
"Little dreamer" (1988)
1. Ho pianto 2. Don't forget 3. Love and blood will come 4. I'll do it tonite 5. Little dreamer 6. My days 7. Death is around 8. Il giorno del sole 9. Serenita' di un attimo
1. Ho pianto
Io a fissare un cielo silenzioso
ecolmo di verita`
una cicatrice e` scolpita nel nulla
i miei giochi immobili
su di una luce irreale
Ho pianto, si ho pianto
Nella polvere dei sentimenti schiacciati
nell'odio e nella rabbia piu` ciechi
ho sentito i nervi spezzarsi
in un colpo impotente
i pensieri divenire incubi
Ho pianto, si ho pianto
In un angolo di questo gioco
ho nascosto tutto cio` che provavo
Poi ho alzato lo sguardo
offuscato dalle lacrime
la notte si era spenta
e un nuovo giorno iniziava
Ho tremato incerto ed eccitato
le lacrime sul volto stanco.
2. Don't forget
You see, many years have gone
and I'm kinda tired of talking
about these things again
you'll be surely tired of it
but let me tell you
few more things
for the very last time
It's about the way we live
it's concernin what we think
main values have gone to dust
but opening our views will never mean to me
to forget about my morals
nevr forget about my morals
This is not a boring preach,
not a tired rethoric
I'm here only to say:
I wanna be aware once again
my dreams could be never attended
but my heart is still on the edge
my mind will never forget.
We all refused certain rules
and the beginning was great
so now I just say:
Keep on stickin at your own law
don't accept any looser game
it's harder now yes I know
but we'll meet once again
in another clean sea
Don't forget.
Now it's just up to you and me.
Don't forget.
Our heads, our hearts, our hands
are gonna be the right place for a revolution
Do not forget. Don't forget.
3. Love and blood will come
Children are comin out of their graves
they didn't live enough
they're comin out to tell you their truth
they're comin out to ask you why
and you'll be scared, scared to death
You cannot have tears
you have no tears
you just got money and houses
they will kill you with no mercy
Invisible cars are drivin'em down
thru' the valley, a nowhere land now
But they know where to go
there's a sweet baby child
up on the 'sun' mountain
she's waitin for them since years
they'll come up again all the way
to tell her something
She's gonna be one of them
she's always been like that
Now she's cryin, she did it for years
(waitin for them)
They will see her and they will kiss her
sweetly, unreal feeling, invisible touch
They will just say to her:
we don't want to see you cry
stand up and follow us
sweet baby child
our revenge has just begun
(we) don't want to see you cry
Love and blood will come.
4. I'll do it tonite
I'm cutting now my thoughts as...
...keywordsare openin doors
of mechanical feeling
this is just a matter
of what you got inside
I want you to tell me
about it, about you,
I'll listen tonite
I'll listen pure sound of words
from your mouth
I'll give you open doors
just tell me about you
I'll reflect your words
in my heart
I'll do it tonite.
5. Little dreamer
"Ya know there's something
I've to say from the start,
this is about a little child
we all got inside,
he's helpin us to dream and play,
keep him alive means our lives"
Little dreamer, little dreamer
oh baby, please don't cry
smile and laugh at things around you
I'll feed you with hope and dreams
I'll give you all my innocence
little dreamer, oh little dreamer
Dreams of better days
dreams of no pain at all
this is not unreal
this is about my life
I'll have to keep excitement and strenght
I'll have to keep my child alive
that child is inside me
that child is me
I would be dead too soon
and I still wanna get
my dreams and hopes
I'll call you friend
and we'll keep on doin
we'll keep on playin
'till we keep on livin'
Take care of you little dreamer
take care of me little dreamer.
6. My days
I got memories
and I'm still looking for the truth
nothing can kill the heart,
another scream, another laugh
we feel like thru' changes...Tomorrow,
tomorrow will be a great day
yeah, I can feel it in my blood
I can see it in your eyes
tomorrow will be a great day
they're comin'
My days...
They started from nothing
impressed by hate
brought by a wild rage
of the deepest pain
It's a warm night
under a trapped sky
my body's sweatin'
eyes around me
a sweet smile n your face....Today,
today is a great day
yeah, I know where to go
just followin our souls
today is a great day
it's here, they're here
My days
It's a state of mind
no way out, no easy lies
just dreams of child and
my fuckin life
True emotions for me and you
anguish is banned, this is
the beginning of joy.
7. Death is around
Death is around, death is around
one more night to suffer and die
one more 'bad new' about a friend
endin up his life
don't go, please don't die
it's goin around so fast
I just can't believe
it comes so close
Circle of fear, sentence of death
one more night to suffer and die
sweet old days we were together
double image of a friend I've loved
at least I hope there will be
a place for his soul
as a part of him
will live in my heart
Circle of fear, sentence of death
one more night to suffer and die
But I can be next
and I'm gonna be afraid
'cuz death is around
someone will feel the same as me now
an' I hope you all will keep
a sweet part of me in your hearts
(Love; death is around)
8. Il giorno del sole
Il giorno del sole e` vicino
il giorno in cui il sole splende
come tu hai sempre voluto
Questo e` solo un miraggio
ma noi siamo qui legati
dobbiamo ancora strisciare nel fango
nella terra impregnata
di emozioni fortemente volute
nell'acqua limpida
delle sensazioni sincere
ma pagate col prezzo del dolore;
quello che ci rimane
e` la tristezza del tramonto
serena tristezza
di giorni vissuti e sofferti
nel limbo delle emozioni piu` forti
La nostra speranza vede il giorno del sole
facile per gli ingenui
impossibile per gli ipocriti
l'unica nostra forza e` la sincerita`
il nostro giorno del sole
splendera` di energia
fin dall'alba
e il tramonto vivra`
dei nostri sorrisi
sui volti scavati dal pianto.
9. Serenita' di un attimo