
"For Destroy The Lament" (1995)
1. For Destroy The Lament 2. Oddity 3. Gardens Of Phantasms 4. Szacunek Dla Zmarlego 5. Last Fix 6. Chattles 7. Choreografia 8. Stained-glass Window
1. For Destroy The Lament
2. Oddity
My words and thoughts are going away
Each of them on all slides
My words, these words are going away
Each of them other way
My hands are getting numb
My thoughts are wandering
My words are going away
These words, such strange
With fear. But they're going away
These thoughts, so sinful, beyond my
Control. They're still going away
My eyes lead me to unknown lands
My ears - they hear suppressed sobs
My lips feel damp I don't recognize of
These lips, it's strange, but they go
Away at least.
My eyes lead me. My ears, they hear
My, they feel. These lips, it's strange
Being nearer my best I don't think
This moment is just the most important
Because where life rises from
That life is going by so quickly
I close my eyes.
3. Gardens Of Phantasms
The bridge of despairs - The bridge Of ignorances
Joy as a sadness - Love as a cry
Dead recollections - alive dreams
As gardens of loneliness - as gardens Of phantasms
Closed worlds, empty spaces
Inaccessible walls, shut out time
Queer look, false fear
As a rotting beauty, as a burnt forest
The blind's tears
Being dazzled with enchantment
They saw what's never seen before
They began everything
And they'll finish that all
Then their time will be stopped
They didn't like to believe
They wished to touch
To imagine what is beyond belief
They wished to possess themselves of all
They saw a beauty, a wonderful shine
It dispelled their despair of bygone
Thoughts. They saw what everybody
Wished to see
But then their time will be stopped
Deceiful creatures called a human
Beings. Musty remains of the past life
Endless curiosity
The time that will be never coming back
Recollections have stayed here, dead
Dreams. As gardens of solitude, as
Gardens of phantasms
Captured walls, stopped time
Joy as a sadness, love as tears.
4. Szacunek Dla Zmarlego
Najbardziej to nie lubiê Nieboszczyków
¦mierci finansjery, wielkich Bankierów
Go¶ci co w interesach pohazardowali
Stuprocentowo¶ci± swoj± mêsk±
Nie wierzê...
Le¿y spokojnie blady
Ze z³amaniem w krêgos³upie
Zmówiæ pacierz i mogê zdj±æ t± obr±czkê
Pierwszy raz spojrzeæ prosto w oczy...
Na pogrzebie damy slogan
To jest wreszcie autentyczna tragedia
To jest najgorszy gatunek strachu
Bo to nie wiadomo co w kim siedzi
Czy tak zostanie, czy nie
Nikogo z kabaretu, filmu,
Wyre¿yserowanej sztuki
¯adnych dialogów, monodeklamacji,
Kosztów. ¯adnego plagiatu
Nie ma biedy, brudu, wyra¼nych kolorów
Nic z tych rzeczy. B±d¼my taktowni
Przedstawienie jakby inne
Szum maszyny, patomima
Kolej ¿elazna, s³owa t³uminy. Ca³a
Dramaturgia, logiczna jazda po szynach
Postêp w podk³adach dziury wierci
Czy bêdzie móg³ grzeszyæ po ¶mierci?
5. Last Fix
A convict on the platform, mob's eye
With mourner's cry, world is giving way
Under his foots
Lost in crow's squall
Stout halter
Fat hangman
Linen masks
Souse sutler's face with wine
The soldiery beat the drums
By pack of cards, king passed
"When the drum plays, then a head will
Fall down"
Army marches in dust
And glory, honour and respect, salute
Morning execution, every-day scene
With mourner's cry, with the halter
and Mask
More informally, nearer convict
Nearer the priest with rosary
The soldiery beat the drums
In accordance with thumping rhythm
To love the beautiful and discover it in
And glory, honour and respect, salute
To rouse the mob, king passed Judgement:
"When the drum plays, then a head will
Fall down"
War crimes ain't civilization
Revenge or metamorphosis?
Strategy of the new better time.
6. Chattles
Let door will be ajar
The world is going to pass this way
By the thousands of his odds and ends
What stood on the centre
What stood aside
Faded traced of theirs
Existence of the chattles
The table talk is over
Squeaky voices, all days long
Image and sounds went away
Out of the wooden world
Light scampered away in the darkness
I had dwelt at the house
For so many years
And never observed his death
I get used to her sleep presence
In the bedroom
Nobody keeps the vanishing world
I saw him crossing house threshold
He looked at himself in a mirror
And became the awaited past
To himself, He so wished.
7. Choreografia
Chcê mieæ swoj± rolê w tym seansie
Byæ cz³owiekiem materialnym
Powabem czarnym, bia³ym
Ostatecznie wizualnym
Na tym bruku, bruku nagim
mozajka szara
Miêdzy ko¶cmi kamieni wci¶niêty
¯y³ami. Wszystko spiête
Tylko tañczyæ...
Jak u lalki, pajacyka, ani siê
Schyliæ, komu rêki podaæ
Tylko tañczyæ...
Le¿eæ, warowaæ, pi±æ siê do góry
Tylko tañczyæ...
Wyzwoliæ siê ze wiêzów, oczy¶ciæ
Ze wspomnieñ - Zapomnieæ...
Tylko tañczyæ
Tañczyæ, lawirowaæ...
Potem siê wyzwolê
Potem siê oczyszczê
Potem siê wyzwolê
Potem... Potem...
Chcê mieæ swoj± rolê w tym seansie
Byæ cz³owiekiem materialnym...
Teraz siê wyzwolê
Teraz siê oczyszczê
Teraz siê wyzwolê
Teraz siê wykrzycz
8. Stained-glass Window
Still dully. Rough mercy in touch
Clasped hands of the cradle
Lazily rocking echo of child's cry
Cobweb's fingers catch a tear
Of opened pupil. Dream's feeding
With celluloid flush
Somewhere in narrow frame of silent
Softly, foot, grey cavalcade
Feel quiet, perfect play
Move of moon and grave of actor
The day rises up. Pastel nimbus
Stained-glass window is lighting up
Sun is a shoulders of morning
It rises in dusted mouth
And shines through eyes, through
Sharp, Glass of hair
It's crawling in ancient kaleidoscope
Sign of the end, pleasure of nightmare
Whiteness of hospital's aprons has stayed
Here. Old fashioned rememberance
I fear the Evil Spirit
Alone, I lie on the street
The holy severely steals time
Pastel nimbus.
The wall of stained-glass window
Sun is a shoulders of morning
It rises in dusted mouth
And shines through eyes, through
Sharp, Glass of hair
It's crawling in ancient kaleidoscope
Sign of the end, pleasure of nightmare
Hospital's aprons lie on the bed
I fear the Evil Spirit
Alone, I lie on the street
The holy severely steals time
The cradle, rocking child's cry
Lazily tear of opened pupil
Dull silence in touch
Feeding during inflow of grey
Celluloid figures.