfs no use to try to hide
Youfre motherfucker!
No one is all on your side I see when you fall
Realize youfve been dreaming for a long time
You said something / You cried something It didnft matter what happened
to you
We werenft the relation between master and servant
3. Ripped Away
Why do you denounce me as a failure ?
Donft talk knowingly without knowing a thing
Ifve disguised my sorrow with a fake smile
Should I be under your thumb ?
As I have some doubts, my brain goes numb
Beat real emotion down to live easily
I tell myself by force
* You canft see me really to be
Nothing on my face is ripped away
Donft you remember what youfve taken it away ?
Is it fun to irritate me ?
The past time was full of pain And I was uptight
A bold face I put on
I donft know what Ifm gonna do from now on
I lose myself between fears and difficulties
All my faults make me mad
Though I realized what it was meaningless,
I tried to make up for a hole of nothingness
The wound inside my mind has been bleeding
While Ifm doing so, I lose my feeling
Digging up my nature from the closed ego
No one can deny this impulse
4. Time to Break
Freeze! Fuck you up!
Canft find the theme to be blamed Whatfs the thing you need?
It seems you play around with my feeling
When you hit me, / When you abused me, I was smiling my sorrow away
But donft you think I hold my tongue as I am?
* (Finally!) I bit your hypocrisy
All my hate gradually welled up in my heart
(Already!) You arenft to be pitied
I slit your mouth not to be able to say fuckinf words
Itfs time to break I donft forgive you for entering my place
I hate to lie myself out of truth
Why do you rule me? / Why do you confuse me? Ifm fed up with following
I donft wanna miss timing to be released from you
Get lost!
This time youfre the sacrifice If you die , I feel so nice
Are you ready for suicide? Itfs no use to try to hide
Youfre motherfucker!
No one is all on your side I see when you fall
Realize youfve been dreaming for a long time
You said something / You cried something It didnft matter what happened
to you
We werenft the relation between master and servant
5. Ruins