
"Notes of Inhumanitas" (2006)
1. Intro - Symphony 666 2. Cursed emotions 3. Rain of blood 4. Fog over black lands 5. Beauthiful death 6. The mysteries of elements 7. Apocalypse dawn 8. The depth of subconsciousness 9. My black dolour 10. Awakening of the dead 11. Dead march 12. Diabolic winter 13. In the dead sleep (В мёртвом сне) 14. From ancient to nowhere 15. From light to the darkness 16. Outro - Notes of Inhumanitas
1. Intro - Symphony 666
2. Cursed emotions
3. Rain of blood
All riders of the hell, raise your swords and fight!
Rain of blood above the Earth, that's the work of ours
That's armageddon.
When the dragons rising from their hide beyond,
Demons are awakening to find The One to serve.
All the myths come back to reality
The prophecy comes true
The new millenium brings back
All the laws and rules of the beasts
All the life of the ones on the throne
Is no more than a mask
Armies under their control
Have no chance against demon's mind
We will reverse line of time,
Ideas turn on their head
Guards of hell will come to the ground
Cause hell incarnated in here
Blood of slaves of the gods
That never existed before
Will be poured over the states
And this night will last evermore
This eternal storm
Comes to collect all the souls
That can only refer to their god and their faith
That can only crawl in their holes
The humans' suffer, their happyness make me disgust all those fools
Without any prompt we have to change everything
We, the Ones, we - apostols of the apocalypse
Will become the last stage, the one that will never be passed
4. Fog over black lands
5. Beauthiful death
You're lying on your back,
You only see your grave -
Dismembered blackened sky
With vapours of your flesh.
Remembered as a razor,
Cut open thousands throats
Is walking through the coridors
And chinks of other worlds.
Envoys of night were spinning
Around with bloody blades
The butchers of stagnation
Your crew before the death
The lightnings shocking public
Are dansing all around
They're burning all serenity
And crashing all compound
6. The mysteries of elements
7. Apocalypse dawn
Flight over world that never was
Distanses and sizes under power of distort
The world was never stretching in the way like this before
The dawning of apokalypse brings up the humans' gore
Chimeras, dragons come form dark, they never bring the light
They came to crumble up the day, and lead us to the night
We are the tanks, artillery of atrocities of hell
Submitting to the disciplines that darkness was to tell
Between the angels dancing, the fallen ones can rise
To be inside apokalypse, to build the paradise
8. The depth of subconsciousness
9. My black dolour
From the depth of subconsiosness
The arrows of pain strike my soul
The only, the deepest emotions, sorrow and hate
Are the ones that form my mind, are the ones to dominate
No longer a human fighting for life
Starring through the depth of my eyes makes me feel that I'm never alive
The loss of the soil under feet comes like a wave of dolour
Showing the weakness and pride of your soul, waiting for changes or fall
Neverending remains of my sorrow - nails in inhumanous wood
They summon all purposes and fantasies and destroy all the remnants of mood
I am running through times of no future keeping a bottle of wine
I exist in the world of nonsense, illusions, exist in the black world of mine
10. Awakening of the dead
11. Dead march
(Real choir)
The front of church is the lid of coffin
You're wearing a cross up on your chest
You are nothing, you're already dead
Your home is your hole, your room is a grave
You're buried alive by the one who must save
All those who believe in heaven and other shit
This is your dead march
All you life is the big god's joke
You're a pawn when I'm a queen
My mind consist of
The scenes you have never seen
(Choir again)
12. Diabolic winter
13. In the dead sleep (В мёртвом сне)
Ïî ãðàíèöå ðàçäåëèâøèõñÿ ìèðîâ
Ìû äâèæåìñÿ åäèíû, çäåñü íåò ó íàñ âðàãîâ.
Âíèêàÿ â æèçíè êàæäûé ìèã, ñòðåìÿñü åãî çàìåäëèòü,
Ìû ëîâèì ñîáñòâåííûå ñíû æåëàíèåì â íèõ ïîâåðèòü.
Ìû âèäèì ñòðàøíûå ñóäû, ìû âèäèì âîéíû, ñóäüáû ìàññ
Ìû âèäèì òåõ, êòî, êàê è ìû, âî èìÿ Ìðàêà äóøó ñïàñ.
Ìû âèäèì êíÿçåé è öàðåé, êòî íàì íè ñëîâà ãîâîðÿò,
Êòî âçÿâ êðîâàâîå ïåðî, ñâîþ èñòîðèþ òâîðÿò.
Èõ òëåííûé ïàäøèé ìèð, îí äâèæåòñÿ ê çàáâåíèþ,
Íå îñòàíîâèøü òû åãî ïðîêëÿòîå äâèæåíèå.
È êàê êîãäà-òî ìèð ëþäñêîé ðîæä¸ííûì áûë â îãíå,
 îãîíü èçáèòûì è âåðí¸òñÿ â ì¸ðòâîì ìðà÷íîì ñíå.
È õîäèì ìû ïîä íåáîì, íå çàìå÷àÿ çâ¸çä,
Êàê áóäòî ÷òî-òî ñèëîþ ñ ñîáîþ íàñ çîâ¸ò.
Ìû ñëåïî äâèæåìñÿ âïåðåä, íå çíàÿ, ãäå îòâåòû.
Çàãàäêè òàèí áûòèÿ ïî ñîòíå ðàç ïðîïåòû.
Íå îïàñàÿñü ñòðàõà, ñêâîçü âñå ïðåãðàäû ìû
Ïðîêëàäûâàåì òðîïû, ñæèãàåì âñå êðåñòû!
Ðàçâåÿñü ñìðàäíûì âåòðîì ïî ñ¸ëàì, ãîðîäàì,
Ìû ñååì â äóøè ñóìðàê, è çëîáó ê áîæåñòâàì.
Ôàòàëåí òîò èñõîä, ÷òî æä¸ò âñþ ÷åëîâå÷íîñòü
Ïîäãðÿçøèå âî âðàêå äà îòâåòÿò çà áåñïå÷íîñòü!
 óíè÷òîæåíèè ñåáÿ îíè íå çíàëè ìåðû,
Íî è íå èì âåäü îòìå÷àòü íà÷àëî íîâîé ýðû!
Èõ âå÷íûé, áðåííûé, ì¸ðòâûé ñîí, êîòîðûé ñòàë î÷àãîì,
Åãî óæå íå ïðîáóäèòü, åãî íèêàê íå èñòðåáèòü,
Îí â èãðû õî÷åò ïîèãðàòü è ñ íàøèìè óìàìè,
Íî ñ íàìè ñèëà ðàçóìà è íàì íå áûòü ðàáàìè...
14. From ancient to nowhere
15. From light to the darkness
When the course of life in the light
Is obstructed with barrier pile
Any path is filled up with impassable stones
With the stones of the humanous weak
Something dark arrives as a guide
And leads you through forests of dreams
Where you take back your mind and your soul
That were lost in the mazes of false
The riots of meaningless violence
Went in the past with the fear
The noise is replaced with the silence,
The silence that cannot be heared
The noise is replaced with the silence,
The silence that cannot be heared
When the blood fills your eyes
And you lose all control
On your powers and hate
In seclusion
You're becoming a beast,
Like the passionate fire
That burns all around and laughs...
16. Outro - Notes of Inhumanitas