
"Fix" (1999)
1. Spitting Teeth 2. Goatasswholeface 3. Hatelife 4. Godless 5. Coming Down 6. Fix 7. Burden 8. Blood Of Mine
1. Spitting Teeth
Stabbed in the back I fell to my knees screaming rage
Just when see the light, the light just turns to hate
I've heard some shit before
Some things will never change
You wish you only knew just what I'm capable of
I'm lost in lifes confusion
I thought you could be trusted
I've seen some shit before
But nothing quite like this
For your sake ask forgiveness
You're going to need it soon
Deciever, liar, bleeder
Punk bitch live life on your knees
Fist meets face, spitting teeth, I long to punish thee
Eye for an eye I'd rather die that get caught up with you
The time has come to learn where I'm from and I pity you
2. Goatasswholeface
Spit in my face but you're never going to stop me
I've seen the likes of your kind one to many times
A sad excuse for human life
A bullet in my head is the only way to stop me
Eat this curb and everything you've done to me
A sad excuse for human life
My foot in the back of you head
My blood is cold and running deep like a machine
Crush those below and the bottom on which they feed
Just step aside cant break this stride
The way I see the the view from the bottom must hurt internally
3. Hatelife
Learned to fly on my own
On this filth ridden planet, roam
Hate of life
Hate to give
Hate to hate
Hate to live
Life is time
All is good
Better than you wish I was
Why ask why suicide is always on a worthless mind
4. Godless
How precious your time can be when you are all alone
Sickening pride, swallow the first I feed you
You only live for so long, do whatever the hell you want to
Defy the herd mentality, be the master of your own life
Who were you thinking of? Not me.
A godless creation
A supposed Christian
Making your religion look bad
You're lying to the world
Sickening pride, Force fed the first I feed you
5. Coming Down
Why does it seem that everything is coming down around me?
Why does it seem that I'm the one, the prick, the fool.
Some people like to bite off more than they can chew
Some people just don't like the truth
Suddenly I found myself not knowing what to believe.
Repeat the words you've said before.
Repeat them just so you can see.
Everything's a blur and I don't know where I've been for days.
Excuse for action, a slip of mind I won't next time.
And as you feed the same machine more lies I'm growing stronger every day.
Suddenly I found myself dripping sweat and screaming pain.
Taste the failure on my tounge.
Born imbedded deep in me.
Now I guess I've learned one thing, turn my back on all of you.
You weren't even worth the time in the first place.
Coming Down.
6. Fix
See life in a different light
One from a darkened room
A twisted maze through my demise
Head first I take the plunge into oblivion
The smile of death will grace my face
Syringe into the skin
Face to the dirt I smile
The taste of piss and puke is vile
Head in hands I walk the mile
The last one I'll ever see
Follow the path I've made for me
Black veins - Tooth rot
Thick film over my skin
Bad day - Worse life
Left less than than one ounce of human existance
That's life, that's how it is, the way it's got to be
If you would only look and take the time I'm sure you'd see
7. Burden
All Gods children want to see me die
Never chose to understand the reasons why
Inside my life I see mine as something as I despise
Inside my life I feel fine
Its only time when God says so
No one tells me where to go
Its my own time I'll tell you what I want to be
Understated if you think you can fuck with me so easily
This time I came and I dont intend to leave without what I've worked so hard to achieve
Downed from life its suicide
Endless pain from every side
Pain is my gian
Pain is my game
8. Blood Of Mine