
"Mana" (2004)
1. Nemesis 2. Threefold Law 3. Empress 4. Angel In The Dark 5. The Taker 6. Dies Irae 7. Moriendum Tibi Est 8. From Beneath You It Devours 9. Lucifer 10. Disclosure 11. Beyond Evil 12. Cry
1. Nemesis
Worshipped Goddess
She who distributes
Her day is called Nemesea
2. Threefold Law
Audias attente
Antequam agis meditare
Etenim est lex vetusta
Foedus sagis olim factum
Memento semper legis trium
Ter quod das ad te reveniet
Memento semper legis trium
Tantum acquires quantum merenis!
Listen very carefully!
Think well before thou act!
'Cause there's an ancient law
An olden witches’ pact
Thirteen witches came together
At midnight in a wood
A chalice with wine and their blood
and no difference between evil and good
Audias attente
Antequam agis meditare
Etenim est lex vetusta
Foedus sagis olim factum
Ever mind the rule of three
Three times what thou givest
will return to thee!
Thirteen witches came together
At midnight in a wood
A chalice with wine and their blood
and no difference between evil and good
The witches wrote it down on vellum
'Cause it's important to learn
So everyone could read
"Thee only gets what thou dost earn"
Audias attente
Antequam agis meditare
Etenim est lex vetusta
Foedus sagis olim factum
Ever mind the rule of three
Three times what thou givest
will return to thee!
Ever mind the rule of three
Three times what thou givest
will return to thee!
3. Empress
'Haec damnata imeratrix
Expectat te moriri quandocumque brevi'
Open your eyes and see
she's only a chimera to thee
The celestial thought is only in your mind
this feminine person is an atrocious kind
This doomed empress is waiting for you
to perish anytime soon
Don't look in her enchanting eyes
for thou will swoon
The truth is not elusive
so open your eyes and see
Indulge in earthly thoughts
and life will come to thee
Expose this gruesome lady
Let her be reprimanded by her former Gods!
You're blinded by her diversion
Even though you're a righteous man
Waiting for the enthronement
but that is not her plan
4. Angel In The Dark
A dream so real it takes her back
She's falling into her own past
The present has gone forever
Now she rests upon her bed
and then she cries...
and then she feels...
she feels so sad
Lost in memories
she tries to fade away but fails
The darkness overrules the sky
She keeps on screaming:
"Tell me why!"
When will the light take over
these dark days
And will she ever wake
and know it is all a lie?
Her eyes are closing slowly
The pain increases everyday
She wanted to fight but walked away
and now there's nothing left to say
She used to live, she used to give
She always enjoyed life
The way it was meant
But clouds they came
And played their game
Casting a spell so she'd fade away
But will she stand up to fight
And protect her life
Be what she wanted to be...
An angel in the dark
Her dreams are taking over
The puzzle remains a mystery
But she ought to know by now
it's just imaginary
5. The Taker
'There comes a time
when future becomes past
We all know our lives can't ever last
And when the end is near
there's no time to disappear
The Taker will end your fear'
Judgement day had arrived
When he woke a voice was calling him
He tried to hide but could not move
His eyes were blinded by the morning light
and He spoke:
"Hear me now, listen to Me
The end is near
It's time to vow
and soon you're free from fear
The Holy land, now understand
it's where you have to go
Open your mind, open your eyes
The Taker tells no lies!"
As he tried to move
his body froze, he never realized
A higher power took him by surprise
Told him his life would end
He didn't understand
"What happens to me,
why can't I be free?
Let me be, please
PLease forgive, just let me live
There's no judgement day
Let Your words fade away
and believe me, see mee, hear me, I'm alive!"
6. Dies Irae
Dies irae venit
Effugere non potest
Verba assumpturi puerum vigescunt
Ei crede! Eum vide! Eum audi!
7. Moriendum Tibi Est
'Moriendum tibi est'
Non umbra sum
Deorum autem omen
Nescies evadere vel fugere
Et non iuvaberis
Subterdigereris, peribis, devoraberis!'
8. From Beneath You It Devours
You cannot run, cannot hide
She knows you're there
And fills her veins with your blood
Once you were powerful
and took whatever you wanted
But now she fills her veins with your blood
The magentic centre pulls you close
From beneath you it devours
The fire within is extinguished
while water rinsed your face
The air corrodes your being
so the earth can take your dust
9. Lucifer
'You bred a cesspit of iniquity
(By being malicious)
Don't come too close
'Cause your anger is vicious'
Slowly you will fade away
when you're deserted (by your mind)
You cannot be when I am
'Cause I'm the stronger kind
Look at the cerulean glow
(The colour of the soul and protection)
It is no use for you to seek
(You'll only find rejection)
'To redeem us from your devilry
You have to swoon
You cannot emulate me
So you will fade away soon'
You cannot be when I am
'Cause I'm the stronger kind
10. Disclosure
The hearse left five minutes ago
Leaving you with me
The flowers spelled out my name
While you passed me
Against my will I'm crying
Although the pain feels more like hate
While holding a hand
I'm looking at the ground
Frailty, Cancer
But not as the sign of a zodiac
When you openend the door
I turned my back
Now you're waiting
'Til I forgive you
And I won't
11. Beyond Evil
You entered a coven
by pretending and talking sweet
But the only things you're after
are betrayal and deceit!
You contact beings on the other side
and use their enormous power
No human being without perfect trust
is able to embower
When the westwind blows over thee
departed spirits restless be
A rule you never learned to love
is live and let live
Another you're not capable of
is fairly take and fairly give
You ignored the wiccan law
and bound an evil spell
That is why you cannot be found
A dark forest is where you dwell
12. Cry
I cannot go on without you
But I know you'll stay on my mind
I cry
I still cry
Cry for you
my love
You won't return
But I miss you still
So I cry
I still cry
Cry for you
my love...